
Friday, July 03, 2009

So let's chat.....


It really does feel great to be back home.

One thing I've noticed is that before you go away on vacation you kind of get into this rut about your housework and as much as you may enjoy your home, there is nothing like leaving it for a few days or weeks to renew your love for everything inside and even for the chores which at other times become redundant.

I'm definitely enjoying my renewed love in my home and everything in it.

Here I sit, my laundry is all done, I just have two loads to put away. My floors are mopped and there is a shine and a beautiful scent of Lavender permeating the air.

The beds are all comfy and clean with freshly washed linens and quilts and my dishes are sitting on the rack drying.

I look around and I see my children and husband enjoying their computer games, but, it hasn't been this way all day.

Early this morning we headed out to get groceries something we never do together because either the kids are in school or hubby is at work, so having everyone there was a welcoming change. After a quick bite to eat we returned home where Curt proceeded to mow the lawn in the backyard, just two weeks of being away and it was like a jungle out there.


There's been swimming in the kids pool, ice cream melting down sugar cones, water sprinkling in the yards and now, there's dinner on the stove......Swedish Meatballs.

You have no idea how much I missed cooking and for those that don't particularly like it, you may find that a weird statement to make, but believe me, I really missed being in my kitchen.

The rest of the day is going to be an easy going one. We still have two weeks together before Curt returns to work, we plan on visiting the Pioneer Living History Museum close by...yes I know, remember I said there were none around here, well imagine my surprise as we arrived in the Phoenix City Limits and saw a bunch of signs for one right here.

Not quite sure what else we will do, I'm sure we'll think of something fun.

So tell me, what have you been up to the past two weeks while I was away? Are you having a vacation this year or a Staycation? Any fun things going on? Let's chat, I've missed catching up with everyone.

Oh and btw, I do hope you have some coffee ready, I'm finally going to sit down after dinner and open my Google Reader, wish me luck and if you don't hear from me by tomorrow morning please come and rescue me, I'm probably drowning in new posts.


  1. Hi Sandra - WELCOME HOME! I've enjoyed seeing some of your vacation via pictures & the blog.
    We start our vacation next week - we're just going to stay somewhat close to home - we live in Missouri & are only traveling to Iowa and Illinois (and maybe Wisconsin because it's close & I've never been there)...the main thing is to GET OUT OF TOWN as a family :) I can't wait!

  2. Welcome home! I am so glad to hear your trip was rejuvenating. Sometimes we do need to get away so that we can re-appreciate the finer things in life that are right here in our own homes.

    I don't know if we are going to do any vacations per sea this summer, we might go visit some out of town family. Then again with the events of the past year, we really want to get away from everything and just take a real break. But who knows.

    Have a wonderful 4th & many thanks to your Hubby as well as all that are serving to defend our freedoms.

    ~Mrs. M

  3. Aren't vacations just wonderful?? But OH, how nice it is to always come back HOME! :) Glad y'all had a good time though.
    PS - I love that "just cleaned" smell in my home too. :)
    Happy 4th of July weekend!

  4. Sounds wonderful...i wish my floors were freshly mopped and the laundry was done!

  5. Have you ever been to the Heard Museum in Phoenix? I think they are having special events this summer. They have a wonderful display and collection of native history and art. There is also an interactive kids area. If you haven't been, it is worth a visit for the whole family.

  6. I myself haven't been doing much blogging because I've been working my butt off getting the pool ready, the garden in order etc. but I've dropped in to read you blogs and enjoyed them because I not only use to live in TX but most of my family is still down that way.
    It really is a good feeling to be back home.. we all need that break away to help us appreciate the normal day to day life.
    Enjoy the rest of your vacation with hubby and have a safe and wonderful 4Th.

  7. Two more weeks with Curt at home !! You lucky girl !! Enjoy your time together !!

  8. We are having a "staycation". Between the economy, my job loss, a daughters medical bills, we just cant swing it this summer. I must say I envy the whole totally clean house. My mother managed all that and it was delicious to stay her house with the clean smells and always clean laundry. I havent ever quite managed that. Sounds like you are giving your kids a wonderful summer!

  9. Here in England our summer break from school doesn't start for another two weeks, so we aren't into summer mode yet. We will be spending two weeks in Greece during August - swimming, playing on the beach, enjoying good food and generally relaxing. Until then we will just potter about at home. 10yo dd is going away to a school camp for a a week, but other than that we have no plans.

  10. I'm so glad you and your family had a lovely vacation!


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