
Thursday, May 17, 2012

How your garden grows

I've been fascinated with my garden this year.

Last year my hubby and I grew a few things, not many at all, but we tried tomatoes, basil, green onions.  They did remarkably well for our climate which is exceedingly hot in the summer.

So this year, we decided to go a step further and to actually devote a spot in our back yard for some veggie gardening, we put together two very easy raised beds and planted Romaine Lettuce, Bibb Lettuce, Yellow Onions, Cantaloupe, Garlic, Jalapenos, Hot peppers, Banana Peppers, Green onions, Chives, Green Beans, Squash, Tomatoes, Thyme, Cilantro and Broccoli.

I had no expectations whatsoever, because honestly this being such a hot climate, I wasn't sure I would be able to get these vegetables to grow and then given my track record of plant murder, I really wasn't expecting anything.

Boy was I surprised, the garden is thriving, the veggies are all growing beautiful and starting to produce and I couldn't be happier OR prouder of myself.

So let me show you where we're at right now.....come talk a walk with me into the garden, I've made some fresh Iced Mint Tea for us so feel free to grab a glass and follow me out to the back yard :)

Iced Mint Tea

It really is such a small area in the garden, but I think the point is that you can do so much with whatever little space you have.

Hot Peppers

First up, are my Sandia hot peppers

And now my squash :)


And my green beans, I can't help smiling when I see them.

Green Beans

It's still amazing to me to see something go from a tiny seed into a vegetable. The whole process is just fascinating to watch.

Broccoli anyone?


Now onto the other side of the garden, where my Romaine Lettuce is growing nicely

Romaine Lettuce

and right next to it, is the Bibb Lettuce also doing very well

Bibb Lettuce

right across from it are my Cantaloupe


and the other veggie growing on the bottom left, is actually some of my yellow onions, I think some of the wind blew the seeds across. I don't want to mess with them, so I'll just leave them.

Now onto the green peppers....

Green Peppers

Cilantro, which I LOVE and I tell you, homegrown are so full of flavor, a thousand times more flavorful than store bought


my thyme which is growing wonderfully and smells amazing


and last my tomatoes


I know, it's a lot of pictures, but I think we could all use some green in our lives right?

Some of you are still seeing really cold weather and even snow, so I hope these pictures of Spring make you smile, at least a little. :)

Gardening is cheaper than therapy, and you get tomatoes.


  1. Hi Sandra--
    We are going to put in a garden for the first time this year because the kids really want to. I am nervous because we've never done it before and I'm afraid I'll mess it up! My husband is getting some lumber for making raised beds and we will have to order a load of topsoil so I'm finding that it's not as cheap as I thought it would be!

  2. wow, your garden looks great, Sandra..

  3. Makes me wish I lived farther south! We've just gotten our seeds in and are barely seeing some green. We always have to wait until May to plant up here. Bonus though is that I've already had one rhubarb harvest :) Love the few things that do manage to "winter" well up here :D Looks like you'll have a great season of fresh veggies!

  4. Love it and jealous! I have a tremendous black thumb that can kill the un-killable. I fantasize sometimes about gardening - hoping to finally get into a home with a larger piece of property and devote a small space to start something of a garden with my daughter while she's young so we can learn together.
    For the moment, I'll live vicariously through your pics :)

  5. Tha garden looks wonderful, so you should be proud. I miss having my dad's fresh tomatoes & veggies so much, and unfortunately I didn't inherit his green thumb.

  6. Homegrown herbs are so good and I love that you can just go out and get a handful whenever you want. Your Plant Murder comment made me laugh. I can so relate. Your garden looks wonderful though and I think maybe those murder days are behind you!

  7. Hi Sandra, I am thinking of taking out one of my flowering plants adding some dirt and planting a few veggies for hubby and I.. I loved your garden, but we know we are both facing different weather conditions but hey I shall give it a try.. wish me luck.. :)


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