
Sunday, July 22, 2007

Zoo pictures and some hodgepodge talk!!!

The zoo was so much fun but let me tell you something, I thought I was going to really, stop laughing, I really did LOL

We got about halfway and I was so hot and so tired, I had water running down my back and stomach and actually started getting shivers and goosebumps. I could feel my heart beating through my chest!!! We had to stop a couple times along the way because not only was the zoo HUGE but the heat was overwhelming.

One good thing about this zoo is that they have tons of areas with benches and water for you to take a break in, then they have these water mist sprays coming down on you too, it really does help to cool down.

Here are the pictures I took of the zoo animals, followed by the ones I took of the Petting Zoo, which was by far our favorite part of the whole excursion......I was so tempted to bring the multi colored little sheep home with me LOL

Cool Slideshows!

And now here's the Petting Zoo pictures!

Cool Slideshows!

These two are my favorites, Lucy Goose and this Porcupine who was happily tearing apart a milk box LOL

After our trip to the zoo we were starving and hot and looking for a place to sit down and have a good meal while beautiful sweet air conditioning fell upon us....we headed to Cracker Barrel!! Now you know if you love country home cooking, country music and a great older days atmosphere, this is THE place to go. They also make the best biscuits and cornbread around.

By the time we got home I was exhausted, happy but dead on my feet. I ended off the night by laying in bed watching "Premonition" with Sandra Bullock, man, what a weird movie, it was good but the ending was just disappointing for me!!!

Today is going to be an easy one for me, I'm not planning on doing much at all. I got the house all clean on friday so it's pretty much just picking up a little and straightening out the everyday things. I do have the breakfast dishes sitting in the sink right now, waiting to be put in the dishwasher, and I do have laundry to put away, but that's about all there is.

A couple of you asked where I found the organizing shelves I shared the other day, they were from Target......I was there last week and ended up getting different ones for the kids, they picked their own and I'll share some pictures later.

I have a recipe to share with you today, while out yesterday I picked up a cookbook called "A Taste of Arizona" and boy I have to tell you, it has the most delicious recipes on there, I don't think I found one that didn't make my mouth water.


"I had cast my lot with a soldier, and where he was, was home to me" wrote Martha Summerhayes, who lived at Tucson's Fort Lowell in 1878 with her husband. The fort's museum offers a look at the "glittering misery" of army life during Arizona's Apache Wars, 1861-1886, when the hardships of the frontier were lightened by the glamour of merry dinner parties.

1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
6 chicken breasts, boned and skinless
1/4 cup vegetable oil
Juice of 1 lime
1/4 pound (1 stick) butter
1/2 teaspoon chives, minced
1/2 teaspoon dill weed

Salt and pepper the chicken pieces. Heat oil in a large frying pan and saute chicken until lightly browned, about 10 minutes. Cover, reduce heat, and cook about 10 minutes more.

Remove the chicken and keep it warm. Drain the oil.

In the same pan, add the lime juice and heat on low until juice begins to bubble. Add the butter, stirring until sauce is thick and opaque. Stir in the chives and dill weed. Spoon over chicken and serve.

Makes 6 servings

Don't that just sound divine???? I'll be sure to share more recipes with you all, I swear I'm like a kid in a candy store when I come upon cookbooks.

Well I better get going, I have a few things that need to get done today.

Find Airman's Attic to drop off donations
Find Recycle Center to drop off moving boxes
Find the base library (can't wait to get in there LOL)
Put laundry away
Do breakfast dishes

I'll see you all tomorrow, have a wonderful sunday.


  1. Girl, I applaud you for going out in that heat. If it's half as hot and humid there are is was up here- whew! You all deserve a medal.

    Hope y'all get the chance to come up on Route 66. We have some nice things to see up near Cool Springs and Oatman. And it's about 15 degrees cooler than where you are :)

  2. What fun pictures! But that zoo does look huge, I don't love this heat either. Cracker Barrel is someplace we love to go when travelling because we've never lived close to one.

  3. That chicken dish sounds so yummy! It is similar to Saving Dinner's "garlic lime chicken" -- the butter and lime together just makes such a great tasting sauce!

    I love the porcupine and goose too!

    I need to find a way to afford to take my kiddos to the zoo! Ack! I need to quit spending money!



  4. cool!we are actually headed to that zoo in two weeks!! The Desert Museum in Tucson is really fun too.

    I'll look out for that cookbook :)


  5. I would've died in that heat! I have yet to go to a good zoo; that one looks like it was fun! I've been to Cracker Barrel once before and it was pretty yummy. The gift store was fun to explore.

    Have fun at the library. I SO miss the base library. Not that I don't have a library here, but for some reason the base library feels a little like home to me. Probably because I spent so much time in there!

    Hope the rest of your weekend was relaxing!


  6. ugh, you're braver than I am! I wouldn't have ventured out for a day at the zoo in that weather :) glad you survived!

    I can't believe you just moved there and already have donations for the Airmen's Attic!

    that chicken recipe sounds scrumptious!

  7. Your kids are just looking so big all of a sudden. Great pictures.

    I've been wanting to see that movie but now I'm not so sure... LOL!

    And yes, that recipe sounds so yummy. It's past my bedtime and here I am drooling over that picture. I'm gonna have to try it! Thanks for sharing it.

  8. great pics Sandra...I cant take hot, hot....I feel for you..
    Chicken looks delich!
    have a great Monday..

  9. Loved the pics - thanks for sharing! I'd love to know where you get your clip art from . . .

  10. Oh My that sounded pretty hot!! Poor you. Have you got air conditioning at home?

    Hugs n' love

  11. I bet it was so hot at the zoo....
    The recipe looks great.


  12. I'm sorry for yo in the heat. I don't tolerate that well so I would have been a mess! Nice pictures though!

  13. Oh that heat is a killer. The zoo looked like so much fun. I have to keep coming back to your blog because of all your wonderful recipes.


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