
Monday, February 01, 2010

Unafraid: Living God's Plan on a Ladder and a Promise

Are you ready for a new amazing, eye opening, thought provoking book?

You may already know that one of my favorite Christian authors is Karon Phillips Goodman, I've made many posts about her wonderful books and they've helped me throughout my own journey to a better relationship with God.

I was super excited when she contacted me letting me know that she had just released a new book and this one is, I think, so far, one of her best.

Unsteady? About to fall? Life one big scary pile of debris from everything you hoped to build? Don’t worry, God’s seen it all before and He’s still there with you, ready to work with you.

He has a grand plan for a life of great building waiting for you. Can you meet God there, on your ladder and His promise? He believes you can and will never leave you alone to find out. Trust Him and step up a rung. He wants you to live the magnificent life He’s already planned—unafraid. Now’s the time.

Here's what she said in her own words:

Unafraid: Living God’s Plan on a Ladder and a Promise, and it follows the Israelites’ story from the Book of Haggai as they rebuild Solomon’s temple after the Babylonian captivity, but the practical application to our lives is pure 21st century. The Israelites overcame all kinds of fear and obstacles to do the job God had for them, and He’s still giving jobs to those of us who follow Him today.

And here’s the wonderful part: now it’s our turn to build temples—our lives that honor God and reflect Him and His grace to those around us. Haggai 2:5 says “My Spirit remains among you. Do not fear.” If we trust Him to be true, we can build whatever He says.

The best part is that Karon is going to do a monthly tour on her blog, running from February through June and she'll address a specific fear, will include questions and strategies for overcoming it, it's a completely interactive blog tour and I think she would be more than happy to see you over there sharing your own stories and joining in.

Here's the monthly plan:

February – fear of change, we overcome and build with joy in new blessings to come

[brief Bible study of Ruth]

March – fear of failing, we overcome and build with willingness, belief and patience

[brief Bible study of Gideon]

April – fear of loss, we overcome and build with faith in God’s provision and care

[brief Bible study of Peter]

May – fear of rejection, we overcome and build with security and purpose

[brief Bible study of Moses]

June – fear of loss of control, we overcome and build with trust (the point of the whole book: Trust ME, God says.) [brief Bible study of Joseph]


Karon has posted the very first part of the tour and you can go on to her blog and read all about overcoming our fear or change. You can also download the Study of Ruth for yourself or your group.

I promise you, this book will change your life, I have not yet completed it as I was sick but what I have read already has opened my eyes to a lot of my fears and insecurities and how to overcome them. I can't wait to finish.


  1. Sounds good. I like that she is going to do a monthly tour on her blog. I am going to check this out.

  2. This sounds like a great book. I'll have to check it out.

  3. Thanks so much Sandra for your comments and kind words -- and thanks for joining the tour, I know we'll all learn a lot from each other! Take care, talk soon, God bless you :) Karon

  4. Sandra,

    WOW now this book sounds amazing as well as life changing. Thank you so much for posting the links to this beautiful interactive blog tour with the author. Can't wait!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  5. This books sounds just like what I need. Thanks for the great review!


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