
Monday, March 10, 2014

Happy Homemaker Monday - 03/10/2014

Good morning everybody. I am so so tired today, you know the whole clocks changing thing is something I didn't have to worry about while living in Arizona, and now I am so confused and lost LOL

That whole hour we are losing out on? Yep, my body is feeling it this morning. I better keep a pot of coffee going or I may be falling asleep throughout the day.

Anyway, here we are, new week and another Happy Homemaker Monday. And look, I finally got around to changing the button, yay!! Feel free to use it, or continue using one of the previous ones, it's up to you :)

As I look outside my window:::
I see nothing, it is pitch black still out side.  I do hear the birds chirping away.  We've had a bit of a cold turn in our weather, it's been downright chilly and I've even had to turn the fire on at night a few times.  Right now it's 49 degrees and we're supposed to go up to 52, but having more rain which has been ongoing here for the past week. 

Right now I am:::
Sitting at my kitchen table, trying to wake up and yawning away.  All I can think is "it's too early to be up" LOL   

Thinking and pondering:::
About our upcoming move, whether we're going to rent or buy etc.   

On my bedside table:::
Coming Home by Mariah Stewart.
My Bible

On my tv tonight:::
Last night's Call the Midwife and The Musketeers.
Catching up on When Calls the Heart from Saturday
The Trip to Bountiful
Star Crossed
The Little Couple
Ghost Hunters
Here comes Honey Boo Boo
Catch up on shows I missed during the week
Movies with family
When Calls the Heart
Walking Dead
Long Island Medium

Listening to:::
Nothing but the hum of my refrigerator

On the menu for this week:::

Have to work on the new menu and grocery list, so only have it planned until Friday which is grocery day.
Monday - Grilled Steaks, Baked Potatoes
Tuesday - Chicken Parmesan Meatballs, Egg Noodles (new recipe)
Wednesday - Hamburger Helper (not a fan but my family loves it and requested it)
Thursday - Pork and Snow Pea Stir Fry, Steamed Rice (new recipe)
Friday - Grocery Shopping
Saturday -
Sunday -

On my to do list:::
Lots of laundry to wash, iron, put away
Sweep, vacuum, mop floors
Work on budget, envelope system

Happening this week:::
Monday - Tae Kwon Do
Tuesday - Nothing
Wednesday - Tae Kwon Do
Thursday - Tae Kwon Do
Friday - Running Errands, Grocery Shopping

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Slowly catching up with my Crochet Mood Blanket.

My simple pleasure:::
Homemaking (I know it may come as a shock to some of you, but I truly do love what I do)

Lesson learned the past week:::
That life is too short and precious.  One of the 4 year olds at my niece's dance studio, passed away in a car accident a few days ago.  So heartbreaking, makes you want to hug your children tighter.

Looking around the house:::
Very dark, except for my fairy lights in the corner.  It's quiet, the kids are still asleep and hubby is downstairs getting ready for work.  I have a bowl on the counter with sourdough that has been rising overnight and here shortly, I will go and turn the dough into beautiful bread loaves and some cinnamon rolls. 

From the camera:::

Crochet Mood blanket

Prayer List:::
Family of the little girl and all the dancers and teachers at the studio.
My usual list which comprises of family and friends. 

Bible verse, Devotional:::
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 1 Peter 3:15 NIV

PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!


  1. We were going to buy a house awhile back and thought it was perfect for us but sadly after we got settled we realized it was actually smaller than we expected. As our family was growing it wasn't functioning as well for us as we originally had hoped. Luckily we had a rent before you buy just in case we did decide it wasn't the house for us, so once our rental agreement was up we moved. Since then we have decided to continue renting while we build our dream house list, and do all the research necessary on buying a home. We know we won't get everything exactly what we want, but we are waiting a few years to begin the hunting process again. So good luck with your journey. :) This is the first time in a VERY long time that the time change hasn't bothered me too much. I do feel a bit more tired, but nothing like I usually am when this time of year roll's around. Usually it takes me a few days. It definitely takes some getting used to. :)

  2. I often forget how fragile life truly is. I will keep them in my prayers.

    I too am very behind on my mood blanket, as well as the ones I started for my kids. But, I won't give up! Keep going Sandra, we can do it! My family loves Tuna Helper, which I think is awful but what can you do?! Have a great day and thank you for your blogs ;-)

  3. I like owning a house because it's OURS. Well, it's actually still the banks I guess until our mortgage is paid off but I like the fact that once it is paid off it's ours completely and we don't have to worry about a landlord and all that. Of course, when something is broke or goes wrong we are responsible for fixing it but it's still a great thing. Hope you can decide and find a place that's right for you. Oh and that's so terrible about the little girl. My heart breaks for her family. I can't imagine. Hope you have a good week.

  4. That's so sad about that little girl... :( I can't even imagine... just tragic.

    I love your photos... always so peaceful & serene... :) Hope you have a beautiful week!

  5. I love your mood blanket--so cheery!
    So sad about the death of a child. Prayers for the family.
    Have a great week, Sandra!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
