
Monday, June 09, 2008

Just 4 days left!

This has been an amazing month, I don't need to tell you how it feels to come home after 10 years and to be able to hug and kiss your loved ones, to sit down at the table with a cup of coffee and reminisce and talk about what you have been through.

Now there are just a few days left and I'm ready to go home to my house and my pugs but also sad to leave behind my family again.....there's plans to return next year, but still, it's not easy to leave.

I wanted to come in quickly and say hi and let you know that I'll be back home this friday and as soon as I get everything unpacked and back to normal, I will start sharing my journey and photos...LOTS and LOTS of photos. I'll also try to catch up with everyone.

Today we're taking it easy, we're going nowhere, doing nothing and just about to immerse ourselves in boxes of old photographs so that I can pick the ones I want to take with me.

I hope you're all doing well, I wish I could stop by each individual blog and say hi, but I can't. I do want to send you hugs from Africa and thank you for always stopping by even though I'm away and leaving such sweet comments.

Oh and I'm bringing back something from Africa to do a contest with, whoever wins will have their very own special memento all the way from South Africa.

Hugs and kisses,


  1. Hello Sandra :) I'm so glad that you have had a wonderful month missed you lots :) I was reading my cousins e-mail recently and she talked about the violence ,I hope that all have stayed safe.Look forward to the pictures..

  2. I'm so happy you're having such a great time.
    Enjoy every minute!

  3. I can't believe it's almost over :( This has been the fastest month ever. I can't wait to see and read about your trip and I'm so happy that you're enjoying yourselves!

  4. My how times flys when you are haveing fun.I look forward to your return and to see the photo.Have a safe flight back. I hope that you are haveing a Great day today.
    That's my storyand I'm sticking to it.

  5. I'm so happy you've had such a wonderful time. It really is such a blessing to spend time with loved ones.

    Looking forward to your pictures!

  6. Oh wow, how bittersweet. I know you've enjoyed every minute, and I know it must feel like it's flown by. Enjoy your last few days and have a safe trip home. :)

  7. I'm so glad that you are having fun. I can't imagine how great it is to see your family again. Looking forward to all those pictures!

  8. It does sound like quite an amazing trip. I can't wait to see your pictures. Sad you have to leave, but nice to get back home again. There's no place like home. Have a safe trip and I will be thinking of you and praying for you and your family.

  9. YAY!!! I am so so glad you are having a wonderful time. I can totally picture sitting around with coffee and chatting around the table! :) I love times like that! I hope you enjoy your last few days there!!! xoxo

  10. I can't believe how quickly this time went by and that you're already returning home this week! I'm sure it just flew by for you too being so busy visiting with family. Have a safe trip back home!

  11. I am looking forward to seeing all your pics...the ones you've showed so far are simply amazing. I'm glad that you have had a good time with your family.

  12. Best of times and worst of times (having to say good-bye again)...can't wait to see and read about all your wonderful adventures. Oh and a souvenir for someone, ahem...let it be me! LOL

    Blessings and have a wonderful flight home.

  13. I have been kind of lurking on your blog, just reading about your travels in Africa. I hope you all had a wonderful time, and I wish you safe travels back home.

  14. I can Not wait to hear all about your trip & see pictures! I'm sure you all had the best time & I hope it's not long before you can go back.
    You have been missed!

  15. So glad you've had such a wonderful reunion trip and to such an exotic, beautiful location! Have a safe trip home...looking forward to the pictures and stories you'll be sharing.

    hug to you from Elizabeth

  16. Glad y'all have had such a wonderful vacation!

  17. how bittersweet! I hope you have a safe journey home.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
