
Sunday, May 09, 2010

{ The Perfect Mother's Day }

I'm so blessed to have the most amazing husband and children. A family that puts me above everything else and stops at nothing to make sure that I have a wonderful life, full of love, full of ways that show me how they feel.

I could say that I celebrate Mother's Day every single day and I wouldn't be exaggerating. But on day's like today, they go the extra step to make me feel special and today was no exception.

It started out early this morning with a breakfast made my hubby and the kids. I had coffee, toast, bacon and the yummiest omelette you could imagine. We call my hubby the breakfast master because without a doubt, he can make the best ones around.

Then came out the presents. I got a beautiful next gold watch, something that I haven't had in years and I guess they noticed that I was always asking "what is the time?". But with that, I got the sweetest cards, lots of chocolate truffles, a locket and earrings set from Nicholas (he picked it all on his own) and some Swarovski Crystals, a beautiful rose that says "My Wife, My love, My best friend" and "Mom I love you".

What more could a girl ask for? I love these 3 with every fiber of my being.

If that wasn't enough though, being that they know me better than anyone and know exactly what I like, they swept me away to the Pioneer Arizona Living History Museum. Oh my word....I was right in my element.

Just a mere 40 minutes from where we're stationed, I can't believe we hadn't been there yet.

Are you ready for some pictures, because I took a gazillion, do you have a gazillion minutes to spare? No? Well I guess I could show you just a few you and then point you to the Flickr Album for the rest.

Oh and by the way, when you go with your husband somewhere, don't ever make the mistake of handing him the camera and telling him to go ahead and take some pics of the scenery. Apparently in man talk it means something completely different.

All I know is that looking back through my pictures from the day, there are quite a few of me, but not my face. There's boobs and butt shots all over the place. I mean, really? Really Curt? *shake head* LOL

Exhibit #1

Exhibit #2 - How about a pic of the face Curt? LOL


Exhibit #3 - Really?

See what I mean, and oh there are plenty plenty more but I wouldn't dream of boring you with them, I don't understand how they pertain to a Living History Museum. What is he trying to say? LOL

Anyway, let's move on to the real pictures. Sit back and relax.....oh and if you nod off during this post, just go to my Pioneer Arizona Living History Museum Album on Flickr.








This is my house, I've decided I want to live there.
Victorian house

And I want to sit on this porch, and I don't care if it's falling apart, I just don't care, I want to sit there and sip Iced Tea and chat with a friend.
Victorian House Porch

Victorian House Bedroom


Then I saw this Dress Shop and decided that I wanted it to be mine too. Yep, I just see, like, decide, and it's mine. Easy Peasy.





Because we're crazy like that.....

But we can also be serious....sometimes, not often. It's not worth it being serious and mopy, it gives you wrinkles and makes life so boring.

I wanna put them all in jail for being so darn cute

Now I'm going to take you in the bathroom, just because I hate public bathrooms and hate going in those alone LOL

We ended off the day with Lunch at the Pioneer Restaurant "Whis The Road to Run". Don't ask, I've been trying all day to figure out what in the heck it means.



But I don't care what it really stands for or why it's named that way, because it's such a cute place to have a bite and let me tell you.....the BEST Beer Battered Onion Rings you will EVER eat, in your whole entire life. Yes I said, in your whole entire life, I'm not joking. And how cute are they in that bottle?

Pioneer chilies and swiss cheese. Lawd have mercy, I am drooling just remembering. It was SO good.

There ya go, if you're ever in the area and want to spend a fun afternoon with your family, head to the Pioneer Arizona Living History Museum, but you have to stop and eat at the restaurant, you just have to, no other way about it.

A quick stop at the Pioneer Mercantile for some souvenirs and stuff. I got some beautiful taper candles that I've been looking for to hang from my shelves, also some organic soap and three books that I am itching to get my hands into.

A Garden Supper Tonight
Log Cabin Cooking
Easy to Make Early American Folk Dolls

With our tummies full, we said goodbye to the 1800's, leaving behind dirt, dust, a beautiful recreation of life in the Pioneer times and loads of memories of the Perfect Mother's Day!


  1. What a perfect day! I love the pictures - they show your joy of spending time together and the love you have for each other!
    PS - My hubby makes a mean omelet too. I got one for breakfast as well. :)

  2. Oh that looks like a really perfect day... I had a nice one too. Went to breakfast with my sister and her family and our stepmom (dad was on a business trip, other sister away for weekend).

    Why do I feel like that sign used to say "Whisky - The Road to Ruin?" If that was supposed to be a saloon and all? Leave it to me to think that LOL.

    Have a great Monday!

  3. Fantastic! Extra points for the husband!

    You know, I think I've been to that museum. I'm sure I mentioned my sister was born at Ft. Hauchuaca and I lived in Sierra Vista for about 7 years. (And yes, my mouth did water over the green chili burger.)

    Thanks for sharing your day with us!

  4. It looks and sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day Sandra.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  5. What a wonderful Mother's Day, Sandra. You certainly deserved all of the attention and spoiling your family gave you. I know you are an awesome wife and mother.

    I love the pictures of the Pioneer Museum. Thanks for sharing. Debbi

  6. Oh what a lovely day. I love living history museums. We stopped at one on the Alcan highway when we moved back from Alaska. I wanted to just stay there!! Your husbands pictures crack me up. Thanks for sharing your day.

  7. What a nice day! And, if it makes you feel any better, my husband would have taken the same kinds of pictures :)

  8. Oh what a Blessed Day you had! Thanks for sharing these moments. It is a Blessing to see lovely family moments like these. I love the walking off into the sunset!
    Hope your week is Blessed,

  9. Looks like a wonderful day, my friend Jen, told me about your blog so I am following you from her recommendation! Follow me too!!!

  10. Oh honey!! What a fun and fantastic place for Mother's Day!!

    Thanks for "taking us along"

    Can't wait to see the Folk Dolls you are working on ;-)

  11. What a cool place! Looks like a great mothers day. :) Loved the pictures.

  12. Sounds like a really fun day! My hubby does the same thing. When he gets hold of the camera there are pictures galore of the backside, frontside but nothing else...sheesh!!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
