
Sunday, March 21, 2010

{ Week in Review - March 20 }



The first postcards for my Postcard Exchange, which by the way, if you haven't heard about, you're missing out on a chance to join in some old fashioned fun bringing Postcard sending back to life AND entering in a chance to win an Arizona Themed Goodie box from me.


A week of Spring Break with my kids, it was so nice having them home and getting to hang out.



Some leftover fabric into the cutest Spring top ever. I can't wait to make more with what I have laying around.


Lark Rise to Candleford and Fourth Kind and Spartacus and Stargate Atlantis and a whole bunch of other goodies



More crochet cupcakes and Spring Coasters which I'll share with you tomorrow. I'm so thrilled to be back into my crafting and sewing, it's so relaxing and rewarding.



The best books at Barnes and Noble. Like Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters and a few others.


Local Yokels

To stop saying tomorrow I'll do it......and to start saying "why not today". To live simply and fully and to enjoy every single moment of my day.


  1. It looks like a wonderfully fun and productive week!

  2. I watched some Stargate Atlantis this week. Love that show. Have a super upcoming week!

  3. I used to be a 'it has to be done today' kind of gal due to my OCD but I am learning to let some things wait. Relax and enjoy every moment! In my mind, I still wish things were done my way in my time but I also know to accept that those things aren't so important that I should give up any of my family time! Wise girl! ★Linda

  4. You will have to tell me what you think of the ...Seamonsters book. I've heard it wasn't that good so I haven't picked it up yet.

    Also, I just finished the Jane Austen Bio and will send it with the postcard...which I am having a hard time finding for some reason.

  5. looks like you guys had a fun week :)

  6. Sandra,

    I love the top for spring you are making. That looks amazing and so delicate and girlie!

    Stop by my blog and check out my 2 newest giveaways!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
