
Monday, November 19, 2012

Happy Homemaker Monday #44

Monday morning again.  Sure does come by pretty fast doesn't it?

Had a good but busy weekend again, I am thinking that I need a weekend to actually do nothing, go nowhere, and just relax....yes I believe it will be this coming weekend.

Feel free to use :)

The Weather:::
It's been pretty cool this past week, we've had some nice cold weather, but alas this week we are going back up to the 80's.  Ugh!

Right now I am:
Enjoying my coffee and thinking about what I have to do today.

That I need to get my Turkey out of the deep freezer.  Also have a lot of things swirling in my mind, mainly about what all I need to get done and what is coming up this week etc.

  On my reading pile:::
Currently reading "Captive Trail" by Susan Page Davis. 
Also reading a bunch of cookbooks.

On my tv:::
Two new series that premiered last night in the UK.
The first is The Secret of Crickley Hall on BBC.  If you like ghostly, paranormal shows be sure to check this one out.
The second is Grand Hotel on Sky Arts.  It has been dubbed the Downton Abbey of Spain and looks really good.

On the menu for this week:::

Monday - Baked Parmesan and Provolone Spaghetti
Tuesday - Thanksgiving at the Zoo with the Homeschool
Wednesday - Family Favorite Cheese Pizza
Thursday - Thanksgiving - Deep Fried Turkey, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole, Corn Bread Sage Stuffing, Gravy, Cranberry Sauce (canned because that's how my husband and daughter like it, BLECH), Sweet Potato Casserole, Pumpkin Bars, Pecan Pie
Friday -  Leftovers
Saturday -  Shepherd's Pie
Sunday - Slow Cooker Sloppy Joes w/ Salad

On my to do list:::
Tons of laundry, yet again.  Sometimes I wonder if the clothes don't climb out of the dressers in the middle of the night and throw themselves in the dirty laundry basket.  Annoying.
Have a review and giveaway to put up today, the winner will win an assortment of Libby's fruit and veggies AND a KitchenAid Slow Cooker.  :)
Have a ton of fruit cake to bake so that I can feed them for a few weeks before mailing out as gifts.

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Tons and tons of dishcloths.  Some are going out as gifts, some are for myself and some are to give to you wonderful readers :)

Homemaking Tips:::
With Christmas just around the corner, one of the things we are doing this year is that we have decided that at least one of the gifts we give each other, HAS to be homemade.  It doesn't matter what age your kids are, get them involved, let them decide what they want to make for each family member and then set them free to use their imagination.  My kids are SO excited to be making something for each other and for hubby and I, and honestly, I think those are the gifts I'm looking forward to the most :)

Looking around the house:::
It's dark right now, only light on is the lamp on my desk.  Hubby just left for work, kids are asleep.
Living room needs a little picking up as is usual after the weekend.

From the camera:::

On my prayer list:::
My friend Nancy's husband Ray who is in the hospital dealing with some heart problems.

Bible verse, Devotional:::
A fool spurns his father's discipline, but whoever heeds correction shows prudence.
Proverbs 15:5


  1. I have huge piles of laundry too. Just when I catch up I get behind again. I haven't figured out the magic formula for keeping on top of it. Your Thanksgiving dinner sounds delicious, enjoy your holiday! I am looking forward to the giveaways!

  2. Those breakfast sandwiches are something I plan on making in the near future.

    I quote that verse to our kids often. :-)

  3. Sorry I posted two links - it was giving me a hard time and the second one was a mistake.

  4. I was thinking the same thing about weekends...I need one where I just have the option of doing nothing!

    Laundry, sigh, I'm down to my last t-shirt. Guess I better get to it.

  5. Thank you for posting the dishcloth pattern the other day.
    I'm making them too!

  6. Looking forward to your giveaway!

  7. Christmas threw up in my house this weekend :-) I hate the mess but it will become warm and inviting when I'm done. Also instead if just having cranberry sauce I make cranberry chutney. It's super easy and super yum.

  8. Thanks for giving me a Monday morning smile with this funny: "at night the clothes climb out of the dressers and throw themselves into the laundry basket"!! I can seriously see them doing this, just like a Disney cartoon! Hope you have a lovely day, don't neglect taking some time out for you to rest a little.

    P.S. Are you really doing a deep fried Turkey? Have you done one before? I'd sure like to see pictures!

  9. Your Thanksgiving menu sounds delicious! I'll be over for dinner. Hahaha!

    I'm right there with you on this awful laundry. Really, it is the only chore I actively dislike. It piles up way too fast and takes far too long to wash, dry, and put away.

  10. When I was a kid my mother made us do homemade gifts one year. We moaned and groaned but we ended up having a lot of fun. My dad made me a knitting board that I then used to make more gifts the next year (and the next and the next).
    As for laundry-I have not figured out how all the laundry can be finished when I go to bed but when I wake up in the morning there is a new pile waiting for me.

  11. Yep - 3rd load of laundry spinning away in the dryer right now. I swear, we go away just for one overnight, and it triples somehow! (And I have to admit that I love the canned cranberry jelly too. Love homemade as well, but I always have to have a little of the jiggly stuff.)

  12. Ahhh laundry, it seems to be the bane of everyone lol! I wish we had Thanksgiving here, your meal sounds wonderful! I'm doing us a little UK roast on Wednesday instead lol! :)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I feel the exact same way about my laundry... sometimes I don't even know where it comes from lol

    I think it's funny how no matter where you live in America.... you pretty much have the same menu =)

    Happy Thanksgiving


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