
Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Puttering Around the House.......


Starting off the morning with coffee, it's the fuel I need to get the cobwebs out of my head and concentrate on the day ahead.


An unmade bed needing attention


A load of laundry waiting to be washed, dried and put away


Filling the sink with soapy water for the rest of the day, I throw in dirty dishes throughout the day and wash as I go.


Who says decorating has to be expensive? I've learned to use what I have around me and when I went to trim my Honeysuckle bushes this morning, I kept the trimmings, filled some mason jars with water and VOILA!


My lemon tree is growing again, I love watching the progress from a tiny sweet scented flower to lemons




I'm off to finish my crochet bag and see what else needs tending to.

Have a great day everyone, and don't forget that tomorrow my Slow Cooking Thursdays are back.


  1. Sandra,

    Thanks for starting the day off with me and coffee. I too need it to jump start my day!

    I love lemons! We are planning on putting one in before the fall.

    Can't wait to see what's on your post for tomorrow.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  2. My kind of day. Spent the night in emergency room with a daughter passing another kidney home at 4;30 am so didn't have my coffee till 11;30 today. Love Lemons...yummy stuff from them.

  3. Looks like a really nice day! There is something special about those everyday days!

  4. Love the pictures. Wonderful way to start my day and your's sounds wonderful. Thanks!

  5. Cob web clearer....hummmm....I like that & it is just how I feel in the mornings!

  6. Love your blog Sandra. I found it via a link from Little Jenny Wren, I think.

    I've just posted today, about what living simply looks like for me, if you're interested.

    I'm coming back later to read back on older posts...with a cup of tea. Sorry! Coffee just doesn't appeal to me, despite the fact dh owns a coffee company. Sad, isn't it?!

  7. i can see the simple life you are after ....

  8. Just wanted to say Hi Sandra!

  9. Those kind of days are great. Just normal everyday stuff.
    Hey- I posted a recipe on my blog for fresh strawberry lemonade- it's so yummy- you should try it with your lemons.

  10. thanks for adding me to your blogroll! seeing those citrus fruits on your trees ... i think you'll enjoy the recipe I have today for slow cooking Thursday!!

  11. The wonderful routineness of this post telling of your plans for the day somehow feels so peaceful.

  12. I'm playing catch up with you. I too love to cut things from outside and put into mason jars...and puttering around the house is great..we are doing that today. We have no where to go until tonight so we are still in pajamas and hanging around. But I love those kinds of days and we dont get them around here enough. It sounds like you are doing well. Summer is almost over for starts 8/6 here. Crazy. Miller goes to 2 day a week pre school but not until September for his summer lasts a little longer.
    Just wanted you to know I was still around...hope things are going well.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
