
Saturday, January 25, 2014

A day of puttering around....

It's been a good day.  A nice, quiet, relaxing day of just plain old pottering around my house.

My niece had a dance performance today and unfortunately we were unable to attend, so my brother and sister in law and niece and nephew left around noon and have yet to return.  It means my little family and I got some much needed alone time.

You know, you never really understand how much family time is important, until you no longer have it.

We love having my brother and his family here, but I think it's so imperative that both families carve out some alone time, even if just for a day....and we were needing this so very badly.

Did we do anything fantastic?  No.  We did what we always do, we just hung around the house, puttered here and there, ate a simple lunch, laughed, talked, sat down just the four of us for dinner and enjoyed the quiet moments.....because you do know that a household full of people is a constant buzz of noise.

I wanted to share my day with you and just show you a little here and there.  I haven't done it in a while.

Remember those posts I would do, the daily ones where I showed you pictures of some corners of my home?  I've missed those, so this one is kind of like that, just a bunch of pictures that will give you a little insight into my corner of the world.

♥   Changed out the kitchen curtains, removed my little pumpkin garland and added my dried orange slices again.

Kitchen window

Turned on my beautiful Scentsy holder and enjoyed the wonderful scent that permeated through the house.

Scentsy holder

A quick, easy, filling lunch of Asian Wraps.


Watered all the plants in the house and smiled at this little Christmas tree that is still thriving and looking ever so pretty.

Little Christmas tree

Rearranged some of the items on my baker's rack and added the pumpkin garland to it.  At first I just hung it there until I decided where to place it permanently, but I love how it looks, and so it stays.

Baker's rack

Some housecleaning, which of course includes the not so popular bathrooms.  One of my least favorite chores in the house.


Stepped out front for some fresh air and smiled at the flags, all lined up, standing at attention.  A welcome pop of color on a dark, grey foggy day.

Front Yard

Dusted the shelves and shook out all the crochet blankets, then set them back on the shelf and sat back to smile.  I do love how crochet items look all neatly folded.

Crocheted Blankets

This afternoon, I turned the fire on, made myself a cup of coffee and sat down to work on the Period Drama Lists.  You can now look through either the Period Drama Documentaries, Period Drama TV Series or Period Drama Movies.

I think it will make it much easier for you all to find a specific show to watch, so I hope you enjoy these :)

And now, my crochet is calling my name, so I better skedaddle on out of here.

Have a wonderful night!


  1. This was a lovely post Sandra, like old times. I do hope your brother and his family will be able to find a lovely home for themselves sometime soon, so that you all can settle down into your own spaces.

    It is good that you are there for them and sharing your home, giving them love, doing things together, but like you said you and your family, and I'm sure they feel the same way, need your own times alone together.

    You are making wonderful memories and growing in grace daily.

    Have a lovely weekend and I enjoyed the sweet glimpses into your fairly new home.


  2. Thank you Sandra- you really are a credit to homemakers, continually striving to keep a beautiful home- even in the face of chaos! Question- how do you control the clutter which creeps up in drawers, closets and counters? There was a scene in the British tv show, Born and Bred (great period show if you have never caught it), where the father-in-law opens up the kitchen cupboard and is greeted by an avalanche of pots and pans. His friend turns to him and says "she really needs to learn to keep house"; they turn and herself is right behind them. Hilarious! God Bless you and your family!

  3. Bathrooms are the least favorite chore around here as well:) Have a nice Sunday!

  4. I've missed these posts of yours. I've always loved seeing little corners of your world. Your house always seems warm and inviting. I'm glad you had a nice relaxing day with your family.

  5. I love your posts about your day.

    I really dislike cleaning bathrooms. What was I thinking when we bought a house with 2!

    Have a blessed week.

  6. I love a puttering day!!! I have been itching to do some sort of crocheted blanket. I think it is the cold temps that have me wanting to do it.
    Nice post!!
    Have a good week!!!
    D @ 4:53 am


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
