
Thursday, March 20, 2008

Grab a Broom Lord!

One of my favorite Christian authors is Karon Phillips Goodman. I have most of her books, not only because she makes me laugh while teaching me valuable lessons....but she's also written these books in a way that I don't need to worry about starting it and then having to stop and loosing focus.

The chapters are small so that you can quickly read through an entire one before having to set it down to do dishes, or help the kids or fix dinner.

I got this one last year before we left Idaho and since then life has been crazy busy, I haven't had a chance for much and then lately with my obsession with King Henry and all that history it hasn't helped either.
But while cleaning out my bookshelf today I found it again and I breathed a sigh of relief, I want to read it and I need to read it right now. I don't know why, but I feel that at times the Lord will give us a little nudge in a certain direction for our own good.

So right off the bat I read this:

I've done it, though, and I bet you have, too- tried to "get better" before going to God. I'll just clean up this one mess and then I won't be so unpresentable, we think. And God says "Huh?" The sooner she come to Me, the sooner I can help her." We have it all backward! It's not about getting better to go to God; it's about going to God to get better.

WOW! Ain't that the truth???? These words just hit me like a ton of bricks, how many times have I used the excuse that I can't really devote myself completely to the bible or to the church or to God himself because I don't feel like I'm as spiritually connected as some are?

What a waste of time, to sit here and let precious moments with the Lord go by because I was too busy worrying that I wasn't perfect, that I had to somehow fix my life and my problems before approaching the Lord. Fearing that He would turn away or think less of me for not being as together and organized as some. Problem is that we forget that we are who He wants us to be.

"We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works" - Ephesians 2:20 NIV
Let's face it, He wants to help, He wants to be there waiting for us to ask for comfort or guidance, He doesn't expect us to be perfect or self sufficient.....He has no limits, He has no set amount of forgiveness or a allotment of blessings we're allowed. Boy does it feel good to remember that, it truly opens your mind and your heart to so much more.

I'm sure you've noticed the template is different yet again. I really enjoyed my beach one but for some reason Mr Linky was just not working with it and I feel awful having to tell my readers to get another browser just to participate in the Slow Cooking Thursday.

This one will have to stay for a while, I don't have the time right now to be constantly changing it.....hope it's ok with you all.

Life is busy, there's just so much going on right now, I sometimes wonder if the roller coaster will ever stop so that I can get out and at the very least take a breather.

I know I've been neglecting my blog visits but I'm hoping to catch up on all of them tonight, the minute I start seeing my bloglines unread posts over 100, I literally want to run for cover or just mark all as read. But I don' could you stop writing for a while? Just until I catch up? No???? Oh well, it was worth a try :)

I'm getting ready to go pick up Jasmine at school so this one has to be cut short. So Happy Spring everyone and here you go, this is something I saw at one of my favorite blogs "Cherry Hill Cottage". Tell me this is not the cutest thing ever???


  1. ack! I want to gobble that cake through the computer monitor.


  2. Thanks for sharing what you read today, that blessed & convicted me. Blessings to you!

  3. Sounds like a great book and the cake looks delicious!

  4. Don't you love when God brings you to a book just for you at the perfect time?

    That cake is fun but your link is not working to it.

  5. Those words hit me like a ton of bricks too, Sandra. Thank you.

    And for you to say you just don't have time to be changing your design makes me smile. You change your look so fast it amazes me. Just making one design change would take me, literally, sixteen educational books and probably six months.

    LOL This one is adorable so if you're really too busy, meaning you don't have an extra half hour, to change it again, this one will do just fine. It's very, very pretty.

  6. Really cute cake. Cheryl at Cherdecor sent me a link to make something similar. Very fun!

  7. I have not heard of Karon Philips Goodman but I will look her up on Amazon and try one of her books.

    I was reading your comment and like you I have formal time with God, it's just that a lot of the time I have learned to talk to Him like he is a friend in the same room. I really don't know what He thinks of this, but it's just something I have gotten used to.

    I'll bet you are very busy especially with just having moved. I know what you mean by the roller coaster ride. I really think every day is a new ride.

  8. Good Evening Sandra,
    I love the new header. I'm sorry I didn't participate in this weeks SCT, but I am still tired from the moving. I did post early this morning tho. Since the girls have been out on Spring Break this week, I have been staying up late and sleeping late. LOL. It's going to be rough come Monday morning tho. I enjoyed this post for today. It is so true. I am always making up excuses myself. The Bird Nest Cake is adorable. Did you make it? You Ham looks so good on your SCT post as well as the Cheesy Potatoes Euphoria. I still haven't gotten everything unpacked yet. I'm just going to take my time in doing it. Since we will be here for a good while, I have plenty of time to get it all done. LOL. I am still in recuperate mode from last weekend. LOL. Take care my friend and have a great evening. May God Bless You and Yours.

    Love & Hugs,
    Karen H.

  9. I love that quote from your book about waiting to get better before going to God. So true! I think I'll write it down.

    And that is one delish-looking cake!

  10. Dear Sandra ~~ thanks so much for the post! You're a sweetie :-) And I've begun a new project -- please visit if you have time:
    Thanks again and happy, happy Easter!
    Many blessings,

  11. Oh, That Bird's nest cake looks so good and fun to make. Happy Easter!

  12. I just loved this post. Thank you for sharing. Makes me really stop and think. Happy Easter!

  13. Hello! I stumbled upon your blog. I want to thank you for the exerts. I needed those. The truth hurts, but I needed to hear it.

  14. Lovely post. Happy Easter Sandra.

    Hugs xxxxx

  15. Great post, Sandra! The blog looks fabulous and I have a lot to learn as I get started! I also like your bird nest cake. I'll have to figure out how to duplicate that for my crew! Right now I'm shielding the computer screen from them so they don't see it and salivate. We're trying to be Martha Stewart and dye our eggs this year with silk ties from Good Will! Yikes!

  16. Sandra,yoes is is about going to God to get is by his grace that we can do the things we do.It is by His Grace that I have had a great second marriage of 28 years,it is by his grace that I have been sober 17 years and 3 months.
    I truely hoe that you and all of your family have a blessed easter.

  17. Good Morning Sandra,
    Just wanted to drop by and wish you and your Family a "HAPPY EASTER" and "HE IS RISEN"!!!! Take care my friend and have a great Easter. May God Bless You and Yours.

    Love & Hugs,
    Karen H.

  18. Hi Sandra! Please stop by my blog when you get the chance. There's an award for you.


  19. I hope you and the family had a good Easter. I did see the Birds Nest Cake at Tina's site. I do love her. Great ideas. I'm cleaning today and trying to play catch up with my friends blogs....have a great Monday.

  20. I hope you and the family had a good Easter. I did see the Birds Nest Cake at Tina's site. I do love her. Great ideas. I'm cleaning today and trying to play catch up with my friends blogs....have a great Monday.

  21. Ah que coisa mais linda Sandra este bolo em formato de ninho! Eu não conhecia esta autora, realmente, nós fomos planejados com a missão de agradar a Deus, fazer parte da família Dele e servir! Você poderia escrever o dia todo sobre este livro que eu não me cansaria de ler... ficou como um devocional, muito "giro". Beijos!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
