
Sunday, April 13, 2008

Makes you think......

You know that I've been completely engrossed in the "Road to Avonlea" tv series through Netflix, and by engrossed, I mean absolutely, shamefully addicted. I remember putting the first DVD on my queue at Netflix and I waited with baited breath until it came in the mail and since then I've been on a wonderful journey through the lives of the folks of Avonlea. I love them and I think it's because they're family oriented which is so hard to find nowadays anywhere. All these reality shows are just plain horrid to me, there's cursing and fighting and yelling and backstabbing and women portraying themselves in a very nasty way.

If you don't have the reality shows, then you have all the crime investigation shows like CSI and Law and Order etc, and as much as they may be great for us adults to watch, there doesn't seem to be anything on tv (that I've been able to find) that is catered towards the whole family.

So while watching this series it's become almost a getaway for me, a time where I can lay in bed and be transported back to a simpler time where family came first, where kids were an integral part of the everyday life, they had chores, they were good students, they helped in the running of the household and they didn't watch tv or play computer games.

I know for a fact that the minute the tv, computer, video games are not accessible to my children they become completely lost. They're bored, they don't know what to do with themselves, they complain and they whine and honestly don't know what to do for amusement.

Watching the series you see young girls who by the age of 9 or 10 can cook, sew, embroider, take care of little ones and pretty much run a household, which then makes me understand why in the early 1900's they got married a lot earlier and younger than we do now.

The boys helped the fathers with all of the physical work done in the farms and the ranches and this was all done before school, when today I can barely get Jasmine dressed and out of the house for school, imagine if she had to go milk a cow or gather eggs or clean the stables before hand? LOL

Road to Avonlea has to be one of the BEST television shows ever. It’s funny, it’s dramatic and it’s real without being surreal. In the second season, the focus shifts from Sarah Stanley of L.M. Montgomery’s Story Girl series to Felicity King, Sarah’s cousin and this is mainly because of the introduction of Gus Pike which has become one of my favorite characters.

Watching him go from boy to man and become one of the most romantic fictional characters ever has been such a pleasure. He's the kind of man you want for your own daughter.

If you want to watch the first episode of Road to Avonlea, click here.

And then I BET you will either rush out and buy it OR add it to your Netflix Queue.

I'm off, I have laundry to do, the new menu to draw up and MORE Avonlea to watch....can't wait.


  1. I'd definitely be an addict too I'm sure. I still haven't seen this show and I really must!!

    I totally agree with what you are saying about simpler times, there are benefits of living in this age though - good healthcare, etc. But I totally agree with your thoughts as I've thought them myself so many times.


  2. I've never heard of this series, but you've piqued my interest. I'm going to look for it!

  3. I haven't heard of it either but it does sound good. It is a rare thing to find a show the whole family can watch together.

  4. As a Canadian, it's great to see someone recommending this show :)!

    It is really beautiful, and so well done. And I do love the way it shows how kids can contribute and be useful. I wonder where society changed so that now we think that kids are here to be entertained, rather than to figure out their purpose and to serve.

    Keep enjoying your escapes to Avonlea! And if you ever get a chance, visit Cavendish, Prince Edward Island. It's beautiful. It's where the whole thing is set.

    Visit To Love, Honor and Vacuum today!

  5. Sandra,since we were never blessed with children( 2strikes on my part)
    we just watch the broadcast stations.cable is not in our budget.

  6. You've sold me...I can't wait to put it on my queue! I love family films.

  7. I'll have to see if I can find it ...

  8. I LOVE Avonlea. It's been so long since I've watched it, I'd forgotten about Gus Pike. You make me want to see if my library carries the series. I could use some Avonlea.

    I'm making your triple chocolate mess tonight for friends we have coming over. I need to get it in the crockpot. Thanks for sharing your recipes on the fullbellies site.

  9. I looooveee you Sandra!!! :D :D :D


    Just thought I'd say hi!

  10. I'm a member of Netflix! I'll have to check it out.. Thanks for the review. Have a great week..

  11. Yes, oh yes. 'The Good Old Days' had so many good features.

    Sure, they had lots of hardships we'd not want to go back to, today. But all those things you speak of... family duties and etc... what a wonderful basis for future life.

    What kind of life, couldn't benefit from learning early on, that "we all pull together"? And if we do, everything runs smoother? :-)


  12. I love shows like this. My girls and I have an Anne of Green Gables marathon once a year where we sit up all night and watch the whole series in one night together.

  13. I've been a fan of Road to Avonlea ever since I was a little girl...or whenever it was on TV. I'm now 28 and I still love it. I will be putting this in my netflix qeue too.
    Thanks for helping me remember!


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