
Tuesday, January 06, 2009

I love my life!

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Do you ever sit down and say "I'm so happy, I completely love my life"?

I find myself doing that quite often. I'm not rich in the wealthy, money kind of way, but I am absolutely filthy rich in love from my family. I don't think there is anything that I would change about who I am and where I live....well maybe that part yes, you know I really don't like Arizona LOL....but other than that I'm content and I'm happy and I am thrilled to be on this roller coaster we call life.

I try to live every moment to the fullest, try to live without leaving anything undone or put off for a better day. So far I think I've succeeded in becoming one of the happiest women alive. No really, I'm not joking, that's how I feel. Do you ever get that feeling?

So I'm sitting here this morning and my back is feeling so much better, after a hot bath Curt rubbed some Icy Hot on the painful areas and I took to bed....what a difference it made. Thank you for your well wishes :)

I've done no housework today, other than the small things like cleaning up after breakfast or throwing in a load of laundry, thankfully with all my cleaning done the previous days, I can get away with a day or two of minor tidying up, which is just what I need right now.

But you know, I couldn't pass up the opportunity of picking some fresh lemons for a Lemon Pie later today. My tree is over filling with ripe, yellow, citrusy scented lemons, so much so that some of the lower branches are dipping to the ground.


Let's take our bowl and go pick some nice ones for our pie, shall we?


Oooohhhhh I'm already drooling just thinking of that pie for dinner....but you know what? This picture made me realize that my camera lenses has a dirty spot. See it there on the middle right? Looks like a smudge doesn't it? Guess I'll be cleaning that before I forget.


I updated the food blog with another recipe this morning, Creamy Oven Chicken and later today I'll have the one for tonight's dinner up......I'm making Beef and Bacon Pinwheels. Yum!

Now let's talk, a couple of you have asked me how I get so much done during the day and quite frankly I don't know how to explain, see for me, I don't think I'm getting much done, I think that over the years I've come up with a Daily Routine that works for me and as the kids get older and start school etc, I just adjust it to whatever is going on. As a matter of fact, my routine sometimes changes from year to year according to what is happening around me.

For the most part though, it remains the same, here it is for those who were curious. One trick I've learned over the years.....ALWAYS schedule in time for yourself, give yourself an hour to do whatever you want, be it reading or knitting or crafting or just sitting down with a big bowl of ice cream watching trashy TV. It works and it recharges you during the day and does wonders for your attitude....try it.

And don't think that if I veer off the schedule the earth will end, it won't....some days I don't need to do laundry do I use that time for something else, or there will be no errands to run, so I'll do yard work or look through cookbooks or plan my menus or something.

One thing is for sure, I don't leave any minute of the day free.

Right now I have laundry finishing up and I'm going to figure out some lunch for Curt and I, he goes in to work in about two hours.

Thank you for stopping by and chatting with me for a bit.....

Feeling - Inspired

Drinking - Nothing right now

Writing - Ideas for the family vacation this summer

Thinking - that I need to drop the extra pounds I've put on from the holidays...UGH

Contemplating - A sandwich or a salad for lunch

Knowing - that life is wonderful

Listening - to the sound of the keys on the keyboard as I type

Jumping - for joy that things are back to normal after the crazy holidays

Savoring - Nestle Caramel Chocolates...mmmmm

Resisting - The temptation to eat chips

Eating - Nothing yet

Hiding - from nothing


  1. Wanna know what I've really been wondering about you......DO YOU HAVE AN ACCENT? LOL You do have a blessed life & much to be thankful for. We all do if we would think thankfully (that was a tongue twister).

  2. Your posts are always so uplifting, thanks Sandra!

    And your lemon tree! Wow. How gorgeous is that? Beautiful.

    Love and hugs.

    Sarah x

  3. ...hey that's funny Tina asking that, because I was wondering if you have an accent too the other day. I have some South African friends and I wondered if you have a similar accent, or if you have picked up and American accent now?

  4. Sandra~ You are so right about being happy with your life and where you are right now and in this moment. I have always said that it is better to be blessed with lots of love and a wonderful family than to be with out love and be rich. I would skip wealth to be loved... Cause most people that are weathy don't have love.. and money can't buy you that, true love that is... So YEAH!! for you Sandra for finding that in your life.. And I am sooooo jealous of your lemon tree..I want one.. Have a blessful day and enjoy your lemon pie...

  5. What beautiful pics of your lemon tree! Gorgeous! Hope you post pics of your lemon pie. Sounds so yummy!

    I feel the same way about life. The Lord is good!

  6. How blessed you are to have that gorgeous lemon tree.. do you have any idea the worth of those yellow beauties? Just last weekend I started to buy a couple untill I saw how brused, old, wrinkled and expensive they were. I bought a jar of juice instead.
    Lucky... lucky you :)

  7. I am just drooling over the thought of lemon pie made from fresh-picked lemons from one's own yard! Here in NY I am preparing for yet another snow & ice storm, LOL! You know, your happiness always shows in your blog and I think that is one of the reasons I enjoy it so much :-)

  8. It's a real treasure to be able to say you're that happy. I'm thrilled for you and I hope 2009 is perfect in many, many ways.

  9. I've tried the schedule thing before and I'm just not disciplined enough to stick to one! Oh, I wish I would. Maybe that'll be my "resolution"....hmmm

  10. LOVE the lemon tree! Where do you live?

    I would LOVE to grow one (we live in GA)

  11. Thanks for posting your daily schedule...I HAVE wondered how you get so many things done in a day! I was thinking maybe you didn't have to sleep Ha-ha!! Glad you are feeling so happy and content.

    That beautiful lemon tree reminds me of the saying "when life gives you lemons, make lemon pie" (uh, that's not quite how it goes..but it fits right here LOL)


  12. OMG I was thinking this same question! Sandra do you have an accent? I don't in case your wondering. Ok maybe a dad bit of a valley girl accent but what can I say I'm a Ca. girl living in OR. :)

  13. I have a very happy life too. I work from a schedule and a list and it makes life so easy. I am working from a project list that will be completely finished by June. I liked today's post a lot.
    Roberta Anne

  14. That lemon tree is beautiful, just looking at it makes me smile. Very good thoughts

  15. Hey there! I have started reading your blog and the posts are great. Also, I just wanted to let you know that I linked to you from my site.

    Have a great day!


  16. Sandra, I hope you have a great day! Enjoy baking that lemon pie, it sounds delicious!

    I hope your back feels better soon.

    Many blessings.

  17. It's great that you are so content!
    The lemons are gorgeous!

  18. I love my life too! But I am coveting that lemon tree...

    DH did throw me for a loop yesterday by saying he thinks he's changed his mind and it might be time to "GET OUT". No way! I couldn't even respond! Maybe we won't be moving out your way after all!

    So, will I still love life as much without the security of a military paycheck? Feeling a little uneasy!

  19. Your lemons look so beautiful and yummy! And I'm not even a huge lemon pie fan, but the thought of a lemon pie with real lemons sounds appetizing. I do love lemon bars though, and lemon poppyseed muffins, and lemonade.

  20. youre a very uplifing woman..i love coming by and reading your blog...
    Love to hear that youre still knitting..

  21. hey..ur beautiful lemon tree is just like ur happily life ,,in ur life more ways to get happiness n lemon has too more ways to get b healthy..lolzzzzzzzz


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
