
Saturday, May 26, 2012

A little windy

but I'm not going to complain.

It actually brings down our horrid high temperatures and makes you not want to run away to an igloo after being in the back yard for 5 minutes.

I was up bright and early this morning, like early on a weekend for me, 6:30am.  I know, I know, I look forward to the weekends so I can sleep in and not get up at 5am with the hubby.

And before you ask, I don't HAVE to get up with him,I choose to do so, so I can fix him some coffee and enjoy a cup with him while the house is still quiet and the base residents are half asleep.

So yesterday afternoon, while watering my vegetable garden, I almost stepped on a dead baby bird.  I disposed of it and then ran into another little one, but this one was alive and hopping around.

We've had pretty strong winds lately and I think he may have been thrown from his nest, poor thing.

Baby Bird

You can tell he's a little one, look at he tuft of feathers on his head.

As I got closer to try and get a picture, he hopped right through the chain link fence to the other side.

Baby Bird

I snapped my pics and quickly retreated to the back door, I don't want to scare him. Momma Bird was not far the whole time, she made sure to fly over my head a few times, perched herself on the closest branch and chirped up a storm.

Momma Bird

As soon as I came inside, he hopped back through the fence and into the yard. I did go back and check on him a little while later and couldn't find him anywhere. I just hope no animal got him.

It's been really quiet here today.  Aside from the laundry which is an everyday task around here, I have emptied out, hosed down and cleaned out the kid's pool, watered the garden and made lunch.  That's it.

I almost feel like a cheater, like I'm betraying housework LOL

But as much as I don't mind it, I do sometimes want to take at least a Saturday off and do what the rest of the family does, which is lay around, relax, read, watch movies, play on the computer, play outside etc.  Oh and wait for me to fix their food....really,  I mean, I want to sometimes just not fix anything and see if they even remember to eat.  What do you think, think they'll remember or just go hungry and then ask me where's lunch and dinner?  LOL

My crochet project has to be set aside yet again, I ran out of the white yarn and I got some in the mail the other day from hubby's wonderful Aunt, and I thought it would work, but it's not.  I really don't want to have to run to Joann's or Walmart today, so I think I'll just leave it for now, work on something else and then get to it when I get a chance, whenever that may be.

For the rest of the day, I don't know if I want to crochet or sew.  I may just catch up on my reading, I have the Spring Reading Thing 2012 to get through so it might be a good idea :)

I hope you're all having a fantastic long weekend.

Please remember that the real reason for these 4 days is not to barbecue, have a big shindig and party. 

It IS to celebrate, to remember and to thank all the Veterans of this wonderful Nation.

I'll leave you with something that I haven't done in such a long time :) 

On my bedside table:
Little Blog on the Prairie by Mary Balogh
The Bible on my Kindle
Her Restless Heart by Barbara Cameron
A Man of his word by Kathleen Fuller

Playing on the TV:
The Universe
Vanishing on 7th Street

Latest interests:
Needle felting
Creating the perfect home baked bread
Self sustained living

On my mind:
My husband's TDY
Lots of sniffles and random coughs around here, hoping there's no colds in our future

To be worry free
To go with the flow
To switch to mostly homemade products

Crochet African Flower lap blanket
Spring Quilt

Looking forward to:
The time flying during the TDY
Some new shows coming up
More veggies from my garden

Reconnecting with my blog
Time spent with my children

On this day:

In 2006:  Honey I'm Home!
In 2007:  There should be a law against waking up early
In 2008:  Good evening from the Kruger National Park
In 2009:  Did you know?
In 2010:  Cooking Thursday
In 2011:  Cooking Thursday


  1. Great homey post Sandra. I really enjoyed it.

    I hope you and yours have a lovely holiday weekend.

    Thank your DH for me for his service to our country, and thank you to for being a military wife and the love and support you give to him.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  2. Happy Memorial Day! A great big thank you to your hubby for his service to our country and to those who have served before him.Enjoy your weekend.
    *Land of the FREE because of the BRAVE*

  3. Sounds like a perfect Saturday! I love how you ended with links to posts of the past.

  4. May we never forget our vets. Thank you for the reminder...Girl, teach those kids to fix their own lunch. You'll love the time it frees up! ;-)

  5.  LOL they do actually know how to fix their own, but I guess it's the usual "I'll hold out as long as I have to and then go make something if I'm really about to starve" lol

  6. awww, hope your little bird friend made it ok!!  reminds me of the time my hubby found a nest of baby bunnies while mowing - one was kind of handicapped - and died :(  but the other disappeared, and I still think about if momma bunny came and got them or what!!?? 

  7. Hey Sandra:) I am so sad you wont be on facebook anymore but I am more excited for your Yours is by far my favorite and you are a huge inspiration to me, thanks so much for being awesome and honest and loving God:)


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