
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

So ready for this to be over with.....

Limbo. Just plain, boring, frustrating limbo and I'm not one to do well in these moments.

I guess because I'm a person who has to be constantly doing and moving and going, finding myself in the waiting period between leaving this place and moving to our new home, is driving me absolutely bananas.

Wanna see what's around me?


That is my Essentials box, what I'll be using until our household goods get delivered to the new house.  I'm taking the crockpot, or rather ONE of the crockpots and that first week in the house I'll be making slow cooked meals, just really simple things.  Other kitchen needs as't be without coffee right?


I've become quite good at dodging boxes, they get jumped over, moved around, pushed from one side of the house to the other etc.  Will be nice when they're all gone.


Pantry goods, this box will go with us.


I have such a huge collection of jars of every shape and size.  Some will go with me, but the others will go with the movers.  And those empty boxes right next to them????  They're not going in the trash, they are used for packing and I'll show you what I do.


I simply cut one of the sides off, lay them on their side and pack all my spice bottles.


This was pre cleaning the tops, see that powdered sugar dispenser?  It decided to slip off my hands and pop open spreading a nice film of white powder all over my counter, stove and the spice bottles.  *sigh*


This wooden little crate came with 3 little pots of herbs that I bought, oh, I wanna see 2 years ago?  But it makes a nice little holder for spice bottles and they fit in there nice and snug.

Since I'm taking all the spices with me, they'll be packed in a box, stacked and that way they won't move.  It's an easy way to move spices without dozens of little bottles everywhere.


Another thing I've always done when packing, is to use my old phone books.  I don't need them anymore and there are tons of pages in there perfect for wrapping breakables.

So yes, I can tell you that OUR packing is almost complete, everything else that is left is what the movers will be taking next week.  Could it be next week already?  I'm just so ready for this all to be over and done with.

In the middle of all this chaos, we had a nice surprise yesterday.  Got some certificates for my husband's retirement, and of course being the wuss that I am, I burst into tears.

What can I say, other than you know how I've always told you that military life is not an easy life, and certainly not a lifestyle for everyone.  There's a lot of sacrifices not only on the military member's part, but the families as well.  It's nice to be recognized and acknowledge :)


The kids were each given a folder with a certificate on one side and a photo on the other.


See what I mean about crying?  I still can't read these without bawling, goodness.


That was the photo included, the kids with daddy's jet. :)


I received two folders, also with a certificate on one side and a photo on the other.  Love the one of my handsome husband, I'm so proud of him :)


This was the second folder :)


And my hubby got two as well, and there will be a few other things he gets next week before leaving :)


I am glad that they are recognized for their service and their sacrifice, after 22 years of service.

So there you have it, that's what is going on right now.

We are pretty much set to move, just a week and a few days left.

And as frazzled as I've been feeling lately, I was actually a little stunned to be able to get a photo of myself I actually like.  Looking at this photo you don't even realize the stress and craziness going on in that little brain lol


Alright my friends, it's time to get off here, go pack a few more boxes, get that laundry taken care of and make sure my ground beef is thawed for tonight's dinner....Spaghetti Pie.  Yum!

Have yourselves a lovely rest of Tuesday, God Bless,


  1. Moving is one of the most stressful things on the planet. Good luck in your journeys! :)

  2. Congrats!! Appreciation for your husband's service, and all of you also...and new beginnings ahead!

    BTW, my daughter has the same bright shirt that your daughter is wearing in the picture. (She is 18, but I think she bought it at toys r us a couple years ago!)

  3. What wonderful memories your family will have to look back on. Your almost there, just hang on for a few more days and you will have more work than you can shack a stick at

  4. Oh Sandra ~ Those certificates are wonderful!!! The photos priceless.

    I love the one you took of yourself. You look happy and at peace, even though your life is hectic with this move.

    Pretty soon, this will all be behind you. A lot of memories tucked into your heart. Enjoy your last week, and your trip home.

    Love and hugs to you ~ FlowerLady

  5. You're gorgeous, Sandra! Limbo does kind of stink, doesn't it? But I have found that I usually learn a lot during those times in my life, as much as I detest them. And, ummm, I like really love that crockpot! Where in the world did you find such a crockpot! I've never seen one like that!

  6. Those certificates make me cry! Sweet....and good pictures!

  7. Thank you Sandra for sharing all the certificates your family received. I was not aware that our servicemen/women received anything like that. Thank your husband for me for serving our country and helping keep us safe. Your blog is always interesting even though I don't write a note often. May your new life be just great - God bless!!

  8. Now I am crying too!!! You are truly an all-American family. God bless your move and new adventures ahead!

  9. Congrat on you and your husbands retirement! We are doing the same right now. It is a breath of fresh air knowing that there is no more field time or deployments. I actually cried relief. Despite the stressful times of moving, just know in the end that you will be settled and will have the most awesome times of your lives.

  10. I can't believe it's almost moving day!!! I'm so excited for you and will be relieved for you when it's all over.

    Those certificates were so sweet I also cried while reading them. Try to enjoy your last few days in Arizona and good luck with your move.


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