
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Weekend Talk!

Is it just me or do the weekends seem to fly by? I don't get time to sit back with the family and have fun because before you know it, it's Sunday afternoon and you realize you didn't really get everything done. There's still a bunch of curtains on the kitchen table waiting to be sewed, there's still pockets for the advent calendar waiting in the sewing box, there's yet another two loads of laundry overfilling the hamper and this and that.

I used to get frustrated and try to finish as much as I could before Monday rolled around, but you know it's not worth me overdoing it for nothing, when everyone is off to school and work in the morning then I can concentrate on that.

Tomorrow is pay day for us military folks which means errands, grocery shopping, visiting the gas station which I just loathe lately. No matter what ludicrous amount of money you spend on the gas you never really have enough and half the time you drive around with the gas light on. Or is that just me?

Yesterday we took Nicholas's Brown Bear around and snapped some photos for his class project, he was so excited.

Back home we couldn't help but chuckle at the girls in their little outfits. They LOVE wearing clothes and we usually don't make them wear anything but once in a while we put it on and they get all happy LOL

Lola is Little Miss Attitude and Bella was Ruff Rocker LOL

It's been pretty quiet here today, Curt took Nicholas to the park a while ago and left Jasmine with me. We like taking the kids out individually for some one on one time with us, this way they don't feel like one is getting more attention than the other. While they were gone I got the kitchen clean, the dishes done and the living room curtains washed....I'm busy sewing some new ones now but I'm not sure I'll have them finished today.

I'm not feeling all too well. Without the IUD, the doctor has put me back on the birth control pills and they're making me a little nauseous and giving me a headache, so I'm a little grouchy today. I did manage to get my menu plan for the next two weeks done and posted so I guess I've done something productive today LOL

Dinner tonight is a Potato and Onion Soup and some Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, dessert will be some Ice Cream Sandwiches made with the Molasses Oat Cookies that I baked yesterday. Yum!

Starting tomorrow I'll be doing a week of Color, every day will be a different color and I'll post photos of items around the house or outside that match the color. If anyone wants to join in they're more than welcome :) Right now I'll leave you with the Sunday Linkies, just a few more of my favorite blogs.

A Storybook Life ♥ Great tips for decorating the home and garden

Aiken House and Gardens ♥ - A blog set in Prince Edward Island, need I say more? You'll be amazed at the beautiful photos the blog author posts, it makes me think of Anne of Green Gables :)

Little Cotton Rabbits ♥ Julie is a wonderful knitter and always has something great going on, go on over and take a look.

Pretty Gingham ♥ - Tanja is from Finland and her blog is full of beautiful photos


  1. You got some great shots of Nicholas' bear. What a fun project!
    Your dinner tonight sounds so yummy- I absolutely love potato soup!

  2. I love weekends too. Your soup sounds really good.

  3. What was his school project? I don't recall any kind of school project that involved jets! Looks like a BLAST!

  4. That close up shot of the bear made me laugh out loud. Too cute.

    I never seem to get done around here what needs to be done. With a new busy one year old in dayhome, I'm lucky if I can get to the bathroom. LOL. So that leaves it for the evenings or weekends and lets just say I haven't been too motivated lately. Sigh.

  5. That's cute Sandra how lovely that Nicholas was the lucky one with the bear this weekend.We'll be making your lovely cookies tonight.

  6. Sandra I can relate to your weekend feeling of not getting everything done. Yes, I know that feeling all too well. I am sitting here trying to catch a second wind so I can remove my toenail polish and fold some laundry....the spirit is willing but the flesh is worn out!

    I hope you are feeling better soon...

    Looking at those photos it seems that you are still in the midst of very hot weather. Guess what? So are we! Those lovely cool days we had early this week went away and the hot mugginess is back, in a big way. I've had my a/c going non stop since Friday...its like a sauna outside....

    Have a great week Sandra!

  7. Weekend? Where? I didn't see it go by! The dogs look cute. Feel better and have a great week.

  8. I bet that was a fun school project taking pictures with the Bear all around base!

  9. Weekends do go too fast! But i love mondays!

  10. Hi Sandra,
    Found you blog while "blogging" around on Sunday. I love the prim designs. Went to Sheryl's site to see what she has available. Did you design your site, or did you have someone do it? I want to change look of my blog, but really don't know how to begin.

    All your recipes sound so good. Will have to give some of them a try.

    My husband is retired Air Force. We live near Columbus Air Force Base in Columbus, MS.

    Have a blessed day.

  11. We had a similar class project when my youngest son was in Kindergarten. It was a Pooh Journal where they brought home WInnie the Pooh and took him everywhere for a week. We took pictures and recorded their adventures in a journal. It was very cute ;)

  12. I remember we did the same thing with Arthur 8 years ago! I was fun, and we took him to the air field to get pictures with the planes! lol~!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
