
Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Accent or no Accent???

Window Sill. Pictures, Images and Photos

I noticed a couple of you asking me about my accent and wondering if I have one or not, so I decided to do something I've never done on my blog a video of me.....UGH!

If you only knew how much I dislike seeing myself on camera but I think it's the only way you can see for yourself whether I have an accent or not. So here you go....I would love to hear the comments on this one, and be nice, remember....I'm not a camera friendly person and you're pretty lucky that I did this video right after returning home from dropping the kids off at school and running some errands.

You would be running for the hills if I had done this first thing in the morning LOL


  1. Cute! Yes, definitely a slight accent especially on the words "accent" and "States". It reminded me of a Boston "a", although since I know you're from South Africa, I know it's a South African "a".

    It's a lovely accent, Sandra, and I hope what little that remains of it never goes away because it's part of what makes you special.

    And I don't think I've commented on your new haircut - it really is fabulous.

    Have a great week,

  2. A slight accent,I like it though Sandra.

  3. too cute! thanks for sharing. definately an accent, but a good one. :)

  4. Great video!!! You look beautiful on camera!

    VERY slight accent, is my opinion.

    I grew up in central Louisiana and have lived in Texas for 15 should hear all the times I get teased about MY accent lol.

    BTW I totally enjoy your blog!!!

  5. I think you should do all your blog posts on camera, it would be almost like a real conversation! :) And you look gorgeous on camera, lol you should see the latest photo I posted of me.

    Your accent sounds a gentle US accent to me. I pick up accents quickly, I'd bet if I had lived in the US for so long I wouldn't sound English anymore.

    Thank you so much for doing that, you're such a sweetie!

    Oh and I agree with Pamela, your hair is beautiful.

    Big hugs.

    Sarah x

  6. I am SO glad you did this. It's so fun to hear peoples voices.
    You have an accent and I'm jealous- it's SO cute!
    What a great post!

  7. More American than I thought! I can hear the South African part in the "i" vowel,like in "this" and a bit in the "a" too, but that is because I am from the same place! You have a lovely voice and accent, Sandra, and I have NO idea why you do not do video thingy more often! Great!

  8. I would say it's no more an accent than someone from Brooklyn,NY or the genteel South or a Texan would have. But it does sound lovely! And I too ♥ your hairstyle!

  9. You have a very slight accent, but you are a DOLL!! You should most definitely do that more often!!

  10. Thanks for doing this for us! I loved seeing you on video - you look great! And - you have the cutest accent. I could listen to you all day!

  11. That was a very nice video of you! I would say that you do have a slight accent.

    I have ehjoyed your blog for a long time. Thanks for sharing it with all those who follow you.

    Take care.

    From Ontario Canada

  12. Oh my goodness, SANDRA!! You are so cute!! I love it! Yes, you have a tiny tinie ity bit of an accent.. but I LOVE IT!! You are so beautiful and look marvelous, darling, on camera!

    Hugs.. Amy

  13. it's lovely! I have a friend named Dave who is from Zimbabwe and you pronounce things just as he does!

  14. So niceto hear a voice to go with the lovely posts!
    Thanks for 'braving' the camera

  15. You have a beautiful voice and you sound more like you're from the northen states then Africa..
    You should do video's more often.. You look so pretty on camera.

  16. You are so funny! I too hate myself on video. I am constantly asking the Lord to change my countenance (C: I always appear harsh, or I roll my eyes, or something...

    I would say a slight accent that is beautiful. I love your voice and you did great! We are our own worst critics.I have always said I would love an accent. We northwesterners have the most boring dialect/accent/nonaccent in the world. When we first moved to Washington from Ohio when I was in 4th grade people used to ask us if we were from New York. But not anymore. How sad...

    Maybe someday I'll brave a video.

  17. I hate to see myself on video or camera too but you did a wonderful job and you looked great!!! Accent.. I would say yes, a slight one. Not too noticable but definitely there!!!

  18. oh my goodness you're stinkin adorable! i love love LOVE the accent! reminds me of a character from one of my favorite tv shows (ziva david from NCIS) just a little, on certian sounds.... thanks for a glimpse at you! i adore all 3 of your blogs!

  19. Yes - love the slight accent! And you did so great! I hate camera's too so I"m very very impressed! You are too cool!

  20. A slight accent, and like others have said, it sounds like it is from the northern states, almost. =)

  21. Hi Sandra - I've always wanted to hear you talk and now I have. Definitely a slight accent, as all others have said. I had a friend in college from S. Africa and you sound nothing like her...but she had only been in the States a very short time. I would have guessed you to be Welsh or something like that. You're adorable.

  22. OH SANDRA!!!! Thank You!!! You know sometimes when us bloggers never get to meet in real life, well its kind of semi-real......BUT YOU ARE SO REAL!!! You are brave too because never in a million-zillion years could I have done that for all the world to see! So now I know....I will hear you reading the posts to me from now on in your nice accent. You should do this more often REAL-SANDRA!!

  23. I met a girl from South Africa earlier in the year and her accent is a little stronger than yours, probably since you've been over here longer than she has, but yep, you've got a lovely accent. I just love listening to South African accents. Thanks for sharing :)

  24. It's cute - it's only slight and if we didn't know where you were originally from it would sound almost Texan at times and then the English influence other times - LOL - Hubby and son tease me awful when I'm extremely tired because that's the only time my Texas accent is still with me or if I've been back home for more than 24 hours - LOL!

    It's nice to be able to put a voice with a face. I know when Barbara (Candy Hearts & Paper Flowers) and I talk on the phone, it always seem more real and nice.

    P.S. look for Hungarian Goulash tomorrow - it turned out fantastic (well almost it still has 2 hours to go, but it's great!)

  25. This was just too sweet of you! You look beautiful. I love your accent, I do think you have one! But it's part of who you are, where you are from, and I love it!!! I wanted to tell your blog is one of my all time favorites! I so much enjoy all you share with us! You are awesome!

  26. Yep, there is a bit of an accent there! Like someone said before, we Northwesterners do not have any accent so we tend to notice even the slightest ones.
    You are so brave to have put yourself onto video. I know I will never be able to do that.
    Michele from Montana

  27. Sandra, you have a tiny, slight accent. Not much, but very cute, hehe. Youre so brave to put up a video of you on your blog, LOL.

    I absolutely love your haircut, it rocks!

  28. Loved watching your video! That was cute and a great way to let us know whether or not you have an accent. I have to say, I didn't notice much of one! Will be back tomorrow with a recipe!

  29. Thanks for posting the video!

    You do definitely have an accent. However, I went to school with a couple South Africans and I would not have guessed that unless I knew you were from there! You are very americanized :)

  30. youre a lovely woman Sandra, yes i noticed the accent..I think its because i have on and i have been here more years than

  31. I Love it! You have just a slight accent which is so cute. I really wish I had one too. All I have is plain american!

  32. What a great post! It is so nice to put a voice with you. Definitely a slight accent but a wonderful one!

  33. Accent is BEAUTIFUL...and instantly makes you more interesting to anyone who notices. I loved seeing you on really makes me feel like I know you better.:-)

  34. Oh Sandy How we miss you! The kids came running to the computer when they heard your voice. They still remember! Even Sydney! Hope you are all doing good!

  35. Yay! Hearing your voice makes you more "real" it's silly but that's how I feel about it. Love the colors in your sweater. Honestly the accent took awhile for me to hear so I would say you are right you lost a bit of it but wow it makes you "exotic".
    You HAVE to post a cooking video!

  36. Extrememly slight accent. I LIKE IT! Reminds me of Celine Dion's accent.

    I had no idea you weren't from the US. So NEAT!

    I too love your haircut & you do a GREAT video (unlike mine) LOL

  37. Great video. You have a slight accent on a few of your words. But many people here in the US do. Thank you for sharing.

  38. I know you are from South Africa but if I had to guess without knowing I would have said more of a Mediteranian accent. Some country with sunny sea shores where the make great wines. What a sweet brave girl you are to have done this. I hate when I am in photos let alone a video.
    Roberta Anne

  39. Yes definitely an accent but not what I was expecting either. We have a number of South African doctors here where I live that sound different but that could be just because their accent is stronger. They haven't been here as long.

    So awesome to see and hear you!!

  40. First of all, you look pretty whether you think so or not. I'm so behind -- when did you cut your hair?

    The accent: to me it sounds like a mixture of the South, East and Midwest.

  41. Yet another person to give you kudos for the hair it!

    And yes, to me you do have an accent. But growing up an Army brat, I've learned to love accents. I have a horrible NW USA one.... Washingtonians have a convoluted "non-accent" accent that is way to California for me....but after so many years there I picked it up. I much preferred when I lived down South and spoke more like a Southerner.

    I think it's interesting that certain things you say sound Midwest USA to me; others sounded a smidge Australian; and there were even a couple of times you sounded more German to me. Definitely more intriguing than what I used to hear at "home" in WA.... but now I hear Japanese so I'm trying to get an ear for that. LOL

  42. first i got to say you are a beautiful lady and you do have a accent to me but i have a deep deep southern accent cuz i live in sc.

  43. First things first: I looooove your sweater! There now onto accents, there is a touch of one there. This was good. You should have done this for 2nd Cup of Coffee's "I See What You're Saying" last week!

  44. Yes, I do hear a bit of something there! But it's so subtle I can see why people often have to to stop you to ask you where you're from :)

    Love your new layout! I read most of my blogs in Google reader now but I always like to stop by here in person to see what pretty new background you've got going on.

  45. Awwww, You are so cute and the camera does you good. There is some kind of accent but not just sure how to describe it. Very nice tho' Hugs

  46. Definitely a slight accent, but you look great on camera. Love the sweater!

  47. Your accent is slight and attractive. It is not typically "South African", almost sounds like a very slight Australian accent. Perhaps as somebody else said, it is a Mediterranean accent?

    I have been in the US for 40 years and it took me ages to lose my South African accent, and it is still not completely gone. I find when I am visiting SA my accents drifts back more :-)

    Such fun to see your video!

  48. Yep on accent! I love that you made this entry!!

    Quite a while back I made an entry on one of my blogs regarding accents. I've got a Kansas twang - & I hate it LOL.

  49. You are so cute! and yes you do have a slight accent! Very nice-it's so nice to hear what you sound like after reading your blog regularly! Thanks

  50. Wow, I really enjoyed watching your video, I've been following your blog for a while now and am enjoying it very much. It was great to SEE you in action !! I feel like I just met you in person and I like you even more ! And yes, by the way, a very slight accent. Thanks for all your sharing. You are very computer savy.

  51. I do not in any way know why you don't like cameras. You are just adorable. Yes you have a very slight accent. My best friend from Germany is like this. I only hear her accent come out very slight and she has been in the US on and off the last 20 years. I've actually known her for about 12 and she now lives in OK where we first met. Anyway I didn't even know she was German when we first met, but now I can kind of tell. Just like you, you can hear it, but only a little bit. The accent although slight is beautiful. You are such a beautiful girl and your video was just awesome. You go girl!

  52. Well, I cannot give you an opinion about your accent, but I loved seeing you on the video!

  53. Yes I think you have a slight accent which is very charming. I think you look wonderful on camera.
    Have a blessed day!!!


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