
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sweet Rain!


Oh it felt so very good to see the rain coming down.  It started last night and it continued throughout the whole day, and it's still pitter pattering a little.

We needed it so badly, because the past 3 weeks we've had the worst haze and fog lingering around, so this glorious rain came to wash all that nastiness away.


One thing about a rainy day though, is that it makes the house so dark, it's like nighttime all day long.

Perfect for reading, crocheting, watching a movie and eating yummy stews and soups.


I've been very good with keeping up with the crochet mood blanket.  I think the fact that it's just the one square a day makes it easy to not fall off the wagon.  And it's actually inspiring me to continue with other projects too, I'm also thinking that I may end up making this blanket just big enough for a twin bed and then moving onto another blanket so that my kiddos will end up with a blanket each by the end of the year :)

Week 3

I'm loving it so far, just totally besotted with this blanket, the colors, the pattern, the joining, just everything about it makes me happy.


I just finished today's square which I chose to do in all the colors (or mostly all the colors) in the blanket so far.  Just to make it different, I may not even add it to the next row, we'll see how I feel once it's all ready to join.


 I do enjoy a cup of hot coffee while I crochet, or sometimes some hot tea, whichever I'm in the mood for.

One of the spots I like to sit at and kick up my feet, is this chair.  You've seen it many times before in our previous home, and no matter where I place it, it always ends up being one of my favorite corners maybe due to the large amounts of crochet goodies :)


If I'm not crocheting then I'm usually enjoying a good book.  And speaking of which, in case you missed it, I've started a new list that you can find up top on my link bar, for Period and Historic Books.


I have so many to add to that list.  Not only ones which I have read and enjoyed, but classics and others on my "to read" list.

I know that some of my posts seem like I'm just blabbering right along, and I guess that I just type exactly how I speak because I tend to go from one subject to another.  HA!!!

It's just that sometimes I have so much I want to tell you about and am not always the greatest and switching from one thing to another, so I basically throw it all out there.  Hope you don't mind.

Hubby had another job interview this afternoon and we feel really good about this one.  Will see how it goes.

Now he's gone off to take the kids to Tae Kwon Do and to pick up Tiffany from dancing.  I'm just relaxing a little and will go with him to pick up the kiddos when they're done.

Then, I'm going to watch the new Ghost Hunters on TV and also want to check out the new series on Starz called "Black Sails".  I do love Pirates and Pirate shows so I'm quite curious about this one.  Have any of you seen it yet?

Alright my friends, I better get on out of here.

Have a wonderful night and thank you for stopping by, as always.  God Bless!


  1. I love your mood blanket. I had good intentions of starting on this project but alas, life and an online class has gotten in my way! Wish we would get a little rain here. Enjoy your Thursday.

  2. Your crochet is always so beautiful!

  3. Lovely, cozy photos as always. I really like your new afghan. I think your kids would love their own special handmade afghan from their mama. I gave Lily one for Christmas, and I've slowly been working on one for Ian. It was supposed to be a C-mas gift as well, but I never got it finished.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
