
Friday, August 22, 2008

Orange Chicken!

I absolutely love Chinese but I don't go out for it that often, so when I'm in the mood, I turn to this dish, it's a family favorite.

It does take a bit of time because of having to fry up the chicken first, but it's well worth the time you spend on it :)


  1. It's our favorite but I've never tried to make it. Thanks!
    PS - stop by my blog - I've got something for you.

  2. Madison loves Orange Chicken and so do I .....

  3. Yummy, we have been making the Trader Joes Orange chicken

    this looks great

  4. Now you've got my mouth watering!

  5. How do you stay so thin with all these awesome things you cook?????

  6. I too am wondering how do you stay so slim?Thank you Sandra for sharing this recipe! I adore chinese.Have a great day ;-)


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