
Sunday, June 01, 2008

A little more Kruger Park for you!

Beautiful South African Sunset

I have so many more photos I want to share with you and once I'm back home in the States I will, but for now I wanted to leave you with a few more pictures taken during our stay.

We stayed at the Berg-en-dal camp and it was amazing, especially at night, you turn off all the lights and are surrounded by the night sounds....crickets, hyenas off in the distance, lions hunting and the occasional bat swooshing by your hair. LOL (I'll tell you all later)

These are the houses we stayed in, they had 2 bedrooms with double beds, shower, bathroom and another bathroom with just a bathtub, a kitchen and two extra beds in the living room. They were wonderful!

The camp has a trail called the "Rhino Trail", it's fenced in all around and you can walk along it to see the animals.......the above picture is of the drinking hole that is part of the trail. At the end of the day you can see the animals coming down to drink.

Now for the animals, I'm not going to post ALL the photos because we would be here forever and I do want to save some for when I get back...then I'll be able to take you pretty much day by day of my trip here and let you see what I've been doing.

And there you have it, just a little bit of what I saw and experienced, I have to say if you want to relax and completely immerse yourself in the wild life, you need to head to the Kruger National Park, and if you have any questions about it or bookings etc, just email me and I will point you in the right direction.


  1. What fun pictures! Looks like y'all are having a grand time!

  2. Oh you are really making me want to just jump on a plane and go to South Africa and this beautiful parK! Just beautiful. I'll be the kids were beside themselves seeing all those animals.

  3. That looks so awesome! I can't imagine being there and seeing the wildlife roaming free like that. Wow.

  4. Wow -- amazing Sandra! What a wonderful adventure!

    Keep safe and have fun!


  5. Beautiful! I bet the kids are loving it!

  6. Beautiful pictures Sandra. How wonderful. I hope you are having the most fantastic time.

    Hugs and love

    Sarah (Linnet)

  7. It sounds as if you are on top of the world right now.

  8. Oh, it's going to be so hard to come back home!

  9. WOW! It seems so weird to see animals, such as those big ones, just roaming around! But, I guess its their territory !!
    Looks like you are still enjoying your trip !!

  10. wow Sandra! That National Park looks amazing - what an experience you are giving your kids! and the house that you stayed in - seems so comfortable and big! Can't wait to see the rest of your photos!

  11. Good night! What an amazing trip you're on - can't wait to hear more about it when you get back.

  12. Beautiful pictures Sandra! I came here via another blog to see your recipes and was pleasantly surprised with your fantastic blog!

  13. Love the pictures! I pray you have a great time and safe travels! God Bless!!

  14. Wow, love what you have shared so far. Looks like an adventure one could only hope for and dream of. Enjoy and stay safe. Blessings, LeAnn

  15. I hope that the children and Curt were just amazed :-) It must be wonderful to see the wildlife up close..( I don't remember it at all ) Look forward to seeing more pictures..Stay safe..

  16. It's all so beautiful and wishing I was there with you guys!! Can't wait till your return to see more;-))


  17. What awesome pics Sandra!!! i love them!!! I hope you are having a fantastic time!!! :)

  18. What a thrill to get to know South Africa through your eyes! É giro! Beijos!

  19. So beautiful! Sounds like you're all having a wonderful vacation.

  20. WOW - what an awesome trip you must be having. Love the pix.

    Any experience living in Okinawa? If you've ever been stationed over there, I'd love to hear your thoughts.


  21. This is totally awesome. Y'all have fun and be careful!!!

  22. Oh, I totally am enjoying your pics, Sandra! Praying you have tons of fun and safe travels. I've been scarce lately, but trying to get caught back up.


  23. This place looks beautiful. I can't wait to see more. I still can't get over all the animals all over the place where they belong. Nothing like here where we keep building and pushing them all out.

  24. Hi Sandra

    I've left a message at your parents' house - don't know if you got it. Other times I phoned and there is no answer.

    PLEASE phone me so we can get together - thanks!

    084 5047339 or my home is 011 6163621


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