
Friday, May 25, 2012

Counting the minutes and hours.....

and not in that good way that you do when you have something exciting happening.

I mean more in the sense of cherishing every second of every day until hubby leaves for his TDY.  Ugh, I think it's one part, or THE part of military life that you never quite get used to.

It's pretty quiet here today, would you believe me if I told you I forgot it was a long weekend?  Ha!

Until last night, that is.  We were sitting on the couch getting ready to watch Jericho (hubby and I found it on Netflix and have been enjoying it), and hubby turned to me and said "we could stay up all night and watch all the seasons".

I turned to him with this look on my face and asked if he wasn't working today and he just shook his head and laughed.  "Remember it's Memorial Day Weekend?"  LOL

So yeah, I felt like a doofus.

Now let me tell you what I've been doing.  I am wanting to turn my blog into a book, I have been to a few websites online and they are quite pricey and for the size of my blog, it's going to take a lot of books to get it all on paper.  But it's something I'm determined to do nonetheless, I think it would be an amazing memento to have.  To be able to sit down and read through all my entries from the very first post

Yesterday, I spent almost every spare moment I had, in between housework, cooking etc...going through my blog from that very first post I mentioned above.

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What a journey.

I will say that I feel like the Lord did this knowing full well that I needed it.  Really needed it at this point in my life.

I have said many times on my blog that I apologize for not posting more.  I have also stated just as many times that I would change it, that I would try really hard to go back to the way I used to blog, but the problem is that I didn't do it, and I think the reason being that I wasn't ready to, my heart wasn't there.

It's easy to have your mind state something, but quite different to have it in sync with your heart.

Yesterday, was an eye opener for me.

It started as simply a plan to go through each post quickly and fix any broken links or missing images that may have disappeared after all these years.  I didn't want broken pictures showing up in the Blog Book.  But as I started bringing up each post, I found myself reading every single word, following along, and literally watching myself grow in the pages before me.

I cried, I laughed and I yearned for what I had.

The truth is that I had completely forgotten who I was.  In this attempt to keep up with the times, to become like everyone else, to fit into what is deemed the *right way to blog*, I found myself losing who I was, and I think the Lord saw that I needed to be reminded of it all and led me to what I did yesterday.

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I only got through the year of 2006, but what a joy.

My children, so little.....
My posts, so full of faith.....
My struggles through the first few years of marriage......
My role as a mother, as a wife, as a homemaker.......

I blogged with so much happiness, so much determination.  I shared myself freely, and talked about everything and anything, oh I remember posts like The Designated Willy Shaker, 100 Things About MeUncluttered Faith and Guilty as Charged.

I want THAT Sandra back.  That was my first thought after reading some of these posts.  I honestly got to a point where I had to step away from the laptop and gather myself.  It touched me and affected me that much.  But I got it.

Thank you Lord.  I finally GOT.IT!

That Sandra didn't disappear, she's right here, she's been here all along, but she's been somewhat masked, somewhat absent.

I think she's been hiding for far too long, I shouldn't change who I am as I get older, I should just learn to add more layers to what already exists.  I consider myself a pot of clay in the making, I'm not quite there yet, I'm simply in the potter's wheel, being molded, being worked, being strengthened.

I want all my posts to continue reflecting who I am, who my family is, I want to share my children's going ons, what I'm doing, where I went, what I am eating, watching, enjoying etc.

For a while I started thinking that I needed to change that about my posts because no one would want to read it.  And there in itself was my biggest mistake.  I write for me.  I write to have a record of our lives, of everything we've done and where we've been, where we're going.

I want to be able to sit down one day and open up a book and read about our family.

Yes, that's what I'm going to do.  Sandra is back in the house and I have missed her like crazy :)

And now that I've babbled on for so long, I'm going to end this post with something I used to do many years ago, and something which I'll be doing again at the end of every post from today onward.  I'm sure some of my old blog readers will remember it :)


We went out to breakfast this morning and it was packed, so we headed to Sam's Club first for a few things, then by the time we made it back to the Black Bear Diner for breakfast it was closer to lunch.  We had really yummy stuff but I'm so full that I couldn't think of eating until much much later, so for tonight, I'm making some sandwiches, just keeping it simple :)

General Hospital on ABC

Jericho Season 2 on Netflix
The Dead Files on the Travel Channel


Two loads of laundry
Watering the veggie garden
Emptying the pool and cleaning it out, going to put it away for now


  1. that's so awesome, sandra!! I have a friend who turns her blog into a book at the end of each year ... I wish I had thought of that ... 3 years ago!! LOL!

    Thanks for sharing with us -and I look forward to many more years of blogging with you!

  2. I think this is a great idea! I wish that blogging had been around when my kids were young. Those books will be a treasure!

  3. Dear Sandra ~ Looking back at our blogs is certainly interesting.

    I love visiting your blog, reading about your life, home caring, your kids, your crafts, what you are thinking about and feeling. It's real.

    How long will your hubby be gone for TDY? Is he going overseas?

    Have a great weekend, savoring every moment.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  4. Blogging definitely did change since me and you started way back when. I miss the good ole blogging days too. Looking forward to your posts coming up!

    Enjoy your long weekend. Ours was last weekend.

  5. On your 100 things about me list post, when you come visit after we've toured Amish country I will have to take you to eat at the best steak house we've found! Big Ed's. You can have a big juicy steak, homemade fries and a big diet coke. (That's #80 and #82). I didn't see anything in the top 100 about loving everything Amish though. ;-)

  6. Welcome back 'old' Sandra :-)

    A book of your blog would be one of those 'great reads', that we always hope every book we read is...all the pictures and stories that you've written...I've always felt that I know your family a little, and it's true that I think you used to write more day-to-day about your life and don't forget, Sandra, you have a great sense of humor!!

    Take care, wear sunscreen, water the veggies! I wish you peace as you wait for the TDY of hubby.

  7. Love your Blog and home life!!

  8. This post was a blessing to me! I'm quite new to blogging, myself, and so much of the devotionals I write for ladies is really a journal of what God is doing in my own heart and life from week to week. You have encouraged me to stay with it! How do you turn your blog into a book? I would love very much to have my devotionals as a personal record for MY family to keep, too! God bless!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
