
Friday, August 22, 2008

Show and Tell Friday!

The wonderful Kelli over at "There's no place like home" has started this friday feature, here's what she had to say:

Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!" Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, a new antique find, an old love letter. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!


On the way home from South Africa back in May, one of our stop overs was Amsterdam which is just gorgeous. While sitting around during our 3 hour lay over, waiting for our next flight, we walked around the stores and I couldn't believe just how many things I wanted to bring home with me, but they're expensive and probably would have ended up breaking anyway, so I had to choose something small.

That's when I saw this:

And that is what I brought home, this beautiful little windmill that is hand painted in Holland.

What's great is that they also have a website where you can purchase all sorts of pottery from, I'm not sure how expensive it would be with shipping etc, but I guess I'll wait until we travel to South Africa again next year and purchase something else.


If you want to join in, just go on over to the wonderful Kelli and add your name to Mr Linky.


  1. Sandra, Nice windmill.
    I'm sorry that I have not been visiting.I have had a lot on my plate.

  2. That is really cute. It's even better because it will remind you of that trip every time you see it!

  3. That's so pretty, what a wonderful keepsake :)

  4. That is cute. A local craft shop here makes lighthouses in a similar way with little lighted up windows.

    Hugs n' love


  5. That is very sweet! And a perfect treasure!

  6. Love the windmill, Sandra. But I am going to have to write you about your trip to South Africa. I have a dear friend, met online at a Christian womens pen pal site, and we've been writing daily for almost 11 years now. She would love for me to come for a visit. It looks like a magnificent place.

  7. It looks adorable. It's always nice to get things to remember our trips by.

  8. thats so beautiful Sandra..Its nice to buy a little trinket from a lovely place.

  9. Hi Sandra, nice meeting you on Show and Tell Friday.
    That is a cute little windmill to remind you of your vacation.

  10. I love the little windmill, Sandra. I have one from Holland which my grandmother bought decades ago. That is one of the great things about travel, isn't it - seeing things we never see at home!

  11. Its a tea light holder? It is beautiful. I have blue and white dishes so it would look great in my kitchen.
    I am trying to refrain from purchasing any more decor. I'm aiming for a less cluttered look. We'll just see how long that lasts.
    Mama Bear


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