
Monday, May 21, 2012

Happy Homemaker Monday #19

Good Morning everyone, hoping you had a relaxing weekend :)

I have a busy week ahead of me as we prepare for my husband's TDY coming up soon.  Never a fun time.

But anyway, on to today's Happy Homemaker Monday......

Happy Homemaker Monday
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The weather:::

I think we are pretty much full into summer here in Arizona.  It's been triple digit temps, lots of sunshine, barbecuing, swimming in the pool and just plain having fun.   BUT, also lots of time spent indoor and out of the heat which is a killer out here, 5 minutes outside and your clothes are soaked through.

On my reading pile:::  

Currently reading "Little Blog on the Prairie", it's a really cute book about a 13 year old girl Genevieve, who is forced to go to this Frontier camp for the summer.  Living back in the 1890's, she has to give up her Ipod and all modern items etc.  It's fun reading about how the family struggle to fit in, to make it work without all their modern necessities.

On my TV:::

- Watching the second episode of  "Starlings".  I actually enjoyed the first one.  If you're interested in giving it a try, you can click on the link above, both episodes are posted :) 
- This weekend, the hubster and I also watched "Jericho".  It's a series that used to be on TV, and we're really enjoying it, so much so that I finished my ripply pillow during our little marathon of the first season :) 

On the menu for this week:::

 Monday -   Beef Curry
Tuesday -   Hubby's Birthday (Cowboy Lasagna, Lemon Bars)
Wednesday -  Chicken, Bacon and Potato Gratin
Thursday -   Zucchini Casserole
Friday -  Mushroom Swiss Burgers
Saturday -   Burgers on Jalapeno Cheddar Buns
Sunday -   Fettucine Alfredo

On my to do list:::

Sweep and Mop floors
Birthday shopping for hubby

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::

Finished my ripply pillow yesterday, so thrilled with how it looks and can't wait to share with you all today.  Also made a little crochet jar topper and plan to make a few more. 

Summer Fun::: (this one will take over for the homeschooling until school starts up again.  You can share an activity, or a recipe, or a photo, or anything you wish to show us what your family is doing for summer)

We've been enjoying a lot of outside time, or as much as we can without dying in that heat.  But the main activity for the kids has been swimming out back and Miss Lola has decided that she loves swimming more than the kids, so it's been fun watching her jump into the pool on her own and swim around.  

Looking around the house:::

I'm sitting on the couch typing this up and to my left I have the patio door.  The sheer curtains are open, the blinds are open and I can see the morning traffic of airman heading off to work.  
Miss Lola and Miss Bella are laying on hubby's chair fast asleep. Kids are still in bed.
I have a cup of not so hot coffee that I'm taking swigs out of and I'm thinking that I really do need to get to the dishes in the sink.  But for now, I'm just going to finish this post and then read my Bible, devotionals and maybe relax a little until hubby returns from his PT test. 

From the camera:::

Chicken Pot Pie from my Amish Cook at Home Cookbook.  Delicious and you can find the recipe on my food blog.   

Something fun to share:::

While we are on summer break, I have the kids read every day and I also have a day each week where we do some Math.  I like to keep their brains exercised and don't want them to just lose everything they've learned throughout the year.
Scholastic has a great summer program for the kids, they sign up, and then log in every time they read and can win great prizes.  It's a fun idea and an incentive for them to keep reading.  Scholastic Summer Challenge.  Just should I would share in case someone else would like to try it :) 

On my prayer list:::

Friends going through some hard times right now.  
Praying this morning for my husband to pass his PT test and also praying for him and us, as we prepare for his TDY next week.  
(I was asked last week what TDY stands for, it's Temporary Duty Assignment.  In other words, it's a shorter deployment. )

Bible verse, Devotional::: 

Let God work in you, through you and for you, and you will have God’s kind of results.

And He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast, and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish. (John 21:6)


  1. I've been craving lemon bars, you should post your recipe :)

  2. I didn't know how much I NEED lemon bars until I read your menu. I don't have dinner planned for today but now desert is covered!

  3. I guess everybody wants lemon bars! Haha! They sounded really good to me when I read that and then all of your comments are about lemon bars.

    I love the picture of your puppy in the pool. She is too cute.

  4. I wish you could send some of your warm weather over here! :o)

  5. Thank you Sandra for explaining TDY (you learn something new everyday!) I hope that he doesn't have far to go and will be home sooner than you know. Wow, I can't imagine the heat you are living in-I get lots of heat related headaches and nausea just from vsiting my parents in Florida even though I try really hard to stay hydrated. The picture of your puggy is soo cute!:-) We (rather my 20 year old son)has a Boston Terrier named Diesel that we love, love having around. We get to have a puppy in the house but he pays the bills-LOL! Anyways I have been thinking and praying for you when ever I hear the news about the fires in Arizona. Hoping you are out of harms way. Have a wonderful day!
    Laura B.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
