
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Weekend Chit Chat


How has your weekend been?  Did you do anything fun or just stay home and relax?

I got to stay home, do nothing and get some rest in.

It felt good to not have to worry about paperwork or phone calls and to just pretend, even if just for two days, that we were going nowhere, doing nothing and had no boxes around.

Yesterday I puttered around the house, since the movers will be moving most of our belongings, the house is not full packed so it still looks semi livable, and there are certain things that are going with me in the car like my plants, which are still enjoying the kitchen window sill.

I still bring in flowers from the garden and continue on with my gardening, if anything i would like to leave a nice variety of wildflowers for the next tenant.

My husband thinks I'm crazy, but I think about who the next family will be in this house, what their story is, are they newly weds, do they have children, where they came from and where they'll go from here.  Will they enjoy this house as much as we have, etc.  I know it may sound silly but I guess I'm just a very curious person by nature.


I have an abundance of flat leaf parsley, more than I know what to do with. I usually use a lot to cook with but the past few weeks my meals have consisted of very easy, boring, simple meals so haven't used as much as usual.

Boy I can't wait to get settled in so I can get back to my usual cooking, I miss being in my kitchen making good home cooked meals.

My cilantro has gone to seed, and I'm taking them with me, going to either use the coriander seed in cooking, or I may just use them to plant some more cilantro at the new house. Either way, they've been potted, they're doing well and they will be making the trip back home.


Now while puttering around in the kitchen, I decided to make some Crazy Cakes.  I asked the kids if they wanted Chocolate or Spiced and an argument ensued where the boy wanted chocolate and the girl wanted spiced, so being the nice mommy that I am, I decided to just make one of each considering these cakes are baked in an 8 inch pan so small enough to make two.

Crazy Cake

The great thing about these cakes are that they use no eggs, no milk and no butter, so if you can't eat any of those, these are the perfect dessert for you.

Crazy Cake

And the flavors are infinite, you can make whatever you wish, chocolate, vanilla, spiced, lemon.....I'm going to try orange next.

The rest of my Saturday was spent reading my devotionals, reading blogs and doing some laundry.

Hubby helped me fold laundry this morning and I had to laugh, he tries so hard to help me but he is a military man and they are taught in basic training how to fold shirts into tiny little squares.  It DRIVES.ME.INSANE.  LOL

So I give him all his laundry to fold, that way he feels like he is helping me but I don't have to freak out when I watch him fold shirts LOL

I love that man to death!

Today, I've sat around doing absolutely nothing.  Enjoyed a simple lunch with the family, I made some grilled sandwiches with white american cheese, honey ham, tomato and some onion, mustard, thyme and mayonnaise sauce slathered on the slices of bread before grilling.   Delicious!

I started feeling a little off after lunch so I went to the bedroom to lay down for a few minutes, I turned on the TV and of course without any dish or cable, we just get the local channels, which is just fine for me.  I enjoyed an hour of Joyce Meyer on the Christian Channel and then dozed off.  I must be exhausted without even knowing it.

Think my body is ready for some relaxation.

I don't have anything planned for tonight, I think I'll do some more blog reading, watch a little tv and call it an early night.

We have but one week and a few days before leaving, so tomorrow it's back to last minute phone calls, errands and preparations.

Before I end this post, I want to tell you about The White Queen.  If you're a fan of Phillipa Gregory, like I am, and have read her Cousin's War series, then you won't want to miss this series.

It premiered tonight on BBC One in the UK, and will premiere here in the USA on the Starz channel on August 10th.

You know me though, I can't wait that long, so I watched it live and I even have a link for you all for the new episode which has already been posted online.

I LOVED it, it was so good and I can't wait for next week's episode.  Be forewarned though, as with all of these period pieces, there is nudity and some sexual content.  Just wanted to give you a heads up :)


  1. Sounds like a nice restful and relaxing weekend. I like to watch Joyce Meyer too! That crazy cake looks good...will give it a try. I hope your move goes well. You will get to miss some of the hot, hot Arizona summer!

  2. We had a quiet weekend too ... My big kids are with grandparents and I miss them SO much!! Miriam is enjoying being an "only child"! :)
    Glad you could get some rest!! :)

  3. Your weekend sounds like just what you needed. I can hardly believe you've just got a little over a week left there. I bet you all are excited. I pray the move goes smoothly and time passes quickly.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  4. You are not crazy..,we have left things for the next owner...most of the time we knew who they were & they were first time home owners...Why take Bar stools that won't fit in moving truck nor in our house? Yep we left them,
    Sure wish you guys were closer...yesterday was a sad day. Missed having my Dad, missed having kids, and missed having family.
    We love you All!!

  5. Your herbs look amazing!

    I had to laugh about your husband folding the laundry. I do the same thing with my kids. I give them their clothes to fold so that they can feel like they are helping and they don't wrinkle all my clothes.

  6. those wildflowers,which i wish i knew their name,look so cute....i love purple coloured flowers...and cool crazy cake...

  7. cute wildflowers....and crazy cake....i generally love wildflowers....


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