
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday thoughts!

Good morning everyone, I'm up bright and early again.  Come on in and sit with me a little, I have some Chocolate Velvet Coffee that is divine and I don't mind sharing :)

About 5 minutes ago I would have said that it's nice and quiet, but since then, little feet have hit the floor running, pugs have woken up and are walking around looking for a treat, and hubby is up as well checking his facebook.  Quiet no more, but then again, I wouldn't trade this for anything.

So, let's chat.  I've been really good with my Bible Reading everyday and my devotionals, they have certainly given me a lot to think about and some of those thoughts need to be shared.

Do you sometimes feel like you are just a face in a crowd or a number in a system?

One of the devotionals I read is from Joseph Prince.  I love it.  My friend Natalie from school actually told me about him and said that she thought I would really enjoy him, and boy was she right.

One of the very first passages I read was about feeling depersonalized and dehumanized in this day and age.  How we are identified by a social security number, when we see a doctor, when we are called by customer service etc.

It actually made me think of my friend Sarah's post the other day about gender neutralization.  You should go over and read, it's really a great post and makes you think.

But back to the devotional.

I think as a mother I have felt that dehumanization many times and I'm not saying that it's an awful thing, or that it's really how my family sees me, as just a mom, as just a wife, as just the homemaker, the person who cooks and cleans and nurses you when you're sick.  But, even though, it's very easy to feel that you're just invisible and not your own person anymore.

Raise your hand if you've ever felt this way, cause I'm raising mine way way way up there!

The devil relishes in these thoughts and he will fill our heads with constant doubt about who we are and what we are and who loves us.  He will make us think that we don't matter much to anyone, especially to God.

What I do need to remember, actually what we all need to remember, is that God loves us, we matter to Him, He calls us by name.  He knows exactly what we're going through and where we're hurting, He sees us and cares for us.

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.  I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.  -  John 10:10

Reading these words was an eye opener for me, it's something I desperately needed to hear.  I do hope that if one of you out there reading is feeling the exact same way, that my post today will bring you some peace.

I feel compelled to share my thoughts on the devotionals I'm reading, maybe it will help someone, maybe not, but for whatever reason God has pointed me back in the direction of my blog and I'm going to follow His lead because only good things can come from it right???

So every Sunday, I'll be here, talking, sharing, venting, whatever I feel led to do.  I hope you'll come sit and chat with me so I won't feel so alone :)

On this day:

In 2006:  Uncluttered Faith
In 2007:  There should be a law against waking up early
In 2008:
In 2009:  Summer List
In 2010:  The Hot Mom to be handbook giveaway
In 2011:


  1. I love your blight Sandra I read it every day so you can count on me sitting in :)


  2. I always look forward to your blog posts... Any & all posts! This post is especially inspiring, and yes, I've definitely felt the same. I'm sure everyone has at one point or another... Looking forward to more insightful posts from you! :)

  3. Great post, Sandra! A few months ago I read a book called, "loving the little years" by Rachel Jankovic - it was eye opening in that... it reminded me that while sometimes those feelings {as your described} do come, its ok for a season. While we find our ultimate identity in Christ - its reassuring to know part of our identity now, too, is "mommy". I believe God uses Momma's more then we think about! Be encouraged and keep on plugging into God's word and learning. Great thoughts!

  4.  Mandi that sounds like a really good book, I'll have to look for it :) 

  5.  Thank you so much Carla :)  It thrills me to know that my blog readers enjoy my posts :)

  6. Sandra you have comforted me today in many ways. I am a stay at home mom of 2 small boys, my husband works long hours, and I am the one who takes care of everyone. I don't mind it at all, but often times I get a little down in the dumps because I feel like everyone only sees me as just that. Then I feel guilty because I love to care for my family! I feel selfish because why would I feel this way when I love my family so much? They are my world and I love them very much. Then I realize the reason why I feel this way is not only are they not seeing me as my own self, but I am not seeing me as my own self. I tend to lose myself, and that's when I read God's word and re-find myself. After all when we get lost he will lead us back again, and you reminded me of that today when I most needed to hear it. Thank you so much. :)

  7.  Victoria, you are so very welcome, like I said in my post above, if I can help even just one person, that's what matters.  Sometimes it's easy to just get caught up in the everyday life and forget about ourselves, nothing like a good reminder and boy do I get them constantly :)

  8. Thank you so much for your devotion today. I have just come across your blog this weekend and have loved reading it. I am a sahm to 3 kiddies, 2,4,and 6. I have been struggling with all the things I think I need to do each day and really want to do out of a personal desire to live more simply but have been getting lost in how to do these effectively. Your devotion reminds me of how important it is to stand guard with our minds and to allow God to refresh us with his thoughts about us, not the worlds thoughts or the devils thoughts. Its something I know I should dwell on each day for it to become a reality. Thanks for sharing :)

  9. Aw, thanks for the link.  The gender neutral thing is just crackers.

    I get that 'neglected, I'm just a slave around here' feeling very often, lol.  I think that Stay-at-home mothers can feel very isolated too because so many other women work now.

    I'm not familiar with Joseph Prince, but I look forward to your lovely thoughts on the devotionals! :)

    Hugs. x


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