
Friday, May 11, 2007

Wow it's hot today!

I took this photo on the way to Strike Dam last summer, love the sunflowers

We're actually going to be in the 90's today and I am assuming this weekend too, hence the pool being filled with water as we speak.

I am lucky because I tan easily so right now my hubby and kids are all jealous of me, they were commenting on how dark I already look just from walking to school every afternoon to pick Jasmine up, and it's great, but the only thing I hate are the marks left on my feet by the flipflops LOL
It's so funny because if I walk around barefoot it looks like I am wearing white flipflops, the little line is so prominent you can't help but see it.

So yesterday afternoon when we got home from school, Curt was already here and ready to go to the park with the kids, I usually stay home so that I can get stuff done in peace and quiet and without having to continually clean up after know what it's like, you pick something up and before you know it's back out and a mess.

It was so hot and so nice outside though that I decided to go along, it was fun, I got to swing, something which I haven't done in years and I truly enjoy. Nothing like sitting in that swing pumping your legs and going higher and higher, you close your eyes and imagine you're 5 years old again just out enjoying a summer afternoon. It is very healing spiritually, all the stresses and the worries seem to melt when you're out in the sun.

We got back home and we were all tired and hot and starving so I had to make something fast, I decided to go with the Asian Beef Wraps and OH.MY.GOODNESS. They were absolutely delicious, Curt actually took some to work today for lunch, that's how much he enjoyed them. Not only are they quick and easy to make, they're light, they're healthy and they're so yummy, really, give them a try you won't be disappointed :)

While you're there check out my "Favorite Ingredients Friday" I'm sharing some picnic recipes.

Now switching gears to books, I finally finished my Fannie Flagg book and LOVED it, actually that doesn't even come close to how much I enjoyed this book, Ms Flagg is now one of my favorite authors.

I just started Pursued by the Shepherd by Karon Phillips Goodman, it's amazing, it's just what I needed at this point in time of my life and it brought tears to my eyes. Here's the great part, I am going to be giving away a copy of this book next week on my blog....I'll have the details for the contest up on monday so if you're interested and think this is a book you would enjoy (I think every woman would benefit from reading this one), check back next week.

Misguided by mistakes, muddled about priorities, alone in denial . . . life is forever found wanting until we're found by God! Exploring how women may lose their way, Goodman reveals that we can never stray so far that the Shepherd stops seeking us. Gain forgiveness for wrong paths---and guidance back to the Lord of green pastures.

Just below you can find my "Show and Tell" post, if you want to play along go on over to Kelli's blog and add your name to Mr Linky.

I'm leaving you with a look at my day, God Bless,

Image credit: GettyImages

For dinner tonight I'm making Crisp and Creamy Baked Chicken (the recipe will be up later on my food blog) with Garlic Mashed Potatoes.

Image credit: GettyImages

Most Haunted - Travel Channel 11pm
Castle Keep; Newcastle

Image credit: GettyImages

Changing Bed Linens
Getting Pool set up
Prepare for Yard Sale next week


  1. Yummy, those Asian wraps look yummy. I'm going to have to try them.
    I hope I can figure out how to find the recipe on your site.

    I also love the photo at the top. It is beautiful.

  2. You are so lucky to tan easily!! On that field trip yesterday I got the usual burn I always get the first time I spend all day in the sun (I live in NM) So now I look like a candy cane!! I have the flip flop foot tan too, though!! :-)

  3. First of all, I got the Lori Wick book in the mail today! Thank you so much!!! I cannot wait to read it! When I finish the three or five or whatever books I am reading now, it is next! :D

    I love the sunflower picture! Nothing makes me more in awe than a field full of flowers!

    I've been thinknig about reading a Fanny Flagg book for a long time, but never have. I will have to check that series out!

    And I am jealous of your tanning ability as well! I am a burn/peel/light gold tan kinda gal. So is my youngest. My oldest burns and peels only. My son, he's got the dark gene like you! Always a nice, rich brown.

    Have a great weekend hon!

    ps I am SO going to have to remember those Asian beef wraps when I go shopping next week!


  4. MMMMM, those Asian Beef Wraps sound really yummy!!! I've already bookmarked them for a recipe to try!

    I'm glad you decided to go to the park. Sometimes, you just need to take that time out to rest and as you realized, the Lord blessed you and covered you over with His peace and refreshed your soul!

  5. Hi Sandra! I'm stopping by to wish you a wonderful Mother's day!

  6. Hi Sandra, Here are Happy Mothers Day wishes to you. Have a great day tomorrow and enjoy the heat and sun. We have actually had a nice sunny day here in Kitimat, b.c. Canada. We had our Cancer Relay for a Friend Walk today I will let you know how much our little town raised later. Remember use lots of sun screen ok. Have a great day tomorrow. Sue H.

  7. Did I tell you that I enjoy reading your blog so much. I plan on making my own blog one of these days. I have friends here that can help me I just don't know what to call it or what to write etc. Do you remember me telling you about my daughters friends who are moving to Port Elizabeth South Africa, well they are spending a month in Paris first then on to Africa. they called my daughter today and the boys are still sad about leaving their friends and it makes my daughter sad as her boys were so close. Oh well I'm rambling must run I plan on making your chicken cattichore (sp) recipie. Take care Sue H.

  8. Just stopping by to wish you a very Happy Mother's Day!!! I hope you have a great one, Sandra!! :-)


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