
Friday, April 17, 2009

I'm out for the count!

Expiration dates are there for a time you think you're safe to eat or drink something past that date.....think TWICE!

I'm in bed, I can't even bear to stand up, I feel so sick. Stomach issues are so debilitating at times, especially when you have young children to take care of and meals to cook and homes to clean.

I did drive the kids to school this morning but Curt just went to pick them up early because I can't get out of bed.

Keep me in your thoughts, he has to leave for work soon and I'll be taking care of my children while running to the bathroom every 5 minutes.


  1. Oh you poor thing.....get into that bed,and let the children play nearby.Lots of love and prayers that you are better very soon, Sandra.

  2. Sandra,
    I am so sorry you are feeling bad. Hope you are able to get the rest you need and recover very quickly. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

  3. Oh no- I feel so bad for you. I know first hand how miserable food poisoning is!
    Take care and praying you're better very soon!

  4. Get better! A sick mommy is not fun!

  5. Oh no! You poor thing. I'll be praying for you.

  6. Bless your heart, Sandra! I just prayed for you...hope you're really better soon!


  7. Sandra:

    Praying for you to get better and I am so sorry you are sick.

    Roberta Anne, the Raggedy Girl

  8. Oh no Sandra!! I have been in your shoes before and it is NO fun especially when you have little ones. Praying that tomorrow is a better day!!! Try to keep yourself hydrated!!

  9. oh no!! I hope you feel better soon....I remember getting food poison when I was 10 - I prayed to just die. It was THAT awful! Take care - and I'm sure your kids will understand that you need to rest.

  10. OH no, I'm sorry to hear you are ill sweetie! I will be praying for you!
    Hope you get to feeling better soon.
    Hugs and Blessings,

  11. Oh I am so sorry to hear you are so sick...I'm bad about not watching expiration dates too...make sure you stay hydrated and may you feel well very fast. Gentle Hugs.

  12. Oh that is the pits!!! Hang in there, we're praying for you..

  13. Oh no how terrible. Wish I lived closer I would come and take care of you!

  14. Hope you're feeling better soon! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  15. Oh no..... I hope you are feeling better soon! I agree with labels, I have been burned one too many times!

    Hoping for a speedy recovery :)

  16. oh no Sandra, that sounds awfull..
    praying for you to feel all better soon..

  17. I pray you feel better soon. Maybe get the kids to play nurse?

  18. i hope that you feel better soon..

  19. Hope you are feeling better today...I know the stomach thing....hate every minute of it! Groans and Moans be with you! Take Care I'm hoping and praying for your speedy recovery.


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