
Friday, April 11, 2008

From little one to Big Boy!

It's true when they say that you need to cherish every single moment you have with your children because before you know it, they're not so little anymore.

My little baby Nicholas is turning 5 today.......FIVE?!?!?! Where has the time gone???? In a few months he will start Kindergarten and then it's all downhill from there, the time will fly by and before I can blink he will be in Third Grade just like his sister.

How did we get from this?

To this?

And even this.....
Finally to this???? How, how did it go by so quick?

Nicholas has always been our miracle baby. When Jasmine was about 2 years old we decided to try for another baby and unfortunately it wasn't meant to be.

I went through 2 miscarriages, it was one of the darkest moments of my life, I literally felt defeated and a failure, I felt that somehow I was to blame for this, that I wasn't able to keep my babies safe within me. I lashed out and I cried and I hurt, but I never turned away from God, because you see even in my darkest hour I knew that He was at work and that it wasn't meant to be, there was a silver lining, there would be something amazing coming my way.

I didn't understand why the miscarriages happened and it's something that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy (not that I have any, but anyway).

About a year after my second miscarriage, I found out I was pregnant, needless to say it was a bitter sweet moment. I was ecstatic but apprehensive and worried, every little cramp, every little thing that wasn't quite right made me fear for the life of my baby.

I was considered a high risk pregnancy and had to go in every week to draw blood so the doctors could be sure that my HCG levels were rising. My arms were bruised and my heart was heavy with worry, I couldn't really enjoy my pregnancy because of that.
At about 28 weeks, I started having contractions and was admitted to the hospital, this was the day before Curtis was leaving for Texas for a 2 week deployment......I was alone with a 2 year old and a high risk pregnancy.

I got through it, Nicholas hung in there and from the very start he proved to be a fighter, he wasn't giving up and neither was I.

I had bleeding, I had contractions, I felt horrible all the time but on April 11, 2003 at exactly 5:30pm, he made his entrance into this world and would you believe that when he came out he had the cord wrapped around his body???? LOL
I guess it was his way of holding on in there, he made sure he wasn't going anywhere LOL

I am beyond greatful for our son, he has been the light of our lives and has turned into such an amazing little man.......immensely loved by mommy, daddy and big sister.


And now I'm off to bake a Yoshi cake, wish me luck, I don't know how it will turn out but I will take pictures to show you either way.


  1. Happy Birthday Nicholas!!!! He is soo handsome! It just makes me want to bawl though when i see the baby pic and how he has grown. Our children grow so so fast...and how i wish I could just keep having children so the baby stage never ends! I hope your lil man has a GREAT day Sandra! xoxo

  2. Happy Birthday Nicholas.
    He has the sweetest face- he looks like such a peanut!
    It does go so fast- enjoy every second.

  3. I'm so happy you have the miracle of Nicholas! Happy Birthday!

  4. Happy Birthday Nicholas! Kids really do grow so fast. Hope Nicholas has a wonderful birthday and y'all have a great weekend. Have fun bowling with the Wii!


  5. Happy Birthday to Nicholas! What a sweet story and truly a blessing!

  6. He's so cute. Happy Birthday, Nicholas! Have a wonderful birthday celebration...

  7. Happy Birthday to your sweet boy!

  8. Happy Birthday Nicholas may your 5th year be wonderful..

  9. Happy Birthday Nicholas!!
    I hope he had a great birthday & I can't wait to see the yoshi cake=)
    What a precious little boy you have there!!

  10. He's really grown and changed in the time I've been reading your blog and enjoying your pictures. What a precious story and an even more precious little boy.

    Happy Birthday, Nicholas!

  11. Nicholas,I want to say Happy Birthay young man.

  12. Happy Birthday to that sweet little boy..

  13. Happy Birthday to your little one...5 is such a big age...a great age. Kindergarten doesn't seem possible.

  14. Happy Birthday Nicholas. I hope he had a wonderful day!

    You poor thing to have suffered two miscarriages, I suffered one and it was much more painful (as in heartache) than I expected. I still get teary eyed now...she'd be almost 5 now.

    Hugs dear friend.

  15. ...I truly believe we'll meet our little ones one day in Heaven. Can you imagine that moment? It'll be like we always knew them I believe.


  16. Happy birthday!!! So Handsome! My son turned 5 yesterday! They are almost twins!

  17. What a precious story! I too have miracle children. I know that the Lord has a plan, and you have a wonderful little boy. I hope he had a great birthday.

  18. Happy Birthday to your handsome boy, Sandra! What a blessing he is!

  19. Hope y'all had a happy birthday! It does go by quickly, blink again and they'll be about to graduate!

  20. Happy belated birthday Nicholas!!
    What a handsome boy he is :)

    I too had a misscarriage, before our first. My arms felt so empty! That's partly why we named him what we did...Sam means asked of God and that's what we did for 9months of trying to concieve.

  21. I know I'm late - I'm so behind on blogging lately! but I still wanted to wish Nicholas a happy belated birthday!! Time does pass too quickly!


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