
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hello everyone.....

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Thank you for all the prayers, I feel so much better today, though not 100% yet, but at least I'm able to walk around.

Yesterday was plain awful, I couldn't get out of bed, my body hurt so bad, I was running a fever of 103, tummy aches, nauseated, you name it. It was just horrible. Thankfully I have an amazing husband and children, they took wonderful care of me.

Curt went to pick the kiddos up early yesterday and I was laying on the couch when they came home. Nicholas gave me the biggest surprise ever....he walked in with two backpacks and at first I was confused. "Did he bring someone else's backpack home?" or "is he bringing a friend to play?".

Nope, none of that. The school had each teacher pick the top student to receive an Outstanding Student Certificate and Backpack with all sort of goodies inside. Nicholas was chosen from his extremely proud we are of this amazing little boy. He is such a good kid. He gave me a hug and then handed me a piece of paper where he had written in his kindergarten handwriting "I am srre you are sick. I wut you to get betr"....he said he did it during the free time while the other kids were playing. Melts this mommy's heart :)

Jasmine also brought home a handmade card with flowers and hearts and also saying she hopes I feel better and she loves me.

Anyway, enough bragging about my babies....or I could just go on forever.

After Curt left for work, I was so unwell, I climbed into bed. The kids covered me with a blanket, put a ton of soft plush toys around me and then lay next to me watching cartoons.

I was able to drag myself out of bed around 4pm and start some chicken soup, lay down on the couch while it cooked and then we all sat at the kitchen table eating. I tell you, it took EVERYTHING out of me to do that, I was plain worn out by the time dinner was over. Thankfully my wonderful husband walked in through the door, he had told work that I was very sick and they sent him home.

So, here I am....I got plenty of rest and am well on the way to recovery. I do have to watch what I eat today though, I'm sticking to the Bratty diet. Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Tea, Toast and Yogurt.

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Curt had to go into work today for 5 hours, so this morning I set about giving the house a really good cleaning, I had already started on thursday so didn't have much to do today, which is a good thing, I am known for overdoing it when I'm sick and I really don't want to push myself.

But, my house is spotless, I mean spotless to the point where I don't have anything to do, there's no laundry waiting to be washed and put away, there are no floors needing to be swept and mopped, there are no dishes needing to be washed or rugs needing to be vacuumed, there aren't even toilets needing scrubbing. It's a great feeling!

Now I can sit back and relax, which is just what I need, thankfully Monday the kids don't have school either, so it's a long weekend.

Oh come look at my plants....remember I was never able to grow anything? I'm so happy with myself for keeping these alive.

Here are the Zinnias



And the Marigold's

Whatever I'm doing, I guess I am doing it right. If only I could transfer this same rate of success to my poor lavender. I just cannot get those to grow.

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I finally got around to uploading the video of Jasmine's Dance at school. I'm sure you'll spot her right away, she's wearing tight black leggings and a white shirt.

I just love watching the video, she did so good and remember she didn't even want to go up there, but she said she was doing it for her Aunt Nadine and all her cousins that Nadine, Tiffany, Taryn-Lee and Alyssa, this one's for you :)

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And that's it for me, I'm going to go rest for a bit before heading to the kitchen to start dinner. I'm making some Chicken Egg Rolls which are baked instead of fried. So much healthier but still very tasty....come back later and I'll have the recipe on the Food Blog.

Hope you're all having a great Saturday....see you tomorrow!


  1. Glad you're feeling better!

  2. I'm glad you're feeling some better, Sandra!

    My daughter and I watched the video! So cute! Tell Jasmine we loved it! She did great! That looked like lots of fun! :)


  3. Sandra,I'm glad that you are feeling better as well,great photos.I hope that you are having a great weekend.

  4. I'm so glad you are feeling better. Congrats on having such a great son! And - congrats to Jasmine for doing such a wonderful job!

  5. I am so glad you are better and your babies are so wonderful...good mama training.

    I am green that your home is all perfect. We are redoing our bedroom decor and most of the rest of my home looks like a place where they test bombs. I cannot do painting and carpentry and because the house is a mess I cannot really do much else either. I have swept up a mountain of sawdust however. And kept good meals coming.

    Roberta Anne

  6. So glad you're feeling better. Aren't our children precious? I remember when Vic was deployed and Sophia was about two, I was down with a nasty bout of the stomach bug and on the couch feeling like death would be a good release...she dragged every one of her stuffed animals out from her bedroom to cuddle with me!

    LOVED Jasmine's dancing! Do you think she might like to take up dance lessons?

    Have a great rest of the weekend,

  7. Good news that you're feeling better! Isn't it amazing how much you appreciate good health after feeling so awful!!

  8. Glad to hear you are on the mend! Sounds like the kids really did their best to take care of Mom. :-)

  9. Glad you are feeling better. What a sweet note he made for you. If nothing else, that would make me feel tons better. *smile*

  10. So glad you are feeling better and ready to get going. I loved the note from Nicholas and Jaz is of course a "Doll" and very talented. We loved the flubber! Thanks for all you share with us.

  11. I am glad that you are feeling better. Your family sounds like they are the best. I loved the dance video. Thanks for sharing. Stay well and don't over do it! Debbi

  12. so glad that you are feeling better!

  13. Keep resting don't overdo it. I was sick all this week and found it so hard to do anything but after a day of rest yesterday thanks to my gorgeous husband I feel like I am on the up and up.

    You are a wonderful mom and I can tell your kids know this!!!

  14. Sorry to hear that you got sick. But glad to see that your are on the mend.
    Don't overdo things, take time out. You have a wonderful family to take care of you so rest up.

    Well done to your Son.

  15. Just a little note to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog. I'm a Navy wife with 2 children, 5 and 3, who works outside of the home. Reading your blog does inspire me to straighten up the house more and cook homemade meals for my family when I'm usually too tired to do so! Thanks for the good blog!

  16. Sure hope you're feeling better soon Sandra.!

  17. happy you are feeling better Sandra..
    Sit back and relax today..
    love the plants, they are looking nice..i think the lavender needs lots of sun, you should put the pot outside and see what happens..

  18. I'm glad to hear you are getting a little better. It is sweet how your kids tried to pamper you.


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