
Saturday, December 15, 2007

Falala Concert and Cooking!



Yesterday morning we headed to Jasmine's school for their Holiday Falala Concert.  The third graders were singing and dancing and it was just really cute watching them.  Jasmine was one of the dancers who had to do a 60's style dance during one of the songs.....she practiced and practiced at home and kept saying that she was nervous to dance in front of everyone. 

But she did it, and she looked so cute doing it LOL


I felt so bad for her, she is really sick with a cold, she was up the night before with a congested nose and cough and she begged to go to school for the concert.  We agreed but as soon as they were done, we signed her out for the day, this morning she has a hoarse voice from the singing :)

Here's some more pictures, I couldn't get very good ones, the gym was dark, it was crowded and she was pretty far from where we were sitting.



Here's a little video of her dancing, especially for the family back in South Africa :)

So I know it's almost Christmas and a lot of us are scrambling to finish all the gift shopping and homemade goodies.  Today I'm concentrating on cooking, which makes me really happy since I love being in the kitchen. 

I've already made a batch of fudge and one of yummy caramels.  You have GOT to try these, they're so quick and easy to make but goodness, they're delicious.

Come with me to the food blog, we'll go make some real quick so you can hand out to your family, friends and neighbors....OR.....keep them to yourself as a reward for being so good this year!

If you don't have the time right now, that's fine, but make sure you go by later and make some Caramels and Fudge.


Tell me those don't look good huh??

Now onto Christmas stuff, I am happy to say that Jasmine's Rag Doll is done and wrapped, at least it's one less thing to worry about.  My poor snowmen though is another story, I'm hoping....really really hoping that I can finish them this week otherwise they'll end up being for next year.  How sad!

All my christmas shopping is done, all my christmas cards are out and either on the way or already received, so I think I'm doing good :)

Thank you Courtney, Eden, Sarah, Mari, Elizabeth and Sherri  for the beautiful christmas cards, it's always a joy to open the mailbox and find one from you and your wonderful families.

While I was out shopping yesterday I picked up some playdough for the kids.  These real cheap ziploc bags with a cutter inside and the play dough.  I came home and handed it to them and then for the next 5 hours, I heard NOTHING....not a squeak, not a single sound.

Now as parents you know that when everything is quiet, usually it means something is being destroyed, a child is hurt or they're definitely up to no good......nope, not this time, they were like little angels playing at the dinner table.  Shocking!

I'm about to go watch some christmas shows on tv or maybe I'll read, not sure which, but I've decided not to clean today.  Yesterday I went to the school concert, got groceries, cleaned the house, went back out for christmas shopping etc.......I'm pooped.  By 7pm last night I was running a low grade fever and feeling today I'm taking it easy.....yep, just me and my baby pug Lola.  Look at all the love oozing from the photo :)


Hope you are all having a great day too!

God Bless,


  1. It looks like it was a fun concert. I hope you do get some rest.

  2. Tell Jasmine that she did really good! I got your card as well - Thanks!
    The fudge and caramels look good. I've made a batch of fudge too and will have to do more things next week. I'm off to check the food blog.

  3. The video of Jasmine is precious:) She did such a good job!

    Your fudge and caramel look YUMMY!!

    Sounds like you are way ahead of the game...I am finised shopping but still have some sewing projects to complete.

    Sorry you and Jasmine are feeling Yucky:( Take care and feel better.


  4. Jasmine did just great!

    I'm getting behind on everything. :v(

    Cute picture of you and your Lola.

  5. Cute, cute, cute, Sandra. What fun!

    I'm getting ready to dive into candy making. I'm making divinity and fudge this year. And Rob cleaned out all the cracker jacks I made, so I have to make more of those, too. I'm hoping the new batch of peanut butter cookies I made this week will keep him out of my candy until Christmas. LOL

    Good grief, Lola is adorable. What a sweet picture. I hope all of you feel better and get over these colds before Christmas. This is just not a good time to be sick.

  6. I have to say I really admire your talent on your blog. I just do not have the talent. I'm going to try to figure out the write program you mentioned though...I think I downloaded it the other day but haven't a clue where it went. I've been sooo busy. God Bless you and Your beautiful family!!

  7. Looks like it was a great concert and the video of Jasmine is just too precious. Will have to try out the recipes- they look sinfully delicious! Have a very Merry Christmas!!

  8. Every time I go to any of the kids' school events, I always have to try SO hard not to cry! I count by 3's or say the alphabet backwards in my head when I feel the tears coming on! lol

    I'm making more cookies and candies today as well! Then tonight is more Christmas-y goodness on television!


  9. that looks like it was such a cute concert!

    I think I gained 5 lbs looking at your fudge and caramel!

  10. What a great concert! The video was great - I bet your family loved it!

    Okay, so those caramels.... YUM!

    My kids play with that playdough as well. Eve usually sits at the table for about 2 hours, happy as can be. Judah is more in the twenty minute range ;)



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