
Sunday, March 01, 2009

{ Enjoying the weekend }


It's been a quiet, relaxing, go with the flow weekend. My favorites.

I am not one to ever over schedule or fill our days with places to go and things to do, we're just not that kind of family. We're very laid back, very *go with the moment* kind of people.

So yesterday around noon we were in the mood for chinese and decided to go to the base Chinese restaurant for lunch, it was supposed to be opened, but it wasn't. I don't know why, all I know is that I was left with an overwhelming craving for chow mein noodles, not a good thing is it?

Lunch ended up being at the Food court at the BX, I had Popeye's Chicken and the kids and Curt had Anthony's Pizza. Now if you're familiar with military food courts AND Anthony's pizza, you have to admit that it's really not that good at all, but I guess when you're in a bind and just want to fill your tummy with something, it will do. We shopped at the BX for about an hour or so....Nicholas and I were actually ready to leave while Curt and Jasmine aimlessly held hands and walked the aisles looking at every single knick knack on the shelves.


It was worth it though because I have wanted to get the kids their own children's Bible for such a long time and never got around to it. They have the baby ones where each book is about 2 paragraphs long and we always felt it wasn't enough.


I remember having this beautiful Bible when I was a young girl, it was full of pictures and drawings and I loved reading it, so to be able to find something like that for the kids is just wonderful. We'll be sitting down this afternoon and will start reading....they're both extremely excited too.

The rest of the weekend has been spent changing out bed linens and catching up on laundy and planting. The BX finally got their seeds in so we picked up a few.


It's an absolutely beautiful day, it's sunny with a little wind and 86 degrees. I plan to be outside enjoying the weather, reading my new book for a review, watching Lark Rise to Candleford Season 2 and working on my new puzzle.

I do need to make a quick trip to the BX to pick up some more white fencing to finish the front of the house and pick up some materials for a terrarium that I have in mind. I'll share all the details when and IF I find everything I need.

I hope you're all enjoying your Sunday, whatever it is you may be doing.

Day 28
Pray that your husband will be a man of prayer. Pray that he will seek and pursue God in purposeful quiet times. (1 Thess. 5:17; Luke 22:46; James 5:16)

Day 29 (today's prayer)
Pray that your husband will surrender his time and talents to the Lord. Pray that his spiritual gifts will be manifest in his career, at church, and in your home. (Eph. 5:15-16; 1 Cor. 12:4, 7)


  1. What a wonderful laid back day you've had and how exciting to be able to start planting... I keep thinking.. maybe.. just maybe I can plant some lettuce seeds but as soon as I think it, it turns cold again :(

  2. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Thanks for more prayers. I can't believe the 32 days are almost done!

  3. I still have my old Children's Bible. I assume the CLB will want to read it one day.

  4. I still have my old children's bible too. I remember tracing some of the artwork for Scripture lessons at school from it!
    I have been tidying up the garden, and will have to get some potting soil this week so I can start my seedlings going now that the weather has stopped being Arctic. Your weekend sounds lovely, Sandra. I am intrigued re the terrarium!

  5. Sounds like a wonderful day. I can tell Spring is on it's way to you ! Can't wait to see what flowers pop up in those planters and a terrarium (!) sounds cool ! Hope you find the stuff you need for it !!

  6. What a nice weekend. I'm sure you all needed it after the stress of Curt's test.

  7. glad you had a nice weekend..I love the colorful pots...Are they going to be flowers? or did you get herbs?
    cant wait to see what pops out..

  8. I still have my childrens golden bible from when I was young. So special. It's a beautiful day here today. Melting the snow but definitely not planting seed weather yet. We've got a bit more before spring here.

  9. I'm so jealouse of your warm weather. We were below zero this morning and it didn't warm up much. I so have the planting bug, but it will need to be tamed for a bit.

    Have a blessed day!

  10. I love those laid back weekends. Glad your enjoyed it and the beautiful weather!

  11. It sounds like you had the perfect Sunday! I understand about the baby Bibles...Russell has his board book Bible memorized and it seems too small for him but the one you just got is too advanced still for him. I hope you take some pictures of your flowers when they start growing! Enjoy your beautiful weather! We warmed up to 28 today...the sun was shining though which made it seem so much warmer! :)
    God Bless, Meg

  12. I love the idea of praying for your husband for 31 days in a row. Is it too late or can I start it now? I know I can pray anytime but I wanted to share by putting it on my blog. I love the idea.

  13. Yes I am very familiar with Anthony's Pizza. We have the BX and yes I was at it this weekend too, twice. Glad to see you got this really neat kids Bible. I think I like these Bibles just as much as the kids. It makes the Bible stories simple and easy to understand.

  14. Sounds like a perfect weekend!! :)
    We use the Eggermeiers Children's Bible for family devotions. It is the same story/picture Bible that my husband read out of, growing up. What a special tradition for the children to have a Bible story book. Glad you found one you like!

  15. You had such a good day. Praise the Lord.


  16. Lovely weekends are wonderful, relaxing and having fun with the family.

    Love n' hugs.


  17. Loved this post. Sorry you didn't get the chinese isn't that a pain when you have a meal out budgeted and then you get a bad meal. Bummer. But I know you had a great time anyway. I love the Bible I can't wait till gbaby is big enough to enjoy. Have fun with the seeds.
    BTW I went ahead a posted a Homemaker Monday entry. I'll check back later to see if you have it up.
    Have a great week.

  18. My girls both had their own Golden Bibles, which are in my cedar chest until the Grandkids are old enough for them. I loved them, and the kids really liked the pictures and easy to understand stories.
    I am envious of your beautiful weather. It MAY reach 60 today, but rain and snow is back in the forcast for later this week. We have learned not to plant outside until around Memorial Day or your seedlings will get frozen. *sigh* I really am itching to get my hands dirty.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
