
Monday, February 23, 2009

{ Happy Homemaker Monday }

Welcome to my Monday feature, a place where I'll be writing about my day, what I've learned the past week, any new recipes I've tried, scriptures that made an impact and everything else in between.

Every Monday, I will post a Mr Linky, you are more than welcome to join me, all you need to do is grab the button, copy the categories and fill in your answers, then come back here and add your post so that others can come and visit you.

On my bedside table:
The Kite Runner, I haven't started it yet but am hoping to tonight.

On my TV:
Paranormal State
Lark Rise to Candleford Season 1

On the menu for tonight:
Onion burgers and fries

On my To Do List:
Mop and Sweep the floors
Wash all the bed linens
Make a trip to the post office and library

New Recipe I tried last week:
Virginia's Baked Spaghetti
Pork Chops Supreme
Hearty Red Beans and Rice

In the craft basket:
Crochet Bath Puff
Crochet Potholders

With everyone being sick the past two weeks, I have not crocheted or knitted and I'm really missing it. Can't wait to get in that basket today :)

Looking forward to:
The warmer temperatures and starting to walk the kids to school.

Homemaking Tip for this week:
To remove oil dripping from concrete plain old laundry detergent can be sprinkled on the oil enough to cover the dripping - wait overnight and the oil is absorbed from the concrete by the powder.

Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
In memory of our beloved son by Becky at Sweet Cottage Dreams. This post had me crying to the point where I was actually sobbing and found it hard to write the comment. Becky and her husband lost their son Jordan on the 4th of February 2009. I don't know how Becky was able to write this post and my heart goes out to her during this awful time.

Favorite photo from last week:

Lesson learned the past few days:
That no matter how much I try, I can't always protect my children from the hardships and horrible things that surround us on a daily basis. On saturday afternoon we headed out to lunch and unfortunately were stopped at a light right next to the water canal just up the street. There were a lot of policemen and fire trucks, ambulances and divers around us and right there on the road, a body of a man who had been pulled from the canal. My children saw their first dead body and they were shocked to say the least. I only hope in time they forget the image that is STILL so vivid in my own mind.

On my Prayer List:
My husband
Becky and her family at Sweet Cottage Dreams

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:

Align CenterEph. 4:32 (King James Version)

32And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you."


  1. I'm a first time participator here. Thought I'd join in on the fun! I have enjoyed reading your blog and all the interesting reading on the side bars.

  2. I've read the Kite Runner ... I enjoyed it. I'll be interested to see what you think. Have you watched the movie ? I haven't yet. I want to but just haven't ...

  3. Thanks Sandra for your support in prayer for my Dad.

  4. love, love the picture of Jasmine. That burger looks pretty delicious!

  5. What a lovely list this week with a certain message that life is fleeting and we should show joy and take each day as a precious gift from God.

    Have a Wonderful Day!
    from Roberta Anne

  6. I'll be interested to hear too what you think about Kite Runner....I haven't watched the movie but want to read the book first I think.
    80 there already, wow! Your burger lunch looked good!

  7. Thank you for your kind words and prayers about our son, Jordan. I see that you are an Air Force wife and I would love to hear from you if you wouldn't mind writing me at my email:

    Your daughter is adorable!! Be sure to tell your husband thank you from our family for serving our country. Thank YOU for your love and devotions as well.

    Becky and family

  8. Love this post, the sentiment and the adorable photo! I hate that you and your family had such a scary experience in the car, how true that we can't shield them from everything, but so sad when something like that happens.


  9. I'll be back after i drop dd off to class..

  10. I enjoyed reading your list. That is quite an adorable picture of Jasmine.
    I look forward to participating in many more Mondays.

  11. I enjoyed your post - got here both from Amy and Jen. I'll have to think about doing the homemaker Mondays!

    I'm going to hop over to the link you provided.

    Love the picture today - between that and your onion burger menu idea, I'm dying for a burger!!

  12. The Kite Runner is an excellent book, Sandra, but it's difficult to read in places.

    I just went over and read Jordan's story - very very sad when such a young man dies. My heart goes out to his parents and his brother.

    I'm sorry your kids saw that poor man laying in the road. I imagine you had some questions to answer. Time will make the shock of it lessen, but what an awful thing for them to see.

  13. I've joined you in the Happy Homemaker fun. I love that picture of Jasmine. My daughters loved her nails.

  14. I joined today. Thanks for mentioning Becky I did too. I had been going by every few days and say the last post last night. I cried too!
    I hope you have a great week.

  15. This was a bitter sweet post Sandra. I read Becky's story about her son. Our kids are the same it really breaks my heart. It is hard for me to think about.

    Your daughter & that BIG-OLE-BURGER.....that is a shame!! I am soooo jealous of her!!! LOL

  16. love the pic this week, but sorry about whatyou guys saw...that's a tough one at any age.

  17. Great photo! And sorry about that dead body - I'd love to protect my kiddo forever, but know I can't...

  18. I'm going to have to relearn how to crochet! I would love to make a bath puff or two.

  19. these is my first vist and really enjoy it hope to be back,
    i am so sorry about the car accident sound scary and sad, marina

  20. sorry I'm a day late with my post but it's pretty hectic here with my daughter's wedding coming up !!! Marie x

  21. I'm super late, but I did it! LOL I really like this!



  22. get blogs! I've added you on my blog list, love to have mine added to yours.

    x's and o's


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
