
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Delurk Day 2012

Image credit: Chocolatesuze

Yep, it's Delurking Day for the old blogs, do you know what that means?

That means, that all of my readers who come by daily, but don't say anything for whatever reason that may be, get to leave me a comment and just say hi or let me know that they are readers/followers :)

I know there are many of you out there so I would love to see everyone who does enjoy my blog, stopping by today.  I will be doing the same for all my favorite blogs that I don't get a chance to comment on very often.

So, come on out, have a cup of coffee and let me know you're around :)


  1. I've been reading your blog for a while now (but I've never commented!)...I love it.

  2. Finally stepping out and saying hello! Love reading your blog.

  3. Hi! I check here a couple times a day for new content, just in case I miss the post on facebook. :-)

  4. Hi Sandra!!! I love your blog! I have been a reader for about 3 years now, but never commented! You make me want to be more crafty, and a better homemaker. Thank you!!!

  5. Popping out of the shadows to say Hey :)

  6. Hi, Sandra! I'm a first- time commenter..2 -year reader. Love the blog!

  7. Hi Sandra! I love reading your blog - it's so real :) As I start my journey as a SAHM, you inspire me! Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. I follow your blog ocassionally and I'm always impressed by what I find. Hi from Connie

  9. Hi! I've been reading a few years, but rarely comment. )

  10. Hi, Sandra. I have been following your blog quite some time, but have never commented before today. I even have my mother following you now. Your blog is my favorite! I strive to be a better homemaker and you are a wonderful role model for me. I worked full-time until October 2010 so I am still fairly new to all of this. I love all your ideas, crafts, recipes, and posts about your family's daily life. I hope you continue to post daily (when convenient to you) as I love reading your posts each and every day! Take care and may God bless you! :)

  11. Oh, I was reading your blog. : )

  12. Hello! Been following for some time now and i love your blog and all of your marvelous recipes!

    "Um Abraço" here from Portugal!


  13. I don't get a chance to comment, but I definitely read. Good morning, Sandra! Thank you for inspiring me to be a better homemaker. Your blog reminds me to serve the Lord by serving my family, and to do it with a great attitude. Colossians 3:23

  14. Hi, I've been reading your blog for awhile,your my first read saturday morning since I don't go on the computer much during the week. Have a great weekend.

  15. Delurking day is a genius idea. I'm a fairly new reader and, as you know, recent participant in Happy Homemaker Monday. Love what you do!

  16. Hi Sandra! I've been a happy reader of your blog for quite awhile now and was sad when you began to drift away from blogging....but now you are back, and I thank you very much for all the effort you give to it, from 'craft'iness to 'cook'iness...or is that kookiness (HA!) You have a fun sense of humor, and I simply enjoy reading about you and your family, to cheer you on or send sympathy when needed. I just wish you could bottle of some of your incredible energy and send it out to me!!

    Glad you're back!!
    Elizabeth in Mississippi

  17. Hi! You know me! I am here, of course.....

  18. I'm here and check out every post, but don't always have time to comment.

  19. Hi Sandra..I am a 62 yr old from Washington State. Enjoy your blog very much. I like the return to your blog "roots".

  20. I just discovered your blog recently, so I'm not sure if I've commented yet or not, but I'm following!

  21. Hi Sandra!
    I've been following you for over a year now....I've only left a comment once and emailed you a couple of times. I check this site everyday and get email updates for Full Bellies! I love your blog, use up all of your ideas and family is happier with dinners and I no longer buy bread either! Don't know what I'd do without you! Thanks....

  22. I love your blog-I comment from time to time!

  23. Hello!! You know I come here everday! Beijocas grandes!!

  24. This day is a great idea. :) I've been a reluctant homemaker for 10 years now, and I never even thought to check for homemaking blogs! Yours is the first one I've read and it has meant a lot to me. Thank you for being there, making a home and crafting. :)

  25. Hi Sandra:) I've been following your blog for awhile now!!! I've been homeschooling my kids for about a year...that is the same time I found your blog!!!

    Thank you for sharing your life with all of us!!

    Lisa, from Illinois

  26. I read blogs in my Google Reader so I generally don't comment, but I do enjoy your blog!

  27. Hey Sandra,
    love your blog!!!
    Reading it since two years or more :)
    It`s wonderful to see how your blog developes.
    Please keep blogging!!

  28. I admit it, I'm a lurker :) Have been reading your blog for about a year or so. Love your craft, dinner, & homemakeing ideas. Thanks for sharing a peek into your life with us.

  29. Hi Sandra, I visit when I can. I love your blog. One of the main reasons is because we have the Air Force in common. I like your Happy Homemaker Monday especially.
    I'm going to try that recipe you recently posted too!

  30. Hi Sandra! I love the blog and have been reading it for awhile now. I love reading all your wonderful little household helps and just seeing what's new in your reading pile or what fun new project you are working on. You have also are partially responsible for me being hooked on Downton Abbey and Land Girls. Keep those suggestions coming.

  31. I am a stay at home mom and I have been reading your blog and find that I finally found someone I can connect with! You write so well and I am trying to start my own blog to use as a outlet and meet people. Keep up the great work!

  32. I am one of those readers---you know, the ones that never comment :-) I really enjoy your blog. Thank you for taking the time to write it.

  33. I stop by almost daily, but don't know that I have ever commented. We love your meatball and spagehetti recipe.

  34. Love the "De-Lurk" day. may have to borrow that one for sure! Love your blog! Pamela

  35. Such a great idea! I def don't get to comment as much as I would like, but I look forward to reading your blog.
    Hope you have an awesome Saturday!

  36. Hi Sandra, I haven't been around visiting blogs for the past few weeks, but I love to come by here when I get a chance, and try to comment.

    I love the Saturday Senses post! What a great idea.

  37. love to read your blog here in France... it gives me the courage to get up sometimes (as I'm reading before the 4 kids wake up) and to enjoy what I have, and to try to make it even better!!
    please don't stop writing!

  38. Hi! My name is Katy, and I started following your blog on Monday. :) I really enjoy what you post so far, and I can't wait to see what else you have to say. I am also a stay-at-home-mom. I have twin girls 3-year-old, a son who just turned 2, a min-pin, and a parrot. Happy blogging!

  39. love reading ur blog....

  40. Hello! I've been following your blog for a couple of years and really enjoy it. I guess I'm just not much of a commenter :)

  41. Hi from North Carolina!
    -Kimberly in NC

  42. I know I'm late but I am still here faithfully.

  43. Hi Sandra,

    Been following you for awhile now, it's the first blog I check each day. I have commented a few times especially around the time you were deciding about homeschooling. I love your new format! You have given me some great ideas for this weeks menu ;) I missed this original post due to computer problem. Have a wonderfully blessed day !
    Laura B. near Albany,NY

  44. I too am a lurker. I read your blog in Indiana. I have been reading for about a year and a half. I do not have a computer at home, so I read your blog during my lunch hour at work. I love it!! Blessings for you and your family.
    Melody Peacock
    Ladoga, Indiana

  45. I love both your blogs and catch up when I can! I love how simplistic everything is and not over the top like a lot of blogs, though I do enjoys some of those as well.=)

  46. I just found your blog today! Hello! Hope you are having a great day!

  47. I'm a little late to your delurk day, but I wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading your posts on google reader. I've tried many of your recipes. I had a second generation portuguese roommate in college who taught me how to cook and now i'm particularly interested in your portuguese recipes. Thanks for all that you share with us readers!-L


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
