
Sunday, May 06, 2007


Thank you to all that participated in the Book Giveaway for Lori Wick's "Every Storm", just a reminder of the book for everyone:

1945, WWII—When Lieutenant Donovan Riggs experiences trouble with his PT boat, the sailors of Every Storm make an unscheduled stop...and a surprising discovery.

Lorraine Archer is an American teacher living and working in Australia. While on a flight with her sister, her daydreams are disrupted by the sounds of the plane going down. Lorri ends up alone on a deserted island in the Pacific. And just when she loses all hope of being found...Donovan and his crew arrive.

Neither Donovan nor Lorri suspect that their encounter is the beginning of something very certain...a future not left to chance, but to faith.

So this morning, I printed out everyone's name and then put it in this little bowl,

I then asked the kids to pull out a name each, YES, you read that right, TWO NAMES because guess what?!?!? I have 2 copies of the book to give away.

The 2 names they pulled out were:

Lorie at Creating Memories for a Lifetime and Sherry at A Bibliomane Amidst Butterflies. - Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Videos, MySpace layouts

I just need you ladies to send me an email with your address etc, you can find my addy on the sidebar, as soon as I get your info I will mail the books out.

Again thank you to all who participated, I will have another book giveaway soon.


  1. Cool! Congratulations to Lorie and Sherry, I bet they will love it :)

    You're so very sweet to do this Sandra! Have a wonderful day :)

  2. Yay! They will love reading it I'm sure! Sweet of you to do!

  3. YAY! I am so excited! Especially after hearing how much you love Lori Wick books! I can't wait to read this one :)

    Thank you! I'll be sending you my address shortly!


  4. That's great. Congratulations to both of them.

  5. Hiya Sandra,
    Firstly Congratulations on getting your green card. It was a long time coming, and I know how desperately you wanted it. Maybe we'll get to see you sooner, now that your ducks are all lining up in a row... Am halfway through "Can't Wait to Get to Heaven" Isn't it hysterical? I'm on leave from tomorrow until the 25th, am so looking forward to reading it in one go, instead of in dribs and drabs. Take care and God bless. I'll visit when I get back to work...

  6. Hello!
    Congrats on the news about INS! SOO happy for you!!! I'm glad I had the time today to return to your blog. Missed you.

    Emily Bari


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
