
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

When the going gets tough............

the tough wants to run away.


I consider myself a pretty tough cookie, as far as tough cookies go, whatever that means.   And as much as I've grown used to this military life, I think that there are things that as a military wife you never quite get a grasp on.

Or maybe that's not the right choice of words.  It's more that even though you go through these deployments/TDY's/separations and it becomes par for the course, you just never learn to accept them and be fine with them.  You understand, you make it through, but it's not something anyone ever looks forward to.

I saw my hubby off to work this morning and I immediately got that feeling in the pit of my stomach. 

I wanted to grab him back from his truck, bring him inside and just wrap my arms around him because I know that today is the last day I can do that before he leaves for a TDY.

In a sense, I've already switched into single parent mode.  Because I have to, because the littles depend on me to take care of them. 

So today, I'm doing the usual housework, but I'm also making sure that he has everything he needs to take with him, making sure his stuff is all packed, making sure I remind him to take his cellphone charger and the laptop and bank card.   I'll never let him live that one down LOL

The washer is running, the dryer is running, there's clothes hanging out on the clothesline.

Yep, it's wash day here at the household, tomorrow will be ironing day.

I have to sit down for a few minutes later this afternoon and get the menu plan and the grocery list organized, I already have all the meals planned for when hubby is gone but still need to make the list from it.

I have to tell you yet again that I'm SO loving reconnecting with my old blog and with old friends.  I've noticed some of my first readers are still blogging and that thrills me.  By the way, if you used to blog back in the day and still have yours running, do let me know, I would love to come by and say hi :)

For now, I'm going to grab my coffee, hop into the blog mobile and go visit some of you.

Homestead Blessings - You all know the West Ladies from the Homestead Blessings DVD's right?  Well if you don't follow their blog, you really should, they are such an inspiration.

Home Joys - such a sweet, inspiring blog.

Coco Rose Diaries - Love this blog.  I think she loves Cath Kidston just as much as I do and I love seeing her crafts and knick knacks around the house.


For lunch we'll be having leftover Turkey Sliders on Jalapeno Cheddar Buns.  For dinner, it will be Portuguese Chicken and Rice.


It's Tuesday, which means my DVR has tons of goodies to record and I'll be sitting down tonight with hubby and the kids and enjoying all of them :)

General Hospital on ABC
Hatfields and McCoys on the History Channel -  Part 2 tonight.

Deadliest Catch on the Discovery Channel
Fact or Faked Paranormal Files on the SyFy Channel
Amish out of Order on the National Geographic Channel
An American Colony:  Meet the Hutterites (premiering tonight) on the National Geographic Channel


All the laundry
Menu planning and grocery list making
Getting some reviews ready for the blog
Get a package ready to mail
Sweeping and vacuuming

On this day:

In 2006:  Toys, Toys, Toys
In 2007: 
In 2008:  Good evening from the Kruger National Park
In 2009:  Go Go Pets Giveaway
In 2010: 
In 2011:  Ministry of Motherhood Book Study


  1. Yep ... know that feeling well!! It was somewhat "easier" when I had kids when my husband deployed or went TDY because I knew had to get up to take care of them ... otherwise, I might have just stayed in bed all day!! but life has a purpose and that is to take care of the "home front". Wishing you all a wonderful last day together for now ... until the reunion (and oh, how I love that reunion!!!!!). :)

  2. I left a comment earlier to this post, and I don't know what the disqus thing is, but obviously it 'ate' my comment.

    Being separated is never easy, no matter how many times it has happened in the past. May the time go swiftly for all of you. How long will your husband be gone?

    Love and hugs to you Sandra,


  3. Thank you for the service of your husband and family for our country! I can't imagine the hardships y'all go through with separations etc. but know that it's appreciated!
    Hope it won't be too long.

  4. Keeping you and your family in my prayers. Take care!

  5. Praying for you!!! Love you, Thanks for your service!!

  6. Sorry your hubby is leaving!  Mine is also getting ready to head to Wisconsin for the month of June and we're not too happy, although we could use the extra $$$ since his normal job is ending in August.  Laundry on my list as well today!  Enjoy your day!  

  7. Bless your heart Sandra. Being separated is not easy, no matter how many times it has happened in the past. I hope the time goes swiftly for all of you.  How long will he be gone?

    Love and hugs to you ~ FlowerLady

  8. Praying for you as you say goodbye to Curt today and celebrate Father's Day, and keep on keeping on for the next several weeks.   Bless you my friend! 

  9. Aww... ((hugs)) How long is hubby gone for? Thanks for sharing the links, I always love finding new inspiring blogs! :)


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
