
Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Image credit: Moonlight & Roses

I shouldn't even be on the computer because I'm spending time with the family BUT I could not just stay away and not come in to wish my Mom, Stepmom and Grandmothers as well as SIL's and MIL AND my bloggy Mom friends, a wonderful wonderful wonderful Happy Mother's Day.


space "M" is for the million things she gave me,
space "O" means only that she's growing old,
space "T" is for the tears she shed to save me,
space "H" is for her heart of purest gold;
space "E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,

"R" means right, and right she'll always be,
Put them all together, they spell
A word that means the world to me.

Howard Johnson (c. 1915)

Every single one of you have touched my life in one way or another, and I do mean everyone, even the bloggy friends that I have never met personally.

You bring a smile to my face everyday and you've been there with me through the ups and downs, the laughs and the joys of being a mom, but I know that we all have one thing in common, no matter how tough things may get and no matter how many days we have where the only thing we want to do is pull our hair out and run for the hills, WE WOULDN'T TRADE IT FOR ANYTHING IN THE WORLD.

So I hope each and every one of you have a blessed and wonderful Mother's Day....hope you're

sleeping in and being brought breakfast in bed, getting tons of hugs and kisses and handmade cards and pictures from your little ones (or big ones)....and most of all I hope you know how special you all are!!!

Curt and the kids fixed breakfast for me this morning and then Curt and I got to sit at the kitchen table, sipping coffee and playing a game of cards.....PERFECT!

Curt then presented me with tons of jewellery, I got a tennis diamond bracelet and a matching diamond mom necklace, a Tiffany Style Heart Necklace and matching bracelet (like the one Jennifer Aniston wore on Friends)

A rope chain necklace and diamond earrings.....yeah, I couldn't believe how many beautiful pieces I got. Isn't he just a wonderful husband?

Jasmine showered me with handmade gifts she had been working on for weeks, literally, I'm not joking :) She gave me crafts made at school and things she put together on her own....needless to say I had a good cry.

Nicholas gave me the biggest hug on earth when he saw me this morning and without any coaxing from anyone, said "Happy Momma's Day".....then he broke my heart, not in a bad way, but when everyone started talking about gifts, he started bawling because he hadn't bought me anything. Is there anything more heartbreaking than that??? WE got to hug for a long time while he cried about "I didn't get anything for you", so daddy told him he'll take him to the store this afternoon and he can pick whatever he wants to give mommy....his reply "LOTS of big candy"...THAT'S MY BOY! LOL

So I'm spending my day watching movies, reading books and doing whatever I want to, yes it's MY day and I've earned it, I've worked hard for 363 days out of the year just to have this one day for myself, to be the boss, to let my hair down and eat extra cookies if I want to....*sigh*

I'm going to leave you with some pictures I took yesterday afternoon when we went for a drive, we just jumped in the car and drove, sometimes it feels great to do that, no time restraints, no rushing to be somewhere or worries about things left hanging while we drive....try it sometime, you'll be surprised at how much fun it is and how good for the soul.

Have a great day!

Get Your Own!


  1. HOpe you have a wonderful day Sandra and what lovely gifts!! English mothers day is in March.

    I've tagged you to do a meme.


  2. Wow, you were really showered with gifts. Happy Mother's Day!

  3. That's a pretty nice batch of gifts! Lucky you. I'm glad you had such a nice day!! We did too.

  4. Hi Sandra! I am tagging you for the "8 random facts about myself" meme .. come on over for a peek at how to post it! ;).

  5. What a thoughtful husband you have! I think yours and mine think alike--(see my blog for my gift). What a sweetie son you have. There is nothing more precious to me than watching the anticipation in my little guy's eyes as I open the gifts they give me. It is truly a wonderful thing to be be so loved, isn't it?! :) Happy Mother's Day to you.

  6. I'm very happy when I read that you have or do things that leaves you happy, I can see that you are very happy, thanks God.I went to church, that had lunch as usual(I ate some prawns) went to my Mom's house and come home and stay with my son and step-son Miguel and the wives, kids, etc.I went to Paulo's house to fetch some more things and that's it.
    Love and kisses and God still bless you all.

  7. Sounds like a wonderful day, and a beautiful bracelet.

  8. Wow, all that bling at one time!!!! I am excited for you!!! I have loved that heart bracelet/ necklace set ever since Elle Woods wore them on Legally Blonde. And who wouldn't LOVE a tennis bracelet. And of course, nothing beats those sweet homemade gifts from the babies :-) Glad you had a nice day, and I loved the pictures, too!!

  9. Sounds like you had a wonderful Mothers Day! I fun for your husband and kids to make breakfast.

    I also like jewelry too. Your bracelet is very pretty.

    I loved your slide show. Pretty pictures.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
