
Saturday, August 18, 2012

30 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge - Day 13

So sorry this one is going up kinda late today. We had an extremely busy day, lots of errands to run and a project for the kitchen. I'm exhausted :)

On to our new challenge/task, and today's is a little....well.....uncomfortable maybe?


Day Thirteen:

"I am my beloved's, and his desire is toward me." Song of Solomon 7:10

The sexual relationship. It's one of those elements—along with money and children—that can derail a marriage through negative comments. Negativity destroys intimacy, but encouragement builds and strengthens the marriage bond.

Let's get practical here. Is your husband a "good lover"? Have you told him so? Be specific. Let him know when he pleases you. Most husbands genuinely want to please their wives, especially in this important area of marriage.

In moments of intimacy, do you find your mind wandering? This can change as you focus on something wonderful about your husband. Realize that your husband wants intimacy with you . . . his desire is toward you.

Does this area of your marriage need some work? Remember that this is a sensitive area for men. Be sure to encourage his lovemaking and masculinity in positive ways.


Well........I know it shouldn't, but today's topic makes me uncomfortable LOL

I'm very open about my life on the blog but I don't think I'm THAT open and honestly I feel that some things shouldn't be discussed with others.

But, since I don't make these challenges, I merely follow the plan already set out by Revive Our Hearts, I couldn't exactly omit this one.  So it's here, it's posted, please don't feel you need to comment at all LOL

Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend.  God Bless,


  1. This is an area that tends to get over looked. But we need to remember that God made us as sexual creatures.

  2. This topic make me uncomfortable as well! I'm blushing just reading the post. LOL

    This has been a great challenge.

  3. I feel the same as you, Sandra. But it is a good reminder to us.

    You have a great week! :)

  4. Hey Sandra,

    Loved reading this blog today!!
    You brought out a really great point when you said "Be sure to encourage his lovemaking and masculinity..." That was an "a-ha" moment for me; because I haven't been doing that lately, but I'm thankful that the Holy Spirit reminded me about its importance while reading your blog this afternoon. So, thanks for blogging about this subject because it was just for me. =)

    Listen, I can imagine you stay pretty busy like myself. After running after my 2 year old and one on the way, balancing a household, and still being on my personal "A" game, I'm wiped out by 10am lol. So, I started this new thing with Body by Vi and I've never felt more energetic and healthier! I'm sure you're "on the go" so, whenever you have a chance check out the website,, if its something that interests you let me know and fill out the contact form, and I'll be in touch.
    Take care Sandra and I look forward to reading your next blog!



Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
