
Saturday, September 25, 2010

I'm so awful at blogging lately aren't I?


Well the good news is that things are going back to normal after our *broken wrist* incident.  Jasmine is doing well, she's still not able to write with that hand even though she tries as hard as she can.  The Ortho saw her last Tuesday and took an x-ray of her wrist.  He says it looks perfect, the bones are healing, the one that was deviated is still in place and everything looks great.

She goes back on the 4th of October to have this long arm cast removed and to put on the shorter one below her elbow, she is dying for that one so she can better move her arm.

Thankfully, she hasn't had any itching with this cast and the doctor says it's because we're keeping it nice and dry.  That's good.

So yes, things have been a little hard with me practically having to do everything for her, from helping her dress, to brushing her teeth and to doing her homework which is driving me insane, but that's a whole other post for a whole other day.

As I was saying though, things are finally getting back to somewhat normal so I'm hoping this means I'll be able to drop by more often, dust the cobwebs off the ol' blog and chat with you more.

I've spent today puttering around my home, doing a little of this and a little of that and now that the housework is all done, dinner is over and the kitchen is clean, I can sit on my bed with my trusty laptop and try to put together a little post. 


I used to complain, a lot, about the fact that our house has no carpet in any room.  I do still wish that I had some at least in the bedrooms, but when it comes to the living areas, I'm actually thankful for this typical base housing flooring we get.  It's not the prettiest and even though I feel like I spend my life mopping and sweeping, I think it's the perfect flooring for kids and dogs.


I spent a lot of time in my kitchen, baking, cooking and making Homemade Breadcrumbs.  Let me tell you, if you've never tried them before, you don't know what you're missing.  Throw out the store bought, stop wasting money on something that you can make yourself for much cheaper and they're tastier too.


My laundry room is another place I spend a lot of time in.  Does it ever end?  I know I've asked this before but it still shocks me every day, just how much laundry I have.  See that big basket?  That's all clean, but then of course I have to fold and put away (the only part of housework I really dislike).
After a few hours in and out of that little room, I finally got it all done.  Thank the Lord.


If you come by my house on the weekends, you're bound to see a lot of this going on, between times of playing with toys, watching movies, taking naps or just plain hanging out on the couch chatting.

I think it's why I love weekends so much, well other than the fact that I have my husband and children with me.  I swear if I could freeze time, those would be the days I would do it.


But now that I'm finally relaxing, I can think about the next book I'm going to read.  I picked all those up at the library last weekend, I'm in a Charlaine Harris mood.  She's well known for her Sookie Stackhouse (True Blood) series and I'm enjoying reading those, but I had no idea she had a few others out too, so I'm thrilled to get into these.

Oh before I forget, I need to tell you about a series that I just started watching and which I'm really enjoying.

I'm sure you remember McLeod's Daughters, an Australian series which I fell in love with and pretty much watched non stop until all the seasons were done.  Well Heartland is set in Canada but it's very similar, also set on a ranch and there are horses and two sisters and a grandfather etc.  I love that it's just a clean family show and the fact that it's centered around saving neglected and problem horses, just makes it even better.  Give it a try if you're looking for something new to watch on Netflix, let me know what you think.

Alright I'm out of here, I think I'll watch some Celebrity Ghost Stories or whatever else I may find on tv.

Have a great night everyone!

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