
Monday, May 07, 2007

What a weekend!!!

Saturday afternoon Jasmine had a birthday party at the Bowling Alley for one of her classmates. We took her and since we were already there, Curt, Nicholas and I decided to stay for lunch and a game of bowling.

Everything was going great, Jasmine and her friends were just a few lanes down from us with the boy's parents etc.

I was messing around with my camera because you know Nicholas loves bowling BEFORE we get there and then suddenly he has no patience for it and wants to go's like this EVERYTIME we go. I snapped some pictures of him to share with you all,

Nothing like candid photos is there???

We're all sitting there having fun and bowling and the next thing we hear a blood curling scream from one of the kids, the ACTUAL birthday boy. He was getting ready to bowl, had his fingers in the ball, went to throw it, slipped and fell....because he was holding the ball it ripped his index finger nail right off. When I tell you there was blood, I mean THERE WAS BLOOD everywhere. Instantly I jumped up and ran to the kids, Bryce and his parents had run into the bathroom and the rest of the kids were left there in shock and some of them in tears with all the blood around them. Me and the other 3 moms proceeded to clean up the blood and calm the kids down.

Bryce went straight to the ER and didn't come back to the party. The mom stayed with the kids and let them eat and have some cake then left quickly to meet her husband and son.

WHAT A WAY to celebrate your birthday. We felt awful for poor Bryce and the parents....I swear nothing like this happening to make you go into the full mommy mode, "Nicholas, Jasmine, now do you understand why we're always telling you to be careful with the bowling balls?"........."I know mommy"....."Yes but do you really understand?" LOL

On Saturday I got home and found a package in my mailbox, it said Author's Gift and it instantly peeked my curiosity. You would NOT believe what I found inside. You all know Karon Phillips Goodman don't you, and if you don't you have no idea what you're missing. She is the author of wonderful christian books like "You're Late Again Lord: An Impatient Woman's Guide to God's Timing" and "Grab a Broom Lord: There's Dust Everywhere".

Inside was her new book called "Pursued by the Shepherd".

At one time or another, most of us have tried to find our way by ourselves. Like sheep that wander away from the shepherd, we wind up in undesirable pastures and in need of rescue.

Whether misguided by mistakes, lost in muddled priorities, or alone in denial, we all need encouragement, understanding, and guidance on reuniting with God. Though we don't always follow, the Lord waits patiently for us to answer His call. He will come after us every time, and the reunion leaves us forever changed.

If you have wandered, you can rest assured that God, in His grace, mercy, faithfulness, and unfailing love, will find you. If you're feeling weary, know that you can have a renewed sense of purpose, energy, and devotion. Karon Phillips Goodman reveals why you are never so lost that you won't be Pursued by the Shepherd. Each chapter includes questions for personal reflection or group study.

I'm thrilled and I'm so eager to start this book, I only have a few pages left on my Fannie Flagg book and then I'm moving on to Karon's book, I'll let you all know how I like it but I'm sure I'll love it, she has this way of writing that really gets you hooked, it's like being in an actual conversation with her.....AND she's hilarious, she says exactly what a lot of us are thinking :)

As usual there is a hodgepodge of things in my post, I honestly couldn't stick to one single topic if I tried LOL

I have a couple of things going on this week, lots of stuff to get ready for our move which is only 2 months away YIKES. I wish I could just sleep through it all LOL

BTW I'm sure you've noticed the music playing right now, I'm Sandra and I am an 80'scoholic, I don't think there will ever be music, tv shows, games and movies etc. like there was in the 80's. Don't hide though because I know that there are tons of you right now bopping your heads up and down or with your little feet tapping all happily away to the sound of Bananarama and Erasure. YOU there in the corner and YOU hiding behind the monitor....don't think I can't see you. LOL

My menu for this week is up and I am trying a few new recipes like Asian Beef Wraps and Cheese and Turkey Stromboli, the recipes will be up on my food blog later, but for now you can go by and check out my Menu Plan Monday.

I've decided to go back to Healthy Sandra, I have just been pigging out and I'm surprised my refrigerator doesn't OINK at me everytime I open the door. Seriously, why do I fill my body with so much crap??? Do I really need to snack on chips at 9pm??? Do I have to eat a bowl of ice cream with whipped cream and butterscotch topping??? (but it's SO good though) I've decided enough is enough, I'm going back to SparkPeople and loosing weight, I just HAVE to do it, no if's or and's about it. Wish me Luck, I need it badly LOL

Anyway I'm out of here, I leave you with my plans for today, hope you're all having a great monday. God Bless,

Image credit: GettyImages

For dinner tonight I'm fixing Cheesy Turkey Stromboli, it's a new recipe so I'll let you know if we liked it.

Image credit: GettyImages

Dancing with the Stars - *New* - ABC 7pm
Eighth-round competition includes a ballroom dance and a Latin dance from each couple.

Little People Big World - *New* - TLC 9pm
Matt turns his barn into a "Men's Crisis Center" where he can hang out with his boys, but as he's cleaning up, he discovers his childhood diary and decides to show his daughter the meaning of their farm.

Little People Big World - *New* - TLC 9:30pm
Matt schemes to raise money by having soil dumped at the farm, but the caravan of trucks drives Amy crazy.

Image credit: GettyImages

Steam Cleaning Carpets (darn kids and their juice pouches)
Social Security Application
Mail off for kids new birth certificates
Book TLF for here and Arizona
Pick up more boxes for move


  1. The pictures of Nicholas were so cute!! :-) But oh my goodness, what a horrific accident for the birthday boy. I sure hope he is doing OK...

    Yes, I LOVE the music. I can see why I always like the current music you pick for your blog, because I think we must have liked the exact same music back in the day. Did you also think these guys from A-ha were the cutest ever?! :-) And I had that Erasure Wonderland tape, I think it was their first, and I played it till it literally wore out and didn't play anymore. :-) Ah, I will have these songs in my head all day, which is not a bad thing!! :-)

  2. OUCH! Poor Bryce!! I hope his fingernail grows back ok!!
    I love the Sting song, "Fields of Gold" that I hear. :0)

  3. Oh Poor bday boy. I hope he is better now.

    Have fun reading your new books!
    (I posted about your other site on my blog yesterday! -Full Bellies Happy Kids-)


  4. Just love your site! I love 80's music, too. Will visit again!

  5. That poor little one's finger! I hope his finger gets better really quick.

    Talking of healthy food, we've just had a huuuuge fry-up: sausages, fried bread, fried mushrooms, black pudding, bacon, hash browns...MMMMM. SO FULL though.

    Anyway must away to wash the kids.

    Hugs n' love

    Oh yes, that book sounds just what i need to read right now! I'll have to check it out.

  6. That poor birthday boy. Not much of a fun party for him. And my heart just went out to the mom who stayed behind. I don't know how she did that.

    These two months before moving will go very quickly. It'll be here before you know it.

    How cool that you got a book sent to you! Now how'd you do that? :v)

  7. LOL! Sooo glad my girls are GROWN! Poor boy. Oh...that family (what we're watching)? Look like the Osmonds or something! Very good post! Wish my brain could store info like peters out after 2 or 3 paragraphs ... ??? Have a great day!

  8. Poor Bryce...I sure hope is finger is doing alright.

    Love the pics of Nicholas.

    What does TLF stand for?

    Oh, congrats on becoming a resident!!!!

    2 months and you'll be in Arizona! Are you excited? Have you decided about Jasmine's education yet? I'm praying for you guys.

    lots of luv,


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
