
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Weekend couldn't have come any faster for me....

We've been here for about two weeks now and it still feels to me like we're on vacation or something, I'm waiting for hubby to say that it's time to go back home. Isn't that sad???

I can't say I'm hating it completely, not like the first few days I was here, I remember many a nights crying myself to sleep and thinking "boy I'm never going to be happy here".
Am I happy??? Not really, I mean it's not what I wanted or the place I would have chosen for myself to live in, but it's growing on me and I'm not as miserable as before.

It really does help to have all your things and to make your house your own.....we've been working hard on getting it all done and things are almost, almost the way I want them. I'll have some pictures for you all this weekend.

Curt starts work on monday, he's excited to get back to working on his jets, see for the past year he had been working not directly with them, he was pretty much doing inside office work and after 14 years of being out on the flight line it was a huge change for him. Now he's going back to the flight line which means long 12 hour and longer shifts, coming home reeking of jet fuel, dirty dirty hands and my washer being left with greasy remnants. Oh the joy, how I missed it. LOL

So this morning I'm heading to the Phoenix Zoo with the kids, they've been begging to go and I think it would be nice to do that for them, this whole move has been a huge change for them too and they've been really good about it. They're super excited about the Petting Zoo part, unfortunately there are no DINOSAURS to pet LOL They wanted to know if there were dinosaurs there too......sure honey, you wanna go pet the nice little T-Rex???? LOL

I'm taking pictures so when I come back I will be able to do update this post....right now I have kids jumping up and down around me screaming at the top of their lungs "we're going to the zoo, we're going to the zoo"....guess it's my cue to get off the computer and get them ready, I don't think the animals would appreciate seeing pajama clad kids running around with their hair unbrushed....they may get locked up as a new species LOL

I'll be back later, you all have a great morning.....


  1. Sounds like your making the best out of what you have. I probably haven't moved around as much as you but I know what you mean. There have been places where I've lived that just bring me such joy to live there and others places I've learned to "make do".

    Have a great time at the zoo!

  2. I'll bet you're completely accustomed and maybe even liking your new location within a few months, Sandra. Getting out like this and doing things will help everyone feel more like it's home.

    A trip to the zoo sounds like a great way to spend the day. I miss the Denver zoo. We don't have one here. If we did, I'm sure the only animals would be snakes and prairie dogs. LOL

  3. Beautiful picture! Was this taken near your home? I'm looking forward to zoo pictures next. I'm sure the kids will have a great time.

  4. You just live too far away chuck, I'm sending friendly hugs across the seas to my favourite Sandra {{{{xxxx}}}}

  5. I hope you all had a great time at the zoo!! I'm glad you are starting to get used to your new home. I know that making new memories like this fun trip to the zoo, will make your new town really feel like home!!

  6. Give yourself a chance to get used to being there and living there. Once your home is totally set up and Jasmine starts going to school and a routine takes over, it'll start to feel like home.

    The zoo sounds great.

  7. I'm sorry that you're not feeling like you're "home" -- it will come eventually.

    I hope you and the troops had fun at the Phoenix Zoo!



  8. I pray that you feel more at home everyday you spend in your new home Sandra. Sounds like you are planning fun things for the kiddos! Who doesn't love the zoo? :o)
    I missed sct this week, I didn't really have a new recipe so I'll be looking for something for next week.
    Hope you have a great Sunday.
    ♥, annie

  9. I was so tearful when I first moved here to NZ, even though God had said - this is where I was mean't to be. I moved here Dec 1998, even the fact that it was summer in Dec seemed wrong to me; my inlaws were the polar opposite to my parents and the culture shock (I'm British). It took me a while to get to grips and I think you need to go through a 'grieving' period before you can 'grasp' the new. I love it here now, but I had so many emotions going on in the early days.


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