
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday Stuff

Had such a good, quiet Sunday, that I really hope that you all had one too.

My day started with me sleeping in, well, if you can call it that, but then again 7:30am is sleeping in for me.  HA!

Mid morning we headed to the track and I was actually able to run two and a half full laps without stopping, I was so proud of myself.  What a wonderful feeling when you push yourself through the barriers that you set in your life and start working towards a healthier, fitter you.

October 21, 2012

It hasn't been easy but I have forced myself to exercise the past week, even when I didn't feel like it, I pushed through and I feel so much better for it :)

The best part is that the kids are into exercising as well and look forward to our weekend visits to the track.

After the track we came home, had a quick lunch and set to work on some pumpkin carving.

October 21, 2012

October 21, 2012

Once it's all done, everyone takes off and mommy gets left with some work....separating the seeds from the pumpkin.

Cleaning it all up, putting the pumpkin in freezer bags and freezing it for soup, pie, sonhos (Portuguese pumpkin fritters) etc.

October 21, 2012

Of course these have to be made and is there anything better than roasting these babies??

October 21, 2012

I watched the new Downton Abbey episode as I did that work, made it go faster :) 

While the seeds roasted in the oven, I set the table for dinner and fixed a quick meal for us.

October 21, 2012

Simple pasta using leftovers....bacon turkey that had to be cooked before expiring and leftover KFC chicken.  Yummy!

October 21, 2012

And here are the pumpkins. 

Now let me start by saying that up until this year, the kids have always wanted to carve pumpkins but a few minutes into it, they were over it, needed help, were bored, couldn't do it alone hubby and I always ended up having to do it all.

THIS year, they did every thing by themselves.  From the cutting, to the cleaning, to the templates, you name it, they did it all, so we're so very proud of these kiddos :)

This is daddy's pumpkin,

October 21, 2012

This is Nic's...

October 21, 2012

Jasmine's, it's a pokemon but one of the pieces she cut right through and it fell off.  She still did great :)

October 21, 2012

And this is mine :)

October 21, 2012

Then I thought, well I'm out here in the yard, might as well look into MY window, because you know whenever we go out for walks at night, I have this fascination with looking in people's windows. 

Not up close, I'm not a stalker and I don't peep LOL  

But if we walk by and someone has their lights on and the curtains open, I always look into the house, I just love seeing what everyone's homes look like.  And I know I'm not the only one LOL

October 21, 2012

So there you go, a peek into my own house from the kitchen window.

Now I'm off to read a little before bed.  I'll be sitting right next to that lamp in my chair :)


  1. Oh my goodness! I'm the same way about looking in people's windows. I love seeing how people decorate their home, and what their furniture or whatever looks like. I don't go up to the windows and look all over, but if it wasn't creepy, I totally would. Haha! I just love how different everybody's homes are.

    It sounds like you had a wonderful Sunday and you guys carved some awesome pumpkins!

  2. Those pumpkins look great and we love roasted pumpkin seeds. I always make a Halloween trail mix for after trick or treating. I use roasted pumpkin seeds, candy corn, candy pumpkins, peanuts and dried fruit. The kids love to munch on that while we check their candy and watch '' It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown''.

  3. Your pumpkins turned out great! We will be doing our carving this weekend.

    Have a great day!

  4. Hahaha I remember a conversation about this very thing on FB. HAHA!

    But shhh I do the same thing!

  5. Hahaha I remember a conversation about this very thing on FB. HAHA!

    But shhh I do the same thing!


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