
Saturday, March 08, 2014

Friday and Saturday!

I was supposed to update yesterday but then I wasn't feeling too hot, so I ended up being completely lazy and doing nothing most of the day.  This cold that I have coming on is messing with me big time, and by the way, what is it with these colds lately, anyone else feel like you're always sick?

So yesterday, we took it very easy, I got my usual housework done early in the morning and then I literally did nothing all day long, and guess what?  It felt good AND the world didn't end, go figure.

First thing in the morning I painted my nails. I don't know about you all but when I'm not feeling very well, a fresh coat of nail polish always makes me feel slightly better. This time I was inspired by my beautiful pink tulips.

Nail Polish

It also screams Spring to me, don't you think so?


Next on the list were a few errands, had to drop off my books at the library, and I'm quite irritated about that because after dropping them off and getting home, I found another book in my crochet basket, so I have to go back tomorrow.

I also had to run by my husband's work to drop off some paperwork he needed. The thing about him working at a Thrift Store is that I can never just walk in and walk out, something always catches my attention. I didn't buy anything but I love walking around and looking through all the shelves, you honestly never know what you will find.

Potato Express

Came home, threw in a load of clothes in the washer and then started lunch. My kids asked for some Tuna Salad so that is what I made. I tried out my Potato Express, I don't remember when I picked it up but it was quite a while ago, and I had it stashed away in one of my kitchen cabinets. Worked pretty well, so I'm happy with it.

Sweet Basil Seedlings

While the potatoes cooked in the microwave and the eggs on the stove, I watered all my plants, including my new seedlings which are already looking good. This is my Sweet Basil, and I also have Parsley but those have yet to make an appearance.

Crochet Mood blanket

That was pretty much all for Friday, I sat on the couch with my crochet and tried to catch up on the month of February. Honestly though, I am so far behind that I think I'm done with this blanket, but then my hubby tells me I'm not and I need to just keep going so I don't know....

For dinner last night, I fixed some Chili Spaghetti, which is a combination of some of my family's favorite meals. It was so good and it hit the spot.

Chili Spaghetti

I was going to watch a movie on TV but decided on reading instead. I am starting the Chesapeake Diaries series by Mariah Stewart, have any of you read them? I'm enjoying the first book so far. Actually I had read one already for a book review a few weeks ago.

Anyway, read for a bit, then fell asleep. When I'm not feeling well I tend to sleep more, must be my body trying to heal up.

This morning we got to sleep in which always feels good since we are up pretty early during the week. My husband had a lot of school work to catch up on and I had the usual laundry and housework to get started on.

Around noon, he had to go into work for something and asked me to go with him, so I did. We looked around his store for a bit and I found something which I just HAD to have. It was only 50 cents, but I had to get it because it immediately transported me back in time to my childhood. I wish I had taken a photo but I completely forgot about it, not a problem though I'll take one tomorrow to show you.

We then ran by the other thrift store in town to see what they had, and I found a pirex dish with a lid and another little one that is part of my corning ware set. They were only 65 cents each so you can't beat that. And I found some cookbooks to add to my collection, and since I'm back to trying out new recipes, these will be handy.

Thrift Store books

I also had to feed my starter. Remember a few days ago I started another Sourdough Starter?

Sourdough starter

Well it had to be fed today so that is what I did. I just finished popping it in the fridge, tomorrow morning I'll remove one cup and make some sourdough bread and some cinnamon rolls and then keep feeding it every 3 days. I do love this starter, it has never gone wrong for me.

Sourdough starter

Yesterday, or actually Thursday I mentioned my Deli Slicer, and a couple of you sent me messages asking me more about it, so I thought I would show you.

I just love it, I use it to slice up ham and cheese because I buy them by the blocks which is cheaper than the prepackaged one you find in the stores.

Deli slicer

Fresh sliced ham

Lots of ham.  I will take half of it and freeze it because I do end up with way more than my little family can consume before it goes bad. 

After all these chores were done, I sat down with my hubby and kids to watch Hansel and Gretel on Netflix.  It was quite a good movie, nothing out of this world or something I would go out and watch again but it was a good Saturday afternoon movie.

Now I'm finishing up this post, and then I have some stuff to watch.  I'm glad it's Saturday night which means I get to stay up as late as I want and watch movies or whatever.  Do any of you do that?

You know I remember many many years ago when movie stores were still in business.  Every Friday and Saturday my husband and I would go and rent about 5 or 6 movies and then Saturday night we would camp out in front of the TV and have big movie marathons.  I loved that. 

I still wish movie stores were around, but I guess nowadays with Netflix and Hulu and the internet, no one really goes out to rent anything anymore, but it was such a fun thing to do as a family, wasn't it?

Oh well, times change, things change and we just have to hold on to the memories and adapt as we go. 

Tonight I have a few things lined up to watch, some on the DVR and some online.

When Calls the Heart
Ghost Adventures
The Trip to Bountiful
Winter's Tale
I, Frankenstein
The Prize Winne of Defiance, Ohio

I'm not saying I'll watch them all tonight, but those are a few on the list, now to decide what to watch first....decisions, decisions.

Alright my friends, I'm going to head on out.  I want to leave you with a question though, what was your favorite Saturday family activity growing up, or even when you first got married?  Did you also enjoy watching movies, or was it family game night?  Would love to hear :)


  1. Growing up, it varied, sometimes bowling, there were no videos or dvds, my sibs and I were big fans of Creature Double Feature on tv on Saturdays. When my husband and I got married, Saturday nights were spent at home, usually watching tv, Fridays were our date night.

  2. Your days sound like mine busy but fulfilled.... Whast good buys you got I love thrifting....we have a awesome thrift store in our small town I have found numerous useful items for pennies....great buy on both bread machine and meat slicer...we have a meat slicer and love it, we got our son one for Xmas and paid around 70.00 for it so you definitely got a great deal...I agree with hubby finish your afagan, anxious to see it finished... Have a wonderful Sunday....

  3. Your days sound busy, but good!

    We do still go to the video store. We are in a small town so that may be why we still have one and it does great business on the weekend especially.

    As for Saturday nights, we usually did game night growing up. With dear Hubby, Saturday nights were usually spent on a date or watching a movie when we were first married. Now Saturday nights are date night but at home, usually watching TV together after the kids are in bed.

    Hope you have a great Sunday!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
