
Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

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Happy Fourth of July!

We're planning to have a BBQ....just us.....some Bratwurst, Steak, Potato Salad, Beans, Corn and a Flag cake for dessert.

Later we'll watch the fireworks, they're not exactly allowed on base but the military does sometimes put on their own show OR we will just enjoy the fireworks being put out by people outside the base.

What are your plans for today?

EDIT: I just added a few recipes to the food blog, they're perfect for today's celebration, go on over and check out the 4th of July Cake, Sandra's Potato Salad and the Best Grilled Steak Marinade.




  1. I think I'm with you - a BBQ at home sounds WONDERFUL! We were invited to friend's house for fireworks tonight - but I'm thinking HOME is where I want to be ... and we can watch OTHER PEOPLE'S fireworks from our own front yard too :)

  2. Yup, we're staying home today as well and grilling steak tonight (and indulging in some lobster tails!). We have some sparklers for the boys, but I don't think we're going to go out anywhere to watch them. I'll probably catch the Macy's fireworks on TV tonight. Hope you have a lovely day with your family!

  3. Hi Sandra.

    Sounds like you had a lovely vacation! I totally understand what you mean about missing home and appreciating it all the more after a trip away!

    I wanted to wish you and your family a wonderful 4th of July holiday, but espeically say THANK YOU to your husband for protecting our country and our freedom. Thank you to you and your children for supporting our soldiers.

    As the wife of a fire fighter, I understand the sacrifices we make to support our spouses in such dangeours occupations. We need these honorable men (and women) to protect our freedoms in this dangerous world we live in.

    So, Happy 4th of July! Many blessings to you,


  4. Happy Fourth to you and the rest of your family. We went to the park and had grilled chicken and took part in the small town festivities here - car show, chainsaw carving...!

  5. Happy 4th of July! Glad you're home safe and sound!

  6., food, fun, and fireworks. Your food looks great. I love potato salad! Have a wonderful 4th of July! :D

  7. Lovely haven't been by this week. Don't have time to visit I came looking for a baked bean recipe! I am sure you have one.
    Have a Blessed 4th.

  8. Sandra,

    What a beautiful idea for a cake! Looks so yummy and delicious! Now I will have to think on that for next year. I hope I can remember.

    I love your site. Besides the name, I was drawn to your site because you are a stay at home mom like myself. If you have the time, please stop by!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  9. and now ... i'm homesick ! :)

    hope you're fourth was as wonderful as it sounds like it would be !!

  10. Welcome home!! We went to a huge fireworks display in my home city, huge crowds but lots of fun.

  11. Hi your blog. I was wondering if the picture with the flowers and flag was taken in your home. It is a lovely picture...I am trying to lighten up my place for a more "cottage" look. Have a nice day.


  12. Beautiful flowers! Yummy-looking food!



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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
