
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tag, you're it!

It's been forever since I've done a meme, I don't even remember the last time, maybe a year, two?  Really that long?

Anyway, my wonderful bloggy friend Susanne at Living to Tell the Story, tagged me with this fun 8 questions meme, she asks me 8 questions, I answer them and then I tag 8 people and ask them 8 new questions.  Got that?  Did I confuse you?

So here we go, these are Susanne's questions:

1. What is your greatest joy?  
Without a doubt, it has to be my children.  Now I know you're probably sitting there laughing or thinking "like we didn't know that was coming" LOL  But really, it's my babies, they have brought me the most joy in my life and I feel so blessed to have them.

2. What do you do when you're bored?  
Well now, there is no such thing as bored in my vocabulary, I don't have time to be bored, but when the occasion does present itself once in a while, I read, or cook, or watch a movie.  

3. Are you a sweet or salty snacker?  
Both, which is just not good at all for my thighs, but I am actually one of those snackers that can never figure out what she's in the mood for, so I end up eating whatever I find, sweet, salty, doesn't matter.  I like it all.

4. Beach or mountains?  
Wow that's a tough one.  I would say both, but if I absolutely had to pick one, I would say a log cabin in the mountains, surrounded by beautiful trees and a stream nearby.  Perfect for me!

5. Favorite things on a burger.  
Bread and Butter pickles, Provolone cheese, mushrooms, fried onions.  Oy I could go on forever.

6. Would you rather have someone else do your laundry, clean your house or do your yardwork?   
All of the above.  LOL  But if I have to just pick one, then my yard work.

7. Are you a one book at a time person or have many on the go at once?  
I have tons at once, I think I actually have a book in every room of the house and read as I go, I am not one to get confused between the books I'm reading, so I've been known to read as many as 4 books at the same time.

8. Favorite scripture or quote. 

“But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24:15

And now I get to tag 8 of you....and please don't run away the minute you see your name pop up.  LOL 

If you don't want to do it, that's fine.  If you haven't been tagged and still want to play along, that's great too, just let me know in the comments so I can come see it :)

Mari, Mary, Nicole, The Lady, Conny, Autumn, Jayleigh, Lori

Here are my 8 questions:

1.  What is your biggest pet peeve?
2.  If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
3.  Have you ever been searched by the cops? (LOL inquiring minds want to know)
4.  What is the one thing on your mind right now?
5.  Favorite song right now.
6.  What talent do you wish you had?
7.  Favorite drink.
8.  In one word, how would you describe yourself.

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