
Friday, March 19, 2010

{ Spring Break - Day 5 }

This week has just flown by, I can't believe it's our last day of Spring Break.
The kids and I were just getting used to being together all day and having fun, I'm sad to see it end, but alas, we only have about two months left of school and then I have my babies for the whole summer.

Want to see what we've been up to today?

There was some rocking out with Guitar Hero.......Barracuda and Hit me with your best shot seem to be the kid's faves. Mine too *wink wink*

When life gives you water and a piece of make puddles to skip stones in


Because nothing says Spring like glittery nail polish

There was bug hunting and shouts of HURRAH when we came across this worm, it's beautiful and icky and gross all at the same time

And then the sprinkler came out and it all started out innocently with a quick run through it before mommy saw
Luckily for them, I'm a cool momma and I let them run through the water, clothes and all
just to see the joy shining through them

the smiles on their faces

it didn't take long for them to get completely soaked

how could I resist?

look at the happiness in his face, makes me miss my childhood days when days like these were carefree, caution was thrown to the wind and you went out into the neighborhood and had fun, just pure innocent childish fun

the kind of fun that would forever be engraved in your mind


and the kind of fun that tires the body but fuels the mind, that brings their little heads down to the pillows at night without so much as a whine or complaint

the kind of fun that will have them telling their friends all about what a great Spring Break they had.....and all because they were allowed to be kids, to do things which we as parents sometimes would rather they didn't, because of what it means for US.....the wet clothes, the muddy shoes, the touching of worms.....I say let it go and let them enjoy childhood.

Because at the end of the day, as I sit sipping my lemon water and looking out at the world, I can smile and know that I'm doing my part as a mother, that I'm raising these little beings to become great adults

It's not my time, it's theirs, it's all about my children right now and they come first for me, in

My time will come again, one day, when there are no more toys to trip over, no more shoes left all over the house or crumbs on the couch, and then I'll sit back and miss it all and I never want to have to think "I wish I did things differently".


Over on Full Bellies, Happy Kids you'll find some delicious Crockpot Nachos, that's what's for dinner tonight. YUM!



  1. Looks like a perfect spring break to me. Ours isnt until the second week in April. I guess thats good since its still cold here.

  2. ahhhhhhh, what a wonderful way to spend spring break :) it wasn't quite warm enough to break out the sprinkler here - but it did get into the mid 60s!! and now we are looking at snow flurries (!!!?) tomorrow. Bleck.
    I also wanted to say I made your garlic chicken tonight - with mashed potatoes. Family LOVED it! Thanks!

  3. That looks like a break even I would enjoy! ★Linda

  4. What a wonderful spring break. My kids are young adults and this has taken me back to that time. Keep enjoying as the time goes by so very very quickly.

  5. I have really enjoyed seeing how you have spent your spring break. Children grow so fast. My oldest is going to be 16 in a few short weeks. I can't believe it!!

  6. Sandra,

    I think you are doing one fine job of raising your kids and enjoying every moment that they share this life with you!

    We all need to run in the sprinklers more, enjoy getting wet and just feeling the coolness of the water while the sun warms our bodies.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat


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