
Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I survived my first Field Trip!

Don't laugh, but, this was my first field trip as a mom, yes, Jasmine went off this morning with her school and I sat at home worried and even found myself biting a nail......Pffftttt. I can NOT believe I was biting a nail....see what motherhood does to you?

I'm sure all the moms out there who have been through field trips are just shaking their heads or having a good ol' laugh at my expense LOL

But I survived it and I'm happy to have my little red head back home with me, she's so excited and hyper and going on about the trip and what they did, it's a BIG THING for them having seen and learnt about Fossils.

Now here's a funny thing, I bought her one of those disposable cameras to take with, so when she climbed into the car today the first thing she said was "mommy I took all the pictures in the camera"......and this is where you see the difference in children from today and when I was her age, she says to me "do you want to see the pictures right now, let me show you". *GIGGLE*

I had to explain that it wasn't a digital camera and she couldn't see the pictures yet, we have to take it to the store and have them developed, she was not impressed and even less when I told her she doesn't get the camera back, she said "what a waste" LOL

It's a really hot day here, I'm literally sweating bullets....then I think about going to Arizona in two months and I wonder how I'll ever survive, I will probably melt on the sidewalk the first week I'm there....if you live in that area and walk by a pile of melting mommy, it will be me, look for the computer keyboard in one hand and the diet coke in the other.

I'm almost done with my Fannie Flagg book and I've truly enjoyed it, it's funny, it's cute and it's just written in a way that you can't put it down, if only there were more hours in the day, preferably "me time" so that I could read a page without being interrupted constantly. I'm dying to finish this one so that I can start on the Karon Phillips Goodman one, you have no idea how much I need that one right now.....Pursued by the Shepherd....boy does that hit home right now.

I've been trying to reconnect with God and I feel like a lost sheep just aimlessly walking around, grazing on the bad stuff while the good grass is on the other side waiting for me........isn't it wonderful to know that no matter how many times we stray the Lord is always there guiding us and finding our way back to him???

Anyway, it's time to start fixing dinner so I better get on out of here, don't forget the Slow Cooking Thursday tomorrow, would love to see some more participants join in so if you have some great crockpot recipes laying around be sure to come by tomorrow and share them with us, who knows, you may also find some great ones to try.

Have a great evening everyone,


  1. glad to hear you survived your first field trip! :)

  2. I love the camera story. And I love the idea of sending one with the kids on the field trips. That's a cool plan! I need to tell my daughters about that idea to try with their kids.

  3. Arizona, wow!!! I have missed a lot!! I just heard a fantastic sermon about God being our shepherd last Sunday. It was beautiful. He knows we're sheep and we wander around aimlessly sometimes. That's why He came to be our shepherd. Of course, it was more eloquently put than that.

  4. Field trips. Yoy, they caused me many a guilt trip and anxiety. Guilt because I couldn't go and worry if they were out of town ones. Funny the kids do just fine though, don't they?

    You keep reconnecting with God, Sandra. Especially during this busy time coming, I pray that you feel His presence and His guiding Hand.

  5. What Jasmine said about the camera was cute, "what a waste!" I always kind of think the same thing when I take those in to be developed. I love the water proof ones, though!!

    I know how you feel about feeling like a lost sheep. I feel that way a lot too. But you're so right, no matter how often it happens the Lord is always paitently guiding us back. I hope you'll let us know how your new book is. I haven't read this author yet, but am always on the look out for a new favorite!! :-)

  6. I have re connected the God in the past 3's a great feeling. I'm still a little stressed with our house and all....but I know he will work it all out...on his time..not mine..right?

  7. I loved field trips as a child, I guess I never thought that my mom could possibly be at home worrying. I'll have to ask her sometime. Glad you survived! We'd all sure miss you if you hadn't!


  8. I don't care if they've been on one or a dozen, I'm still nervous as heck until they walk through that door. Heck, I'm wanting to call up before they get home to make sure they made it back okay. I'm a nut. lol.

    Arizona, oooh I remember that place. Was pregnant and due in the summer...hated that. Where are ya now?

  9. homemom - We're heading to Luke AFB in July, right now we're stationed at Mountain Home AFB in Idaho. Where are you guys at?

  10. I'm going to buy that Pursued by the Shepherd. I need to read it right now too Sandra, I've been a bit wandering I think.


  11. I've replied to your email :)

    EVEN Bigger bear hugs xx

  12. I still remember the field trips - seems to me I always ended up sitting next to the kid who had cut up all year, didnt deserve to be there, and got grace at the last minute. Memorable they were!


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