
Monday, September 15, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook!

Hi everyone, come on in and see what's in my daybook!

If you want to join in, just got visit Peggy over at The Simple Woman, read the guidelines here and then add your name to Mr Linky. There are so many other participants sharing their day, I'm sure you'll enjoy looking through them :)

Outside my Window...
deep blue cloudless skies, birds chirping and my sprinklers watering the back and front yards.

I am thinking...
that I need to have some coffee real soon, then finish off the grocery list.

From the learning rooms...
We learnt a LOT about castles, why they were built, how they were used, what castle life was like...the kids and I had a lot of fun looking through library books and then online for some more research.

I am thankful for...
everything around me, I've been a little down in the dumps lately but I'm snapping out of it and realizing that I have a lot to be thankful for and there is no need to waste precious time moping around.

From the kitchen...
For breakfast I'm having cinnamon coffee and some toast, the kids will have cereal and juice...lunch will be something quick, probably a sandwich since I'll be out running errands and grocery shopping....dinner is Creamy White Chilli.

I am wearing...
still in my satin robe, pink and red flowers, and my slippers.

I am reading...
The Brides of Lancaster County

I am hoping...
to get to the gas station, my poor Durango is almost out of gas and I need to make it there before I head out to do groceries. I really really dislike having to gas up the car, not just because of the prices but I don't know.....just really don't like it. Have I said I don't like it yet? LOL

I am creating...
a happy home for my family, curtains for the living room and some christmas projects.

I am hearing...
the landscaping people mowing the yards, an F-16 jet flying overhead and another doing an engine run off in the pictures on the wall are shaking.

Around the house...
it's pretty quiet right now, Nicholas is the only one up and he's having breakfast while playing a game on the Wii. Jasmine is still asleep and the lazy pugs are cuddled in with her.

One of my favorite things...
Looking through my refrigerator and cupboards right after I've finished putting away groceries, there's nothing like that seeing your house full of food.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
A run to the post office to mail off the books for the giveaway and a package for Jasmine's best friend's birthday, tomorrow or wednesday a quick trip to the library.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...


The cookie jar filled with Molasses Oat Cookies that I baked this weekend


  1. Sandra I enjoyed reading your day book. I hope you have a great week and finish snapping out of it so feel great!!!

  2. That cookie jar is making me hungry! I hope you have a good week :)

  3. Sounds like a good week for you. The cookies look great. Enjoy your time with yourself and I'm glad you have cheered up. We do have alot to be thankful for.

  4. Hello Sandra, What a lovely post! Can I help myself to a cookie while I'm here...! Thanks so much for dropping by my blog and leaving a comment. Have a great week. Diana x

  5. I do enjoy reading the simple woman's daybook on your blog,and those cookies yum....

  6. Your cookies look delicious!

    Have a wonderful week.

  7. I don't know what it is about getting gas, but I don't like it either!

  8. Do you ever get used to the pictures shaking on the walls? :v)

    Those cookies look yummy! I need to get back to baking cookies. I had cinnamon coffee for breakfast too!

  9. Oh my, I wish I had one (or two or probably three!) of those cookies right now, they look so good! I loved reading about what you were hearing and seeing and what you have planned for the week, I always love these posts :)

    Hope you got all of your groceries, got gas in the car and are enjoying a peaceful time for the rest of the day and evening. Take care!

  10. Sounds peaceful there! And the cookies look good enough to grab!

  11. Another great photo. It seems a few ladies in blog land are feeling a little down or tired. Do you think it is the change in seasons?
    Wow big planes in the area! My son would love it.

  12. These gas prices are horrendous! I hope your station wasn't our like many here in Atlanta are.

    Thank you for stopping by!


  13. Brides of Lancaster County, huh. Wow. I didn't know our county was cool enough to have a book series. :)

  14. I don't like getting gas either. It takes too long and it's smelly. And you have to stand outside your car on display.

    I love castles too!

  15. I can't believe the number and variety of home made goodies that come out of your kitchen...really, you put Martha to shame!

  16. Hi,
    I love the new layout. So pretty and so fall too! I enjoyed your daybook too. I know what you mean about gas. I am always on empty and stressing worrying about getting to the station.
    But I am resolving to trust God and trust Cowboy. It'll all work out.
    I hope you have a blessed week.

  17. Nice photo! I enjoyed reading your daybook. Have a great week!


  18. Thanks for dropping by my post.
    I don't MIND filling the car with gas, but my husband tends to do it for me.

  19. I totally HATE having to stop and get gas too!!!! blech! ;)

  20. Yummy cookies! I can imagine what it's like for you with the pictures on your walls shaking. Our windows rattle when the space shuttle goes up.

  21. I enjoyed taking a peek at your blog. The cookies look great! =]


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
