
Monday, June 17, 2013

Happy Homemaker Monday - 06-17-2013

Happy Homemaker Monday

Hello everyone, hope you had a great weekend and are ready for this coming week.

I am looking forward to finalizing our move plans and getting on the road, granted that is not until NEXT week but still, time is just flying by. 

Let's see what everyone is up to with our Happy Homemaker Monday, shall we?

The weather.....It's summer in Arizona, need I say more?  I am not going to miss the triple digits at all, and I've been keeping an eye on the weather back home and it's wonderful, 70 degrees, rain, that's what I like.

Right now I am....Still in my pajamas, drinking my coffee, typing up this post and talking to hubby about what we have planned for today and the rest of the week.  Appointments, last minute errands, finishing packing.  

Thinking....That I'm ready to go home, and I'm ready to get this drive over with.  You don't understand, I am one of those people who really doesn't enjoy driving so knowing that I have to drive 13 hours and through Vegas, is killing me.  LOL

On my reading pile....Just my devotionals, have finished some and started others.

A Place of Security
Hope:  A Courageous Journey of Faith

Face to Faith
Battlefield of the Mind Devotional

On my TV.....So here's the thing, I cancelled our dish the beginning of June and it was so hard to do.  I don't even know why because it's so expensive and you pay for a gazillion channels but only really watch 4 or 5.  The first few days was terrible, it really is like an addiction that you have to break.  It's gotten so much easier and I don't really miss it, granted I don't watch my shows the day they come out, but I get them online the following day which is just fine with me.  So, will either get the smallest package when we get to Idaho OR may just do without it, we'll see what hubby and the kids think.  
What I found while surfing the net....Been enjoying the Girlfriends in God website.  I love that I can go back through the archives and find the devotionals. 
On the menu for this week....Folks, I am SO ready to be in my kitchen cooking real homemade food.  I'm done and over with the simple meals we've been having.  It's all great for a little while but then it becomes boring.  Let's see what's cooking.....

Monday - Beef Curry
Tuesday - Baked Pasta
Wednesday - Fettucine Alfredo
Thursday - Crazy Pizza Bread
Friday - Roast Chicken
Saturday - Boca Veggie Burgers
Sunday - Soup

On my to do list....Get back in touch with Century Link to set up Internet at the new house.  You don't even KNOW the run around I've been given, right down to the part where they have told me continually that they have no internet service at the new address, when I know for a FACT that the current tenants have internet THROUGH Century Link.  I mean, really????   So it's back to that fun today.  Lord give me strength and patience.
Finish packing the stuff that we're taking
Remove all pictures, shelves from walls and spackle them
Start cleaning the house for inspection (I've been doing a little at a time so that next week once the movers have taken everything, our last cleaning won't be too long)

In the craft basket....Well, I've decided to open an Etsy shop for my crochet and sewing projects.  It's been many years in the making and I see how lately everyone and their mother has an Etsy shop and sells their creations, so I figured why not me?  Right now we could use the extra income to help with retirement.  I've been making little things to go in the shop, dishcloths, pin cushions, pot holders, things of that nature, have to start off small and easy.  Once I get settled in at the new house, then I'll start posting them to the shop :) 

Looking forward to this week....Last week I got to watch God in action, once again, and He came through BIG time for us with the perfect house we were looking for.  This week I'm just looking forward to continuing with our preparations for the move, and getting everything ready.

Looking around the house....Have dishes in the sink that need to go in the washer, need to vacuum AGAIN because a certain little lady is shedding big time.  Boxes, boxes and more boxes. 

From the camera....
At the Living History Museum, this beautiful quilt was on one of the beds and I just loved it so much, I had to take a picture

On my prayer list.....My husband and I for this move and this new journey in our lives.
My children, they are excited to go home but they're also sad to leave the house and area that has been home to them for so many years.
My brother and sister in law as they prepare to leave South Africa and make a HUGE change in their lives, next month.
All my friends who are needing comfort, or help of any kind with aspects in their lives.

Bible verse, Devotional....
Holy Father, Thank You for allowing me to come to You in prayer today. I humbly bow before Your throne of grace and ask that You would forgive me for all of the times I have failed to come. I need You more than I know. Please help me experience the fullness of Your life-changing presence in a fresh and powerful way.

For Your glory and In Jesus’ Name,



  1. That quilt is absolutely beautiful!! It reminds me of my grandma!!

    We are praying for your brother and sister in law as they make this big move!

  2. Oh, I know how hard it is to play the waiting game. As exciting as the coming changes are, you just cannot wait to be done and settled. Wishing you the best with your final preparations and your drive and praying they go smoothly.

  3. Another busy week for you Sandra. I hope it's a good one for you. :)

  4. We recently got rid of our comcast cable, too. We were paying $180 a month for cable and internet, more than our car payment. Too expensive to justify. I'm sad to hear you are not having a good experience with Century Link, we just set them up and LOVE them. We got amazon prime and have been watching things there and on netflix. You can rent movies through Amazon too. If your TV and laptop have HDMI outputs you can plug it in to your laptop and stream directly onto your TV which is really cool! is our favorite streaming site. There is life after cable TV!!! We do not regret giving it up.

  5. We don't have cable either. We bought Rokus for all of our televisions. We subscribe to Netflix and Hulu Plus. Buy things on Amazon Instant Video if necessary. That gives us more to watch than we have time. :) And about 1/4 the cost of cable.

  6. Step by step ... closer to your new home!!! :) By this time next week, just think how close you will be!! :) Hugs and prayers!

  7. You and your sweet family are still in my prayers. I am so excited for you to get on with this move.

    I love to drive and wish I could just do it for you.

    So looking forward to you sharing with us while you feather your new next..Won't be long now! xo

  8. Never heard of the girlfriends in god website! Amazing!!

  9. We only have Netflix and do just fine with it. It's so much cheaper to not have cable, but we also only use the Internet through our phones, so we don't have to worry about getting Internet packages either. I wish I could be creative and open an etsy shop, lol.

  10. Hi~I really don't know how I got to this blog/site(?). But I love it. Sandra, you sound like my kind of person. The Lord is #1 in my world, then life is 2nd. I make jams and butter to sell at farmers markets & have been thinking about opening an Etsy account, also. But my favorite things are home and crafts. I would really like to move out of LA and move to Idaho, too. Strange, hah?
    We got rid of our cable and are very happy! We have great stations with our antenna.
    God bless!

  11. I'm still praying for you and your family.
    Your picture of the quilt is gorgeous!!!

    Hope you aren't stressing too badly.

  12. that quilt looks absolutely colourfully decent and cool..and i love mothers who love to cook and spend good time in their kitchen.cos when i grow up(not when i am a mother,which i will never be cos i don't like to marry and have children and fight with him all the time)i will say kitchen is my one favourite place to hang out............or at least i'll build it that interesting and a cool place to be...

  13. Praying for you...I know from experience what a Big adjustment a move can be...we just wish we could have adjusted is hard no matter what, you are facing so many changes right now just know we are here for you.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
