
Friday, January 13, 2012

{ Friday Favorites - #2 }


If you have something special you would like to show, if you have a trinket which has a special meaning for you or maybe something you have just found and own or would like to have. It could be anything, a trinket, a book, a new cookware set, a necklace, a photograph, a project you're working on or finished....anything that you love and would like to show us all.

Take a photo, or two, or it on your blog and come back and link up using Mr Linky.

Please only include links directly to your post and only those pertaining to Friday Favorites. Anything not related WILL be removed.


I think everyone know what an important woman my Great Grandmother Ema, was in my life.  She literally taught me everything that I know.

Obviously my grandmother and my stepmother had their fair share, and trust me, it was a LOT of learning I did, but the fundamental and the biggest parts of who I am today, definitely came from my greatgrandma.

She passed away at 96 years old and unfortunately I was not there when it happened, matter of fact she passed away almost exactly a month before Jasmine was born.  It was heartbreaking for me.

After she died, my grandmother gave me a few of her things, which I hold near and dear to my heart, but especially this one which I'm sharing with you today.  I think the biggest reason this one stands out is merely for the fact that I vividly remember her wearing the ring, I can still see it on her finger and remember her talking about it, how my greatgrandfather gave her this ring when they first got married.  She loved it, just like she loved him.


I think it's beautiful, simple, but beautiful.


It is this dainty, light, little ring but it packs so much emotion for me.


I don't wear it very often, if at all, because I'm deathly afraid of losing it and I think if that happened, I would be heartbroken.


So I keep it in my jewelry box, and every once in a while when I'm really missing her, I open it up, take it out, slip it on my finger and tell her that I love her and miss her more than she'll ever know.  I just wish that I was able to tell her all these things more before she passed.


I would have loved for her to have known what a huge impact she made on my life, how she was respected and adored.

I think she sees it now and I think she understands, but sometimes we miss out on opportunities to tell those we love just what they mean in our lives.

I was blessed to have such an amazing woman in mine and I treasure every single year that I was able to spend with her.


  1. What a precious post. The ring is so delicate and sweet and I know you treasure it. It is nice to have something like this to take out and hold as you remember her and all that she meant to you. Thanks for sharing this today.

  2. The ring is just beautiful and the sentimental value makes it even more special!

  3. I'ts so nice to have a special item to tie a memory to. Big clunky earrings always remind me of my sister, who passed away a couple years ago.

  4. That is so special and beautiful. I do not have anything from any of my great grandparents...except a collection of small wooden teddy bears. Hey, there's an idea for next week's Friday Favorites. LOL!

  5. That ring is absolutely gorgeous. That is so special that you have it now!

  6. Hi Sandra, YEA! We made it through the week rofl.
    HOw was yours?

  7. Thank you, Sandra, and everyone else for sharing your favorites. I enjoyed all of the posts very much.



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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
